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John and Catherine and their newborn baby stayed in the birthing center for a few days. Mother and son bonded well and Catherine was able to produce sufficient breast milk for baby James.

On the second day, Romeo and Sandra arrived in the birthing center. They brought flowers, fruits, cake and baby clothes as their gifts for baby James.

"How are you feeling now, Catherine?" asked Sandra.

"I'm feeling a little bit better but I still felt a lot of pain down there where my baby come out. When I urinate I it's so damn painful," Catherine answered.

Sandra rubbed her back. "Just endure it, one week after you will feel much better. The pain of tearing during delivery takes a few days to heal and sometimes two to three weeks for other newly mother. It's one of the painful aspects of motherhood," explained Sandra.

Catherine was currently eating the fresh orange and apple that the couple brought with them.

While Catherine and Sandra were chatting...

Romeo and John were also playing with baby James on the sofa.

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Romeo cradles the baby in his arms. "Hello baby James, Uncle Romeo is here! I will be one of your Godfather soon!" he tried tickling the baby's feet.

But baby James kept his eyes closed. He'd rather want to sleep than to entertain noisy adults.

John grinned. "He loves sleeping, maybe later he will be in the mood to open his eyes and see you, bro. For now, he just wants to be left alone," he said.

Then all of a sudden Baby James's opened his eyes and stared at Romeo's face for a brief seconds and then his mouth was opening wide, he was yawning, then he closed his eyes again.

"Awww, that was so cute! Such an adorable baby!" Romeo exclaimed.

Then Baby James started crying.

Sandra walked over to the boys.

"Baby James must be hungry, he needs his mother's milk!" Sandra said. She took the baby gently from her husband and cradled baby James in her arms, then she gave him to her mother for breastfeeding.

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Catherine holds her son and positioned his mouth in the level of her nipple, Baby James was now sucking hungrily at his mother's breast.

"Good boy," murmured Sandra. "Cath, does he cry a lot during night time?"

Catherine shook her head. "Not really. Only if he starts feeling hungry but most of the time he sleeps a lot."

Sandra was staring at Catherine, she was wondering if it's now the right time to apologize to her regarding those women. "Cath, I have something to say to you, regarding those wom..."

Catherine cut her sentence short. "No need to apologize, Sandra, it's not your fault. Besides your husband already apologize to me, and I already have forgiven him. Let's just move on and start anew, please?" she smiled kindly at the older woman that always showered her with sisterly affection ever since the first time they meet each other.

Sandra smiled widely at Catherine, huge relief washed over her. "Thank you, Cath. Back then am deeply worried that you will come to hate me. Am feeling much better now after talking to you."

Catherine squeezed her hand. "We will always be friends no matter what," she said.

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In the next few minutes, Catherine and Sandra were now talking animatedly about the preparation for the upcoming civil wedding and the baptism of the baby two weeks after the wedding.

At last, baby James was already sleeping soundly, Catherine put him gently beside her in his crib and put some pillows around it to protect him from falling from the bed just in case he moves around.

"So, let's continue talking about the reception, shall we?" smiled Sandra.

"Okay, I want the same theme the last time, the winter theme. And it's the same number of people I guess, but this time I have one addition my sister will also be attending. So, it will be more or less 30 to 40 person capacity function room. Then about the foods, can we see what are the available menu they were offering right now...?"

Sandra powered on her tablet and tap on the website of her favorite caterer. They browsed on the new menu that was being offered...they were comparing menu #5 and menu#10.

"We will discuss the baptism reception of Baby James one week after the wedding," Catherine said.

"Okay, we will focus first on the wedding reception because it's the first event to happen," Sandra suggested.

"I want to have a good mixture between seafood's, pork, chicken, vegetables and salad dishes on the menu. Then we also need to order a wedding cake. I think the two-tier cake is good enough, what do you think Sandra?"

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"Yes. But at the church wedding, it should be a five-tier wedding cake, I'm sure it will be spectacular to look at!" Sandra suggested and giggled.

"Five tier wedding cake? Why not? But let's go back to the civil wedding preparation first," Catherine grinned.

"How about the drinks?" asked Sandra.

"Soft Drinks or ice tea? Which is which? Hmm, I think soft drinks is the best for the occasion, then some light alcohol or wine for the boys," she suggested.

"Copy," said Sandra, she was making a complete list and notes for the wedding preparation in her cellphone.

"Regarding the deserts, since we already have a cake, I think we need some fruit, ah, let's have a fruit salad included in the menu as well," Catherine said.

"That's nice, I love fruit salad!" replied Sandra. "Now let's go back to the main dishes because we haven't finalized it yet..."

They checked the ten different variety of menu on the caterer's website, each menu composed of a variety of 10 dishes each.

The two women were having so much fun selecting the menu for the wedding reception.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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