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Back to the boys...

"Bro, the girls were talking about the wedding reception, this time I'm sure Catherine will no longer run away because you two already had a baby," Romeo commented.

John looked at Catherine, he suddenly remembers that painful incident when their first attempt to have a wedding and got canceled because her mother got hospitalized on the same day. That was a very sad day of his life. Then the second attempt was also a failure because the bride runs away. This will be the third time they will try to get married. For some reason, although he was feeling excited still there is a small worry growing in his mind. No! he doesn't want to entertain negative thoughts right now. With the arrival of their son in their lives, he was already overwhelmed with joy. He doesn't want the happiness to end anytime soon, he wants it to last forever until his dying days on earth.

He caught Catherine's animated face, their eyes met, she smiled radiantly at him, he smiled back in return and then she happily shifted her gaze on the array of the menu shown in the tablet in front of her.

Romeo saw the worry appeared on his buddy's eyes after they were discussing the wedding. He patted John's shoulder. "The wedding will finally take place bro, am sure of that. I can feel it!"

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"Yes, it will, of course!" John grinned from ear to ear. He was already imagining the wedding pushing through successfully in his mind. He felt his worry starts evaporating into thin air, and the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach was replaced with a burst of excitement sweeping his entire being.

Yes! This time, he and Catherine will finally get married in front of their newborn and witnessed by their families, loved ones and friends.


One week later...

Catherine, baby James, and John were now back in the Mystic Bay Twin Tower. She scheduled her family's visit tomorrow morning that will last until early night, then Ramon will bring them back to Cavite City, no more sleep over this time. Although she was not looking forward to seeing her twin sister but since she is part of the family she has to endure her irritating presence tomorrow. Hope Caroline won't do something stupid that can ignite the anger inside her or else her good mood will be ruined.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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It's about time her entire family will see the baby, the newest addition to their family.

She already ordered delicious dishes for tomorrow's occasion.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes and reminiscences of the early days of her pregnancy. She was thankful to God that she emerged a survivor from her dissociative amnesia illness. If she was still suffering from that illness she would not be able to experience this too much happiness of giving birth to her son.

Time flies too fast, indeed, was it just yesterday that she gives birth to her son? She was enjoying her new role as a mother so far. Baby James was not giving her a hard time. He doesn't cry much during night time, he only cries if he wakes up hungry then she will eagerly feed him. She already had lots of breast milk enough for Baby James consumption because Minerva insisted on feeding her soup broth dishes at least twice a day. Then the lower part of her body was also healing well, she no longer feels so much pain every time she urinates.

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As her wedding to John was fast approaching she was getting excited and feeling much happier than ever before.

She watched baby James sleeping peacefully in his newborn baby nest crib. She just breastfeeds him twenty minutes ago. She doesn't use diapers on him during day time only during the night, on day time she uses cotton clothes to keep him cool and spare his bottom from rashes.

John entered the room wearing a bright smile on his lips, he locked the door behind him. "How's my lovely wife and my son doing the whole day?"

"Am fine. Baby James is behaving nicely too," Catherine responded.

John walked to her side and planted a wet kiss on her lips, she responded to his kiss wrapping her hands around his neck.

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He then tore his lips reluctantly away from her mouth. "Later love, I need a shower first," he mumbled. John turned around and entered the bathroom to take a quick shower.

John spent a total of ten minutes showering inside the bathroom. When he emerges from the door he was wearing a brown bathrobe with no clothes underneath only his black jockey underwear.

He gets rid of the bathrobe and placed it above the chair and sauntered towards the bed while Catherine was already ogling at his chiseled chest.

He climbs on the bed slowly and pressed his body on top of her, he was looking into her eyes adoringly.

John nibbled at her lower lip, she runs her hands on his broad back, loving the way how his skin shuddered reacting to her touch.

He sealed her mouth with a searing kiss.

They seemed to get carried away because John deepen the kiss and they shared a passionate kiss. He began fondling her breast inside her blouse, he positioned his pelvis on her crotch and made some small stimulating grinding on her center. "I miss doing this, Cath!" he murmured in a husky voice.

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