The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 374: 374

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At exactly 10:00 in the morning, Catherine's family arrived into the Mystic Bay Twin Tower. The caterer staff just left a while ago after delivering the foods.

She brought the sleeping baby James into the living room and placed him in his newborn crib in the center table. He was wearing a brown onesie, both his hands were covered with baby gloves, with his eyes closed he looks like an angel that comes down from heaven.

The visitors gathered around him...everyone was mesmerized by baby James adorable look.

"So cute!" murmured Grace.

Thelma takes a closer look at her grandson and caresses his toes. A tear of happiness sprung from her eyes. "My first grandson..."

Caroline can't resist baby James gorgeousness, she planted a kiss on the baby's cheek. "My cute, nephew! So cute!"

Lily and Jacob were staring at the sleeping baby, they can't contain their excitement as they edge forward to take a closer look at the baby.

"It's a baby boy and he's mine!" declared Jacob.

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Lily looked at Catherine. "Sister, can you make a baby girl for me?"

Catherine and the others broke into laughter with Lily's innocent question.

Thelma holds Lily's hand. "My child, having a baby is not as easy as making your favorite pancake! Besides, giving birth is a difficult matter. Your elder sister Catherine has just given birth to baby James and it's so awfully painful, her body is not healing yet. Maybe next year we can see a baby girl but not right now, you understand me?"

Lily nodded her head.

Caroline sat beside Catherine on the sofa. "I will apply for a nanny to baby James, Cath," she said with seriousness in her eyes.

Catherine was looking at her sister. "We will not be hiring a nanny, anytime soon. I'm capable of taking good care of my son. Maybe if we will have more than one children then a nanny is needed, but not right now," she was trying to give a pleasant answer to her sister.

"Okay. Can I talk to John?" Caroline's eyes moved around the living room trying to find the presence of the man she was seeking. "This is regarding the job that he's willing to give me after I ended my contract in my present job," she explained.

Catherine sighed. "Do you want to work in a hotel?" she tried to gauge if her sister is indeed serious with the job or just want to make her life a living hell or she has an evil intention to seduce John?

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"I'm not sure if there is an available job in his hotel or his other businesses," Catherine added.

Caroline's face was clouded with sadness.

Catherine was feeling a bit guilty, is she a bit cruel?

"Come with me in my bedroom, I want to talk with you seriously," she said. She refused to be swayed by her twin sister's innocent face, she could be planning on something behind her back. 

Catherine walked to her mother's side. "Mother, please take care of baby James, I and Caroline will talk about something important in my room."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Thelma nodded.

When baby James suddenly opened his eyes and roamed his gaze around his surroundings, the visitors exclaimed in glee, they were awestruck.

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"OMG! He finally opened his eyes, wow, such cute eyes you had baby James!" gushes Grace.

Jacob peered at the baby's eyes, then baby James smiled a little bit and Jacob was thrilled to receive such a reaction from him. "We will play together after you grow up, okay?" he said excitedly.

While the rest of them were busy trying to catch baby James attention in the living room, Catherine and her twin sister entered the master bedroom.

Caroline's eyes glowed upon seeing the wide comfy bed. She suddenly throws herself into the bed and jumps up and down on it. "Wow, this is awesome! I want to have this kind of bed in my room one day!"

Catherine was feeling a bit amused by her sister's childlike behavior. "Stop jumping up and down on the bed, Caroline! Let's have a serious talk now," she commanded.

Caroline sat down on the edge of the bed catching her breath. "Okay let's talk," she said.

Catherine took the chair and placed it in front of her sister, she sat down on the chair. She looked straight into the eyes of her sister and began asking the important questions she had been dying to ask her...

"Do you have a crush on my husband John?"

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"Are you planning to take him away from me?"

"Are you going to seduce him?"

"Are you serious in making my life a living hell?"

Caroline's mouth was agape.

"Answer me now Caroline! Let's end this today. I don't want to have a blood bath with my sister. So, it's important that I will hear your answer to my entire question before I will do anything to help you," she said.

Caroline smiled at her sister. "My answer to your entire question is, no! Even though brother in law John is good looking I won't be so stupid and cruel enough to hurt my very own sister. You happened to make my blood boil the last time I'm here, it's all because of your malicious suspicion that is why I retaliated at you. But if you don't do anything to provoke me then were good. Okay?"

Catherine smiled a bit. It's not easy nurturing bad feelings towards her sister. She wants to end her negative feelings for her. "Okay, I will try to ask John about any vacant jobs in his businesses for you. But I expect that you won't be flirting with him, and don't try to get his number without my knowledge. If you try to show any signs of flirting towards him I will skin you alive, my dear sister, you got me?" she delivered to her sister her most chilling warning with her meanest glare ever.

Caroline smiled. "Gosh! Don't be a devil sister. I won't flirt with brother John, he's yours completely!"

"Promised me, Caroline!" Catherine said.

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