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"Okay, I promised, cross my heart," said Caroline with a serious face, she made a sign of a cross in her heart.

Satisfied with the sincerity she saw in her twin sister's face, she felt relief washed over her. She was glad this is all over now between them.

"One more thing, you can't live with us under one roof!" Catherine added. 'If John can find a job for you in one of his hotel establishment you had to live in a dorm or rent yourself a room and pay it yourself."

Caroline pouted a bit but smiled nonetheless. "I have no problem with that," she mumbled.

Catherine embraces her sister and rubbed her back as a sign of her restored sisterly affection towards her. She releases a deep breath of gratitude that a big chunk of negativeness was already lifted up from her shoulder. "Let's go back now to the living room!"

They rose to their feet and exited the master's bedroom with pleasant smiles plastered on their faces. They went to the kitchen and began preparing the plates, spoon and forks 'coz lunchtime is about to begin in fifteen minutes.

The sisters went to the living room to rejoin with their family, the kids were watching anime show on TV, while Grace and Thelma were taking each turn cradling baby James, his eyes were already wide open.

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Thirty minutes later, a smiling John arrived into the flat bringing with him 3 gallons of ice cream. Minerva helped Ramon in placing the ice cream into the freezer inside the fridge.

John smiled and greeted Catherine's entire family. "Hello everyone! Nice to see you again, guys! I brought ice cream for everybody!"

"Wow! Ice cream!" raved Lily, her cherubic face beaming.

"Gimme...gimme!" shouted Jacob.

"Oops! The ice cream is for later, kids! Let's eat lunch first, let's go now to the dining room and start eating our lunch!" said Catherine cheerfully.

Everyone went to the dining room and began putting foods in their plate.

John holds baby James in his arms and nuzzled his son's arms with his mouth. "Hello baby James, Daddy is here!"

He walked towards the master's bedroom to rest for a few minutes while the visitors were already busy eating lunch. He wants to spend a few minutes of quiet moments with baby James.

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A few minutes later...

The door of the room opened, Catherine entered the door and closed it behind her.

She climbs into the bed and lay her head down on John's stomach. "Aren't you hungry yet?" she asked.

John shook his head. "Let them eat first so that we can have the dining room to ourselves later," he grinned.

Baby James eyes were gazing at his parents, then he roamed his eyes up in the ceiling and look around the room, he wriggled his tiny legs and arms looking so adorably cute.

Catherine can't resist squeezing the toes of her son. "Baby James...say hello to Daddy!"

John runs his hands through Catherine's silky long brown locks.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"I just come from the Judge office earlier, we finally have our schedule for the wedding. It will be happening at 3:00 in the afternoon, Friday, last week of the month. My God, we're finally going to get married officially in two weeks!" said John, his eyes were sparkling with happiness.

"That's nice, at least we have our final schedule now. We can rest at ease that everything will go according to plan. Sandra and I are now making some small adjustment to the menu and venue decorations. Within this week our preparation will be finalized and then we can finally relax while waiting for the wedding day to come. Are you still going to wear your old wedding suit?" she asked.

"I will fit it again, if I don't look comfortable with it then I will buy a new one," answered John.

Then baby James starts crying, Catherine checks his bottom, it's still dry, she cradled her baby and level his mouth upon her breast, John raised her blouse and gently lifted Catherine's breast with his fingers while she positioned baby James lips into her nipple.

A few minutes later, the baby boy was now sucking greedily at his mother's nipple, enjoying the abundance of fresh delicious milk that almost spilliling from his mouth.

John found it amusing watching his son's appetite in devouring unlimited milk from his mother. "Hey...slow down son, you look like you are joining a drinking contest," he said in a joking manner.

Baby James continuous sucking milk like there's no tomorrow ignoring his father's remarks, Catherine has to stop him from drinking too much of her milk, he might be overfeed. She holds the baby upright and she repeatedly patted his back to make him burp.

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After burping, she put baby James back in his infant crib, he wiggled his tiny arms and legs looking very much satisfied with his feeding.

John and Catherine were watching and admiring their precious bundle of joy with utmost love and adoration in their eyes, then a knock on the door disturb them from their enchantment.

It's Thelma...

"Lunchtime now, children!" she said.

John and Catherine rose from the bed and opened the door.

"You two should eat now, I will take care of my grandson," said Thelma. She went to the bed and gently scooped baby James into her arms and brought the baby back into the living room.

The couple went to the dining room to begin eating their lunch.

While in the living room, the people there were already eating ice cream.

It was such a happy family get together to welcome the newest addition to the family, cuteness overload, baby James!

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