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Ella was waiting for the private investigator to appear in the cafe shop where they usually meet. She almost has forgotten about him. This will be the last time she will hire his services. She had decided to let go of John's memory in her mind and heart for good.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She's determined to devote her time, energy and attention to the children living in the slum area. She has to make a difference in their lives no matter how small her contribution will be.

The private investigator arrived and sat down in the chair opposite her. He placed an envelope on the surface of the table.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am. These are the photos I have gathered about Mr. John Fuentes and his soon to be wife. I also trailed him on his way to the Judge office earlier. He was able to secure a wedding date scheduled on the last Friday of the month at 3:00 in the afternoon," explained the investigator.

"Okay, this will be the last time you will follow him. From now on ceased taking pictures and knowing his whereabouts. I am no longer interested in this person. Here is your last paycheck and the bonus is included on it," Ella said.

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The private investigator picked up the brown envelope containing his paycheck and put it inside his sling bag. "Thank you, Ma'am. If you still need my services in the future please don't hesitate to call me. I will leave now," he said. He rose to his feet and exited the cafe's main door.

Ella opened the envelope and began examining the pictures. There are pictures taken outside the birthing center where Catherine gives birth to her son, she was cradling her newborn baby while entering the vehicle outside the center. There is also John's picture looking handsome as ever walking outside the entrance of the Regional Trial Court, Makati City and more pictures of the couple about fifteen of them taken from different places.

She released a deep sigh.

John is never meant for her. Now that he and his girlfriend already had a baby and they will be going to marry soon, she will never do such a stupid thing as tearing them apart from each other. She did try her best to seduce John but she failed. The only thing left for her to do is to move on forward and keep herself busy with charity works.

She put all the photos back in the envelope and placed them inside her shoulder bag. She exited the cafe's door and entered her Mercedes Benz car that was parked in the parking lot of the cafe shop.

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She instructed her driver to bring her back to her home in Forbes Park.

Thirty minutes later...

Ella entered her father's study room. She found him reading a newspaper. It's good timing to talk to him when he was just relaxing and not doing any business or office related work.

"Hello Dad," she went to his side and planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she sat on the chair facing him. "I'm here to talk about the ways and means to help the people in the slum area," she said.

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Oscar's brows snapped together. "Huh? Why are you mentioning people now? I thought it's just the children you wanted to help? Don't tell me you are gonna planning on helping the entire people in that entire slum area?"

"Yes, Dad! You are right! We are going to help and relocate the entire slum area and wipe it from the map of Makati City! And that slum area there, we can petition it and turn it into a park, it's a government-owned land, right? You are a friend of the Vice President of our country you can suggest to him about turning that area into a public park, then we can also spearhead the drive to clean the river!" her eyes were gleaming with excitement.

Oscar nods his head for a while, he was just trying to humor her daughter and see how far her imagination can take her. "And where will you relocate the more or less 500 families living in that slum area? he asked.

"We have a vacant lot here in Makati City, which is a few miles away from that slum area. Relocate all the people there!" she suggested.

Oscar was smiling broadly upon seeing the animated countenance of his daughter. "Well, I can donate that piece of land for your charity project, but the next problem is, that land is not big enough to accommodate 500 families my dear daughter. But if you can convince the owner of that vacant lot adjacent to our land, you might have a chance to bring your dream project to fruition," said Oscar.

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She began to feel saddened and dishearten. "W-who is the owner, Dad? Can you bring me to him? I will try my best to convince him or her to donate his land for a charitable cause," Ella said.

Oscar's nose crinkled. "Let's set aside that issue later. But first, tell me, how will you gonna relocate or accommodate 500 people in a not so big piece of land?"

Ella's eyes lighted up again. "We will construct a condominium type building that can accommodate 500 families, we will save up space and construction materials in that way."

Oscar nodded his head. "Sounds good enough. Then, how will you get the funding to finance your dream project?" he asked his daughter regarding the most important aspects of her ambitious project and that is the funding to construct the building to house those people.

"Dad, Makati City is one of the richest city in our country. Isn't it a shame that the richest city in our country can't even eradicate its slum? I know you are one of the founding leaders of the elite organization of businessmen in Makati City, why don't you bring me to one of your meetings and let me talk to them and I will convince all of them to donate money for this ambitious project. I will make a nice presentation convincing them why they need to help with this charity project. If they will all support the relocation, Makati City will be the first city in our country that has no slum area, isn't that great? Then our city can be a role model so that other cities will also follow suit and find ways to help the poor people in their respective slum area. All we need is an intense desire and willingness to help other people, Dad. I'm sure we can move mountains if we all help each other!" Ella said.

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