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There was such a fire of determination in her eyes that put Oscar in awe. There were tears in his eyes, he felt a tremendous pride for her daughter right now, she is a far cry from that loose woman she portrayed herself in the public eyes a few years ago. She now finally grown into a woman he can finally be proud of.

"Do you still want to hear my plans, Dad?" asked Ella.

"Yes, continue my child," said Oscar.

"I will make rounds of TV appearances, magazine interviews to promote this cause. I want everyone to get involved, especially those people who are kind and supportive wanting to help relocate the slum and grant those poor people a new way of life away from dirt, poverty, and hopelessness. We will inspire the people who live in that slum area to make a better version of themselves," she said.

Oscar smiled at his daughter, amazed by her devine transformation.

"Good enough! So how can you help them when it comes to their ways of living? It's not enough to put them in a clean environment, they also need to eat and work for a living so that they can send their kids to school, so how will you solve that problem?" Oscar asked.

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"We will foster an adopt a worker policy. Meaning, we will encourage all business owners in Makati City Business district to at least accept or hire one or two people from the slum area as their employees in their establishment. I think that's not difficult to implement, right? I'm sure there will always be businessmen who will be willing to help poor people. How about you, Dad? How many can you employ in our own business?" she challenged him.

He grinned. "How about I can offer fifty people with fifty jobs?" he asked smiling.

Ella shrieked in delight. "Thank you, Dad! That means so much to me. Even if this dream project will fail in the end at least you give me my first taste of victory and that is good enough start for this project that I'm so very determined to bring to fruition," she said.

"I realized that we can help the children better if we will start helping their parents first. Creating a clean, safe and loving environment for the children can make a big difference in the way they will grow up," Ella added.

Oscar nods his head agreeing to his daughter's point of view.

"We will be setting up donation accounts in the bank for the construction workers salary, and then those who had construction businesses they can donate construction materials for the building. Five hundred families aren't that hard to transform their lives, it's just a matter of who will make the first move to lend a hand to help them," said Oscar.

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Ella's eyes were glowing with happiness. "Dad, are you with me on this project 100%?"

"Yes, of course, my dear child. For the first time in your life aside from graduating college with honors, this is one stage in your life that I can honestly say I'm so proud of you!" Oscar said.

"Thank you, Dad!" Misty-eyed Ella embraced her father while smiling in his arms. Her father's unwavering support is very much a big boost to her confidence and new purpose in life.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Oscar rubs his daughter's back.

This is the day the father and daughter's relationship finally healed.

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After she regained her composure, she was at it again, talking animatedly about her project. "When can I have a chance to attend your meeting with the elite businessmen, Dad?" she asked eagerly.

Oscar put his hands on his lap, deeply pondering about it.

"I will be the one to talk to them. There is a higher chance they will listen to me if I am the one presenting to them the project. I will assign one of my team to make me a good presentation about your project. But I'm warning you, don't raise your hopes high you might get disappointed in the end. But I will try my best to convince them, okay?"

"Thank you, dad. How about the owner of the land adjacent to our land? Where can I see him?" she asked, very much interested to meet the man.

Oscar sighed. "I will ask my friend first. His son is the owner of the land. That piece of land was the son's inheritance from his grandmother."

"Where can I meet his son?" Ella asked again.

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Oscar scratch his head. "There is a problem with his son. He is thirty years old but has been living in his house like a hermit. Ever since his live-in partner of three years and their son died in a car accident two years ago, the poor guy was not able to recover from the trauma. He withdraws from the world's affairs, contented living in the memory of his deceased beloved woman and his son. In short, he doesn't like to talk or hold a conversation with anyone even with his very own father. How on earth you can convince someone like that who doesn't like talking to a stranger?"

Oh! The first stumbling block appears on the horizon, Ella said to herself. She wants to try! There is no harm in trying, there are many ways to convince a man.

"Bring me to him, Dad. I will try to convince him to donate the land for the slum people. Just let me talk to him," she said.

"I will make a call first to my friend and set up a private meeting with him in his own house. I will bring you along with me if he will grant us the chance to meet his son," said Oscar.

"Okay, Dad. I will go upstairs first to my room, let me know right away." Ella exited her father's study room and went upstairs to her room.

Upstairs in her bedroom, Ella dropped the brown envelope that contains John's pictures into her cabinet drawer and took a quick shower in the bathroom, she will be joining her father soon in the dining room for their dinner. 

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