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When Catherine exited the door, Allan was about to follow her inside the elevator, she suddenly turned around and faces him.

"Allan, you don't have to follow me, I will just buy some vegetables in the store below, am not going out of the building. I don't need your assistance," she said and entered the elevator quickly.

Allan halted in his tracks and was unable to move when Catherine swiftly entered the elevator and the door closes on his face.

But he will still follow her downstairs because it's his job to watch over Catherine especially now that the couple is about to get married, he entered the other elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

The moment the elevator touched the ground floor and the door opened, Allan immediately exited the door and walked hurriedly towards the vegetable store that was also selling pork and poultry products.

The store is glass-walled so Allan was able to see the customers milling inside, he caught sight of Catherine, thank goodness! he sighed in relief. He decided not to enter the store and just wait for her to go back inside the elevator. He will just continue watching her from afar without her knowledge, this way, not only he performed his job but also he was able to respect her privacy.

Inside the vegetable store...

Catherine was checking out the broccoli and some herbs in the display area of the store. She bought a half kilo of fresh broccoli, carrots, potatoes, and celery as well as red pepper and coconut milk in a can.

Done with her purchases she exited the store, she was putting her change into her jeans pocket and then suddenly she bumped into someone...

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"Aargh!" she yelp.

"Catherine!" the male voice said.

She nearly drops the grocery bag she was holding in her right hand. But she was more surprised to see the person who she bumped into...Holy Guacamole!

"Mike! It's you!" she exclaimed, her smile as wide as the ocean.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"OMG! I have been trying to find you and here you are living in this condominium all along?" he said, his eyes narrowing.

"How are you?" she asked smiling at him. He was always good looking but his appearance is deceiving.

"I'm fine, can we talk somewhere in private?" he said roaming his eyes near the vicinity of the store finding a place for them to talk.

"I can't stay long, but let's have some few minutes of chit chat in the lobby, there's a comfortable sofa there, we can go there if you want," she suggested.

Mike nodded his head and they walked towards the lobby which isn't crowded at this moment.

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They sat down on the sofa side by side.

"Are you living here?" asked Mike.

"Yes," she answered. "How about you?" she asked him.

"I'm visiting a cousin residing on the 3rd floor, he was a vacationer from the states, he was renting one of the units here. What floor are you in? I want to visit you there," Mike said.

"I don't think it's a good idea," shaking her head, she was about to tell him that she already had a son and going to get married next week but that was also the moment she saw John exiting the elevator. Then he looked towards the direction of the lobby and saw them...


John saw her with Mike!

Catherine was unable to move from the sofa, crap! this is super duper uncomfortable! she said to herself.

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Mike also saw John approaching them...a crease appeared on his forehead.

"Catherine there you are, what took you so long? Baby James, our son, is already crying pitifully getting hungry waiting for you to breastfeed him," he said.

Mike was dumbfounded with what he just heard from John. "A-are you guys living in together?" he asked for confirmation.

"Yes, she just give birth to our three weeks old son and we are getting married next week," John answered while planting a loving kiss on Catherine's forehead.

"Okay. Congratulations guys!" that's all what a dishearten Mike can say.

"Let's go now, Cath, baby James is crying," said John and stirred her away from the lobby.

Catherine turned her head and waved goodbye at the stunned Mike.

While inside the elevator, Catherine and John stared at each other.

Catherine watched his face closely, he doesn't look angry at all, but he was brooding. "L-let me explain..."

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He looked at her hard. "What is there to explain?"

She released a deep sigh.

"Is Mike living here?" he asked in a cold voice.

She shook her head. "He was visiting a cousin who is renting one of the units here on the 3rd floor. We just kind of bump into each other," she starts explaining.

John nods his head.

"Are you angry? Are you jealous?" she asked.

John lifted one eyebrow. "Huh? What's there to get jealous?" he said.

Catherine smiled at him and hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you are not angry and jealous of him, he is just a gay friend of mine," she said.

"Yeah, right," he murmured and wrapped his arms around her, he planted a wet kiss on her lips. Inside his mind he was already planning to relocate his wife and son into the Infinity Jade Tower tomorrow, ASAP! He was not trusting that Mike at all. A few minutes earlier, after Allan informed him about Catherine bumping and talking to Mike, he went down to the ground floor right away.

If no other people entering the elevator they would have been kissing in the lips right now.

When they exited the elevator and entered the flat Minerva was cradling a sleeping baby James in her arms. 

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