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Catherine went to the nurse side. "Did he cried a lot while I'm downstairs?" she asked worriedly.

Minerva shook her head. "No. He behaved and sleep soundly ever since you went downstairs," she replied.

Catherine glared at John. He just gave her his signature smirk.

She took the baby in her arms and brought him into the bedroom, John followed her.

Inside the bedroom, Catherine put baby James in his crib.

The moment baby James was settled comfortably inside the crib...

John sneaks his hands on Catherine's waist. "I want us to have some steamy smooching right now, am aroused," he whispered huskily, then he runs his hands up and down on her thighs up to her underwear, intentionally brushing his fingers on her crotch.

Catherine prevented his fingers from entering her underwear. "Later, I have to cook our supper first, okay?" she whispered.

Disappointment appeared in his eyes.

She smiled a bit. She trailed sweet kisses on his mouth, and they were kissing passionately for the next five minutes accompanied by frenzied groping on their private parts. Then she slowly disengages herself away from his body and exited the room to prepare dishes for dinner.

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After dinner, they retired early in the evening.

That night, Mike's name never comes up in their conversation.

After breastfeeding baby James, Catherine placed her son in his father's waiting arms.

While Catherine was folding baby James freshly laundered clothes, John sings to his son a sweet lullaby, soon enough baby James fall asleep soundly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

After putting baby James in his crib, John and Catherine looked at each other with excitement in their faces.

The couple continued their steamy make-out session by slowly undressing each other, then they engage in heavy petting and stroking awakening the avalanche of desire originating from the erogenous zones of their bodies...they make love vigorously that lasted until midnight.


~Forbes Park~

Father and daughter were eating their lunch in the dining room of the mansion.

"Good news, my dear daughter! My friend, Romano, was inviting us to his son's house this afternoon. But he told me that there might be a chance that his son won't see us or even interested to talk to us, but I told him that you want to try talking to his son," said Oscar.

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"That's good news, Father," said Ella, beaming at him.

"Get ready, by 3:00 in the afternoon we will be going to their house," Oscar said.

Ella nodded her head feeling excited. She will dressed up nicely today to meet the man who owned the land she desperately wanted to obtain for the relocation site.

Two hours later...

Father and daughter duo were already aboard the Ford Mustang vehicle heading to Romano's residence.

Thirty minutes later...

The car stops at a gated mansion with a modern contemporary design. The gate opened and the Ford Mustang entered the beautifully manicured lawn.

Romano the owner of the mansion was already waiting for his friend's arrival at the entrance.

Oscar and Ella exited the car and they exchanged pleasantries with the owner of the house.

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Romano led his visitor to the living room and briefed Ella about his son.

"My thirty years old son Danny who spent most of his adult life in the states has just lost his beloved live-in partner and their son last two years ago in a car accident. He was devastated, and from that day forward he loses interest in life, he committed suicide twice but thankfully we were able to save him on time. He never goes out of the house, he seldom talks to us his family, he kept to himself, last year he becomes interested in arts and painting, he painted and draws all year round. He spends his entire day in his studio room painting on canvases. That's what he does all day long," explained Romano.

"Interesting," murmured Ella.

"You still want to see him, Ella?" asked Romano to the elegant young woman. "Don't be surprised though, he looks unkempt and untidy, he loses interest in his appearance and how he looks doesn't matter to him, in short, my son looks like a caveman now, a far cry from his old look before the accident," said Romano.

"May I see his old pic before his family perished?" asked Ella.

"Sure," he said. Romano picked up an old album from the center table and handed it to Ella. "Here take a look..."

As she was flipping the pages, she got to know the man and his decease family, Danny is a handsome man and his live-in partner is also equally beautiful, the son inherited his good looks from good looking parents, too bad, they died too early. She finished looking at the photos up to the last page, Ella placed the album back in the center table.

"Do you still want to see my son, Ella? Don't worry he is harmless though," said Romano.

"Yes," Ella nodded.

"Okay. I will take you there," Romano said.

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Ella looked at her father that only nodded at her. Good luck! his supportive father mouthed at her.

They walked outside into the back of the mansion and entered a house that was made of brick.

"Son, you had a visitor, my friend's daughter, please be nice to her. Please talk to her," he said.

A man whose back was facing them was sitting on a stool chair in front of an empty canvas, he remained immobile, not responding to the visitors. His unkempt long hair was cascading down his back.

Romano glanced at the woman beside him, "Good luck!" he said.

He exited the house and left the door open.

Ella walked slowly towards the man's location.

"Hello, Danny! I'm Ella..."

He was still not turning his head.

Five minutes passed...

He never turns his face to see her, even once.

Ella was feeling restless, unsure what is the right words to say to the stranger who is clearly giving her a cold shoulder as of this moment. Think! she screamed in her mind.

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