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Ella let out a sigh of exasperation and desperation, this meeting is not getting anywhere! Would she start dancing, singing, recite a poem or shout louder at him to get his attention? What she's going to do now? She can't waste her time like this. His cold personality was the result of his tragic past, it would be hard to attract his attention with just a simple 'hi and hello', she's feeling hopeless and lost right now.

She needs to do something!

She walked to the stool chair on the corner facing him and sat down on it, finally she saw his whole face...

OMG! He looks so ugly and untidy! The hair, so yukky! His beard was long, he looks like Merlin The Wizard! But she tried to show him a blank face wanting to let him know that she was not affected by his untidy look.

Their eyes met!

They were staring at each other's face for like five minutes...

"Hello Danny!" she broke the ice first by waving her hand at him and showing him her friendliest smile ever.

He did not return her greetings. He just stared at her for like whole ten minutes...his piercing gaze bore into her eyes.

Ella felt uncomfortable, she was about to rose from the chair...

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"Don't move!" he shouted.

Suddenly, he had spoken for the first time!

Ella froze on the chair.

Then slowly he walked to her side and guided her on how to sit properly. "I will paint you, just stop moving!" he commanded.

Oh, he wants her to be his muse, why not? she smiled a bit.

Up close, Ella was able to smell his body odor, his tantalizing masculine scent entered her nostrils, hmmm nice!...contrary to the outside appearance he does smell nice, which means he took a bath every day, he just doesn't comb his hair regularly though.

"Arched your body a little bit and looked at the door," he said.

Ella followed his command and do as he says.

He seemed satisfied and feeling glad that she was cooperative, he walked back to his chair and began sketching the outline of her face and body on the blank canvas. She has an exquisite body and face! murmured Danny to himself.

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Thirty minutes later...

Ella was getting tired of her pose...

"Danny, can I make a new pose? My hips and waist and chest were aching," she complained.

He did not reply, he just stared at his canvass.

When he did not utter a word, Ella rose to her feet and walked towards him, eager to see her photo.

The moment she saw her portrait, she was stunned!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Wow, what she saw blows her mind away! He skillfully painted her, the color, so vivid! It's like the painting was pulsating a remarkable life of its own.

"Amazing! You are a fantastic painter, Danny! You drew me skillfully!" she showered him with her praises and admiration hoping to gain his attention.

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Danny didn't even look at her as if he was mute, deaf and blind.

Ella sighed.

"You can go now. Come back tomorrow, I will paint you again, wear a dress, something flowing and flowery, then bring a hat. Tell me how much you charged per hour, I will pay double," he said without even looking at her face.

Ella's brows knitted together. "What---? Am not a model---" she was about to insist further.

"Just go!" he repeated in a cold voice.

Ella took a deep breath. She exited the brick house frustrated. Her first day ended in vain. She was not able to explain to him her real intention of seeing him. Then she remembered that he wants her to come back tomorrow so that he can paint her again.

That's it! She will allow him to paint her many times he likes then maybe she can find a way to bring the main reason for her visit to him. She will just gain his friendship and trust first. That's right! She will give him what he wants so that she can get what she wants later.

When she entered the mansion, the housemaid told her that Romano and his father was in the nursery at the back of the house, they were visiting the little vegetable garden that Romano has been cultivating as a hobby.

She was about to go to his father but the men entered the living room, both have a wide smile plastered on their face.

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"Ella, what happened? Did my son talk to you?" asked Romano excitedly.

She smiled. "He talks a little only, we were not able to hold a conversation for long because he starts painting me, but he did want me to come back tomorrow because he wanted to paint me again," she explained.

Romano clapped his hands. "Excellent! The fact that he wants you to come back tomorrow and he wants to paint you again, that means one thing, he found you interesting! Just give him enough time to warm up to your presence, maybe one of these days you can finally reveal to him the real intention of your visits," he said.

They went into the dining room for a quick delicious refreshment prepared by the housemaid.

Fifteen minutes later...

The father and daughter duo boarded the Ford Mustang heading towards home.

Oscar looked at his silent daughter. "My child, what happened with your conversation with Danny?" he asked curiously.

Ella sighed and twitched her mouth. "We were not able to hold a serious conversation, Dad. It's our first meeting. I just can't directly say to him about my real intention for the visit. Maybe tomorrow, I will visit him again, hope I can find the right opportunity to tell him about my project. I will befriend him first," she said.

"Okay. Whatever plan you have I will support you," Oscar said, he squeezed his daughter's hands to show her his support.

A faint smile appeared on Ella's face, she's very much thankful for her father's unwavering help and assistance to her charitable crusade.

The drive to Forbes Park was smooth as usual.

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