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~The Day Before The Wedding~

John and Catherine were inside their bedroom, checking everything for tomorrow's wedding.

Catherine called Sandra wanting to ask on the venue decoration and the menu for the special event the following day.

"Hello Sandra how's things at your end?" she asked.

"Relax dear, everything is perfect at my end. Since we already paid in full the venue, the decoration team and the catering service then there is nothing to worry about. Just relax, okay?" Sandra said.

"Thanks a lot, Sandra! You're a big help to me and your support is very much appreciated by me," Catherine said.

"No need to thank me, dear. I enjoyed planning everything, it's like am just having fun with all the activities. Have a beauty rest for your wedding tomorrow, see you guys tomorrow!" said Sandra.

"Bye Sandra!" said Catherine.

She ended the call.

Catherine swipes at her phone again calling Grace.

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"Hello cousin," she said.

"Hi Cath, are you excited for tomorrow?" asked Grace.

"Yes, very much! Ramon will get fetch you guys tomorrow at 1:30 in the afternoon and he will take you straight to the Judge Office here in Makati Regional Trial court. So, guys please be ready before Ramon comes so that you will arrive early. The judge won't tolerate tardiness, we all must arrive at his office at least 15 to 20 minutes early on the appointed time, okay?" Catherine said.

"Yes. Don't worry about us here, Cath. I will make sure we all arrive early tomorrow afternoon in the Judge office. See you there! Bye!" Grace said.

"Okay, thanks, cousin. I know I can count on you all the time. See you guys tomorrow, bye!" she said.

Catherine ended the call and finally put the phone in the bedside table.

John's suit and her bridal gown were already dry clean, she took the wedding ring from its box and put it on her finger, she's feeling glad that it still fit perfectly, she fitted the other one to John's fingers, they looked at their fingers with the ring on it, they both smiled at each other.

"Tomorrow is the day we will finally get married, I'm getting nervous," Catherine said.

John squeezes her hands. "I should be the one feeling nervous, not you," he said.

"So, this is how it feels when you finally tie the knot with your partner, it's nerve-wracking," she muttered to herself.

John heard her. "Are you having second thoughts in marrying me, Cath?" he examined her face closely.

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She looked at him and smiled. "No. Of course not! I'm not thinking of something like that. I'm just feeling nervous, that's all." She lay her head in his stomach. "How about you? You have no regrets marrying me?" she asked.

John shook his head. "No. I always wanted to marry you, I always wanted you to be my wife. After exchanging our vows, I will be the happiest man alive in this planet," he said, his eyes were filled with love and adoration for the woman he loves so much. He lovingly runs his fingers on her cheeks.

She looked in his eyes. "And I'm the luckiest woman alive to be loved by someone as wonderful as you, thank you, John, for loving me," she said softly.

Catherine get out of the bed and checked baby James bottom, his diaper is not yet full, he's still sleeping peacefully in his crib.

John rises from the bed. "We should have a celebration tonight, I will get my special wine, we shall make a toast today for our successful wedding tomorrow," he said.

He exited the room.

Catherine smiled and waited for John's return.

When he entered the bedroom, John brought with him a bottle of wine and wine glasses.

John poured a good amount of wine into the glass, Catherine picked up her glass of wine and they make a toast to each other...

"To our successful wedding tomorrow!" they said in unison, then their glasses met in the middle and they start drinking wine, they emptied their glass, and again John poured wine into their glasses.

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A few minutes later...

They already emptied the bottle of wine.

Catherine's body was getting hotter...

John smirked. He took their glasses and put them in the table. He picked up Catherine and deposited her gently into the bed.

Catherine's eyes were now filled with heavy smoke of desire.

He shifted on top of her, his lips and breathe lingered right on top of her lips. "I love you so much, Cath!" he whispered huskily in her ears and began nibbling at them.

Catherine spread her legs wide to accommodate his lower body, she wrapped her legs on his pelvis. He made some stimulating grinding on her core which elicited moans of pleasure from her lips.

As he continues showering her neck and her cleavage with hot kisses, she reached for his shirt and with his help they both discarded it, she runs her hands on his amazing abs.

John was about to pull down Catherine's underwear but that was also the moment baby James started crying, they looked at each other waiting somehow that baby James would stop from crying, but he didn't...

John groaned. "Baby, not now," he grumbled.

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Catherine bit her lip trying to suppress the laughter that is wanting to escape from her lips upon seeing John's disappointed look. "Get off me, John. I think baby James is hungry," she said, she gently pushes his body away from her.

John lay on the bed face down, sighing.

Catherine picked up baby James from his crib, she put him down on the bed and breastfeed him, he finally stops crying.

John settled himself behind Catherine, spooning his lady loved while she was breastfeeding their son.

Catherine felt something hard poking at the valley of her bottom, she elbowed John, amused. "What are you doing?"

"Doing my thing, what do you think?" John pressed his manhood on her bottom then he began kissing her neck.

Catherine sighed. "Jesus Christ! Stop it! I'm breastfeeding your son," then she starts giggling.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John pouted. "Hey little greedy fellow, are you not done with feeding yet?" he glared at his son playfully.

Baby James throw his father an innocent look and continues sucking at her mother's breast, ignoring his jealous father.

Catherine roared in laughter and then she slapped John's arms. "Hey, don't say something like that to our son," she reprimanded him.

John grinned from ear to ear. "Of course I'm just telling jokes to our son!" he said cheekily. He snuggled closer to Catherine's body, a few minutes later his boner started to get limp. He sighed and closed his eyes to sleep.

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