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The moment baby James was done feeding by his mother's breast milk, his father already falls asleep. Catherine rises from the bed and holds her son upright to make him burp. Then she placed baby James beside her in the bed to continue watching over him until he falls asleep.

A few minutes later, baby James closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.

Catherine watched both father and son, John on her left side and baby James on her right side, they were sleeping peacefully by her side. A smile of satisfaction, contentment, and happiness shone in her eyes. She is now living a perfect blessed life surrounded by her loved ones. What more she can ask for?

She feels so lucky. She murmured a solemn prayer that night thanking her maker for giving her a blissful life.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Catherine picked up baby James gently and put him back in his crib beside the bed, she closed her eyes feeling sleepy.


~Forbes Park~

Oscar was about to leave the mansion to report to his office when the housemaid called his attention on what to do with the sudden delivery of 30 sack of rice...

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He was stunned upon seeing the sack of rice delivered to his mansion, he asked the driver who the hell paid for the rice delivery, the driver told him that it's a certain Ella Chavez...

He then instructed the driver and his delivery men to put all the sack of rice in the empty garage that was just recently built at the back of their mansion.

Oscar scratched his head in amazement. He was not yet able to get over with the avalanche of rice, another delivery truck arrived in front of his mansion delivering cartons of noodles and canned sardines, as usual, they were already fully paid, he directed the delivery into the newly built garage as well.

Oscar groaned.

Ella exited the mansion's entrance excitedly and walked towards his father. "The goods finally arrived, eh?" she commented casually.

Oscar looked at his daughter trying to decipher what she's thinking right now. "Are you by chance going to open a grocery store in front of our mansion?"

Ella grinned from ear to ear.

Then her face turned serious. "The rice, noodles, and sardines will be repacked, I will distribute them to the housewives in the slum. I bet their husbands' salary is sometimes not enough to buy everything, so any small gift will surely put a smile on their face. Just think about it, I could fly into Boracay right now and spend 3 days vacationing there but the only person who will enjoy the vacation is me, it's not so fun at all. But instead of going on vacation I decided to buy all these goods and make more or less 300 poor housewives happy, I want to see them smile even for a few minutes with my small gifts. Don't worry, Dad, the money is from my allowance, so you don't need to be afraid that you will go broke," she said jokingly. "I also plan to sell my bags, shoes, and dresses that I don't need anymore for this charity cause," she added.

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Oscar was silent for a while. "How many times you will do this?" he asked.

"This grocery thingy? Maybe once a month or once every other two months depends on my mood and my allowance," she laughed a little winking at her father that is her sole provider. "I have plans to start working in our company so that I can earn my own money. But I will start working after my dream project come into fruition. I need to focus my whole attention into this project. I want to see a miracle happen before I settle down with a full-time job!" she explained.

Oscar smiled broadly at his daughter, nowadays, he approved her new addiction which is purely centered around on charity causes, it's better that she's turning a new leaf than seeing his daughter go back to her old ways of partying all night long, playing and messing around with strangers and men which he detested so much. "You need anything, need my help or assistance?" he asked his daughter.

Ella shook her head. "Thanks for the offer, Dad, I think I can manage everything. I have our gardener, three housemaids, and Domingo to help me pack the grocery. It may take 2 two days of packing then I need a delivery truck to be used for delivering the goods to the slum."

"No problem. Just inform me when is the delivery time so that I can send delivery truck here," he said.

"Thank you, Dad, for the support," Ella said.

"So, when are you going to go to Danny's house?" Oscar asked.

"Later, at 3 in the afternoon," she answered.

"You have to go there alone, I can no longer accompany you," he said.

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"It's okay, Dad, Domingo will accompany me there," she responded.

"Okay," he then turned around to enter his Ford Mustang to report to his office.


Ella together with Domingo and the other two housemaids entered the garage area. Domingo spreads a big clean tarpaulin on the floor and poured five sack of rice into it, then he opened the cartoons of noodles and sardines. Domingo put the cartoon of noodles in front of Ella, the cartoon of sardines in one of the housemaid. The first housemaid will have to put 3 kilos of rice in each bag, then pass it to Ella so that she can add 5 noodles then pass it again to the other maid for 5 cans of sardines, then Domingo will be the one to seal the bag of grocery and arrange them on the corner ready for pick up delivery.

They start the process and surprisingly Ella was having fun doing her part packing the grocery along with the housemaids.

Three hours later...

They have one hour break for lunch.

After lunch, they start the same process again.

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By 4 o'clock, Ella and Domingo stop packing and instructed the maids to continue packing the grocery until 5:00 PM.

Ella went upstairs and entered the bathroom for a fifteen minutes shower.

After getting out of the shower she donned the short sleeve flowing dress adorned with flower design and she also brought her fashion hat and sunglasses.

Done making herself presentable, she picked up her shoulder bag and exited her bedroom.

She gets out of the main entrance of their mansion and entered the awaiting Mercedes Benz.

"Where are we going, Ma'am?" asked the driver.

"Let's go to Danny's house," she answered the driver.

"Okay, Ma'am," replied Domingo.

He started the engine of the car and they exited the gate heading towards the Fernandez mansion.

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