The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 384: 384

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The thirty minutes drive towards Danny's house passed like a blur.

When Ella's Mercedes Benz parked at the entrance of the mansion of Mr. Romano Fernandez, she was greeted by the housemaid, she brought Ella to the brick house.

Ella pushed the door of the brick house, it opened right away, she went inside and left the door open.

"Hi Danny," she greeted him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Closed the door and get out!" a cold voice instructed her.

Oh no! He seemed to be in a bad mood today, she bit her lip.

Ella turned around and closed the door but she did not go out, instead, she walked towards the chair stool and sat down on it.

She looked at him.

Their eyes met.

She waved her hands at him. "I'm back, Danny, and I wore the attire that you requested of me, look at me, I look fantastic, right?" she said smiling at him.

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He looked hard at her. "I said get out! You're late! I'm no longer in the mood to paint you!" he said.

Ella released a deep sigh of frustration. Damn! such a moody man!

"I won't go home yet, I just arrived in your home, I will just stay here," she said in a calm voice.

They were glaring at each other's eyes, they have a staring match!

"I said go out!" he said again in a loud voice.

Ella stood her ground, she has no plan to leave the house.

Danny rose to his feet and walked to her side. "Leave my studio now or I will carry you and throw you outside!" he said, this time he wore a serious expression in his eyes.

"No! I won't leave," she responded defiantly.

"Okay fine!" he said.

He picked her up easily and deposited her outside the house and closed the door on her face.

Ella was astounded. Damn! He moved too fast! She wasn't able to say or do anything when he carried her like a baby in his arms, her body just froze! Crap! Her shoulder bag and hat was left inside!

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She walked to the side of the house where he was sitting, there was an open window in there. She peered inside and their eyes met again.

"Danny, can I have my shoulder bag and hat please?" she smiled sweetly at him.

He stood up and picked up the shoulder bag and hat and walked towards the door.

Ella walked back to the door to get her shoulder bag and hat. When he opened the door he dumped her stuff in her hands. "A-are you sure you don't want me to pose for you today? My attire and preparation for today's painting session will go to waste," she said.

"Just go!" he firmly said and closed the door on her face again.

Ella bit her lower lip due to frustration. She drags her feet heading towards the entrance of the mansion where her car was waiting, sigh, such another wasted day!

Then she heard the door of the brick house being opened, she turned her head, the door was intentionally left open! It could only mean one thing, he changed his mind!

She runs back inside the brick house.

She sat down on the chair stool and starts posing...

Danny's hand that was holding the brush began painting in the blank canvas, trying to capture her image. "Stand up, look at me and don't move!" he commanded.

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Ella posed like a mannequin and a cheery smile appeared on her face while looking at him.

She posed like that, not moving for a few minutes, dang! nearly thirty minutes, and she swore to herself, she's starting to hate being his muse. Its looks fun at first but not anymore. Goddammit! She was aching to go to the toilet and pee!

She can't take it anymore! She broke her mannequin pose...

"Can I use the toilet, please?" she said.

"Go straight, you will see a bathroom on the left side near the kitchen's door," said Danny.

Ella does as she's told. She realized that the brick house has two bedrooms, the living room was converted into Danny's studio.

She entered the clean bathroom and relieved herself in the toilet bowl. Done with the call of nature, she exited the toilet and see a fridge in the corner, she opens it. She saw cold soda, cola, and some beer.

"Danny, can I have some cold soda, I'm so thirsty!" she shouted in his direction. She didn't hear a reply, she bravely took one can of soda, opened it and starts drinking the contents to the last drop.

She went back to the studio room and saw him still painting on the canvas. She walked to his side and glance at his painting. She was blown away by the result of his painting. She stood under the sunshine wearing her hat, her clothes flowing blown by the wind and behind her were multitudes of beautiful sunflowers basking under the heat of the sun.

She posed, he imagined the rest.

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"Gorgeous!" commented Ella. "Can I buy my painting?" she asked, delighted to see herself painted by an artist.

"No! My painting is not for sale!" he said in a firm voice.

Ella pouted. "Fine!" she retorted.

"You can go now. Return tomorrow at 3 o'clock don't be late, wear a cowgirl attire for the painting session," he said. He picked some money from the pocket of his jeans and gave it to Ella. "That is your two days salary. You can go now!" he said.

Ella put back the money into his lap. "I'm not here for the money. I'm here for something important. I'm ready to be your muse for one whole month, but after one month ended, I want you to go out with me. I will show you something, okay? Do we have a deal?"

Danny ignored her, he didn't reply to her proposal. "Go now Ella, I want to be alone," he said.

Suddenly, Ella saw the palpable sadness clouding his eyes. The sadness she saw in his eyes must be related to the memory of his deceased family. She knew it's time for her to go

She picked up her shoulder bag and her hat and exited the house quickly.

Ella walked to her car and entered the passenger door. "Let's go home," she told the driver.

Domingo smoothly navigated the vehicle out of the Fernandez family mansion.

While Danny was left alone in his studio room, crying his heart out because he deeply misses his beloved deceased family.

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