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The weather outside the Infinity Jade Tower was bright and sunny, such a beautiful day to get married.

John and Catherine wake up early on the day of their wedding. After eating breakfast they prepared all the things needed for the special occasion later in the afternoon.

Lunchtime comes...

After eating lunch, Catherine breastfeeds baby James, and then she began clothing her son his attire for the event and put him to sleep, while John was taking his shower.

After John was done with the bathroom, Catherine went inside to take her shower as well.

A few moments later, Catherine exited the bathroom and walked towards the closet to change into her wedding gown. John was already in the process of donning his wedding clothes in his body.

The bride and groom's faces were glowing with excitement and happiness while putting finishing touches on their wedding attire. Catherine was the last to finish dressing, John waited patiently for his wife to finish beautifying herself in front of the mirror.

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John walked to his wife and planted a kiss on her forehead. "We're finally getting married today!" he said aloud. "I love you so much, Catherine my dearest wife!"

Catherine beamed beautifully at him.

"Yes! Today is finally the day, we're going to be husband and wife for real! I love you so much, John!" Catherine kissed John on the lips.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

They shared a passionate kiss for a few minutes.

Ten minutes later...

John and Catherine have already finished dressing up. John looks dashing in his suit and Catherine looks every inch a beautiful bride. Baby James was also dressed up with his fancy white onesie, gloves, cap, and white socks.

They went in the living room for the last minute preparation. Minerva had already put in the bag all baby James stuff. She has been double-checking everything so that nothing will be left behind that can hamper the wedding.

Catherine swipes at her phone calling Grace wanting to know where are they now at this moment. "Cousin, where are you now?" she asked the moment Grace answered her call.

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"Cath, we just arrive here in the Makati Regional Trial Court. We are already outside the Judge Courthouse. Sandra and Romeo are here with us. We are waiting for you guys to arrive here," Grace said excitedly.

Catherine smiled broadly. "We are heading downstairs now to get into the car, we will be there in twenty minutes, see you guys in a little while!"

After done with the call she put her phone in her shoulder bag.

"Are we ready? Everything is ready guys?" asked John.

"Yes, we're ready, let's go!" said the smiling bride.

John took his sleeping son from the nurse and carry baby James in his arms outside the flat followed by Catherine and Minerva. Allan and George were escorting the wedding entourage into the ground floor and inside the car.

When everyone already boarded the vehicle, Allan started the engine and skillfully navigated the black Rolls Royce Cullinan SUV out of the parking area of the Infinity Jade Tower. George was riding his motorcycle trailing them from behind.

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Twenty minutes later...

The bride and groom along with their companion finally arrived in the Makati Regional Trial Court, they went directly to the courthouse where the Judge would conduct the civil wedding.

Catherine's family was already waiting outside the courthouse alongside Romeo and Sandra. The Judge was currently officiating the wedding of another couple that was one hour ahead of their schedule, John and Catherine's wedding ceremony will be next.

A few moments later...

John and Catherine entered the courthouse and they settled on the benches. Thelma holds the sleeping baby James in her arms.

The Judge called for the bride and groom to stand up and come forward.

John and Catherine were holding hands and come forward smiling at the judge.

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"Finally, nothing will disrupt the wedding this time," said the Judge beaming at them. He was the same judge that officiated their first wedding attempt which ends in cancellation.

"Your Honor, I'm sure this time nothing will happen for sure," John replied confidently. A bright smile lingered on his face.

"Okay, that's good, let's now begin the wedding ceremony," said the Judge.

John said his vow to Catherine repeating after the Judge...

"I, John, take you, Catherine, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward 'till death do us part."

Catherine replied the same vows to John in the same way...

"I, Catherine, take you, John, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward 'till death do us part."

The couple has their eyes glued to each other as if they were floating on cloud nine, much love has been emanating from both of them, and their surrounding becomes an endless sea of roses as if they were the only people inside the courthouse.

The same wonderful feelings were also felt by the people witnessing their union.

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