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John and Catherine put the ring on their fingers, and then they kissed on the lips for a brief few seconds. The Judge and the married couple's family and friends clapped their hands expressing their happiness for the couple. Then next, the signing of Marriage Contract.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Romeo and Sandra were filming the marriage ceremony on their mobile phones.

The wedding was finished for less than one hour. John and Catherine's wedding went smoothly without even a tiny glitch! Such an amazing day for everyone who witnessed the simple but wonderful civil wedding ceremony for the loved up couple.

The kind judge allowed his picture to be taken along with the happy bride and groom.

Thelma was misty-eyed watching the whole wedding process. One of her daughters finally get married today and she feels happy and satisfied having John as her son-in-law. They looked perfect together.

A moment later, the solemn wedding ceremony has to end, it's about time to leave the courthouse.

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John and Catherine and their entourage exited the courthouse to proceed to the reception area.

Inside the car, the bride and groom can't help but keep looking at each other, their eyes spoke volumes, to finally arrive at this important stage of their life is truly a milestone for them, happiness was glowing brightly in their eyes.

They arrived at the venue of the wedding reception. Everyone was amazed by the winter wonderland theme decoration inside the venue. The inside was filled with glowing white frosty stars hanging from the ceiling, snowflakes can be seen from the branches of the prop trees scattered around the venue, it's a breathtaking experience for the newlyweds and also for their family, friends and loved ones.

A piece of lovely romantic music was being played in the sound system, the bride and groom dance to the slow music in the center of the gathering.

"You are finally my legal wife, Cath! You are legally mine," he whispered in her ears. John's eyes were overflowing with joy while looking tenderly and appreciatively at his wife's lovely face.

Catherine met his gaze with equal adoration for her husband. "Yes, and you are also my legal husband! This is so nice, our dreams finally come true!" she replied, looking deeply into his eyes. "I love you so much, hubby!" she said.

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"I love you more, wife!" he responded. He planted a loving kiss on her forehead.

They continue dancing for the next few minutes while the guests were looking happy for the newlywed couple. Catherine and John were luxuriating in each other's arms no plan to end their romantic dancing anytime soon.

Then baby James starts crying...

Feeding time!

John and Catherine halted their dancing and she took baby James from his grandmother's arms, Catherine breastfeeds her son while John assisted his wife to make baby James comfortable while feeding, he never leaves his wife's side even for a few minutes.

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Some of John's trusted employees about ten of them arrived in the venue. They huddled in the long table along with Romeo and Sandra. While Grace, Thelma, Minerva, Caroline, and the kids gathered in another table.

After breastfeeding the baby, Thelma took baby James into her arms for burping, then the couple proceeds to slice a small portion of the two-tier cake to everyone's delight, cameras were flashing as every one we're taking pictures.

"Guys, you can start eating now and thank you all for coming and sharing with us this momentous occasion!" said John to the guest.

The guest clapped their hands and cheered for the couples happiness and blissful union.

Everyone starts gathering around the array of delicious foods, the caterer staff were attentive making sure every guest will have a sumptuous dining experience.

John bodyguards were occupying the third table. Ramon, Allan, and George began eating and chatting at the same time.

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Ramon looked at his Boss and his wife. "Whew! Finally! I was waiting for this day to finally happen, now it's happening and the wedding is finally over!" he said.

Allan smiled. "Yeah, me too. Boss John and Catherine have been through a lot of trials together, but they had proven to themselves over and over again that their love and bond is strong, their perseverance finally brought them to this day! It was such an amazing experience for all of us that we were able to witness firsthand the final moment the couple takes their vows!"

"I only wish the newlywed couple, success and happiness 'till their old days. Hope they will continue loving each other no matter what the future awaits for them," George chimed in.

Ramon smiled with satisfaction after seeing John and Catherine's animated faces. After repetitive painful separation, the two finally wed, now, they all can live in peace.

The guest was eating, drinking and enjoying the special occasion with the newlywed couple on their blissful union.

Grace looked at her cousin Caroline. "Your sister and John look so enamored with each other. They are perfect for each other," she casually commented.

Caroline smiled while looking at the couple with admiration in her eyes. "Yes. My sister Catherine is very lucky to have John as her husband. John loves her unconditionally," she responded.

"They were both lucky with each other," corrected Grace.

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