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Holy Shiit!

Ella nearly choke her saliva, her face drained of color, she accidentally dropped the garment in the floor but she retrieved it back before it stays on the floor for a few seconds. Common, it's just a dead woman's clothing! The dress won't bite you! she tried to convince herself with that kind of reasoning.

"Don't worry I just wash it clean the other day," he said smirking for her benefit.

Ella still not making any move to change into the red dress. How dare he? she was fuming inside.

"Are you going to wear that dress or not? If not, then there's nothing to discuss between us, we're done, you can go out on that door and never return," Danny said.

"I will do anything but not this!" she tried to reason with him.

Danny chuckled for the very first time in a long time. "You will do anything for that land and yet changing into that red garment is very hard for you? And yet you expect me to hand that piece of land to you that is very valuable to me in just a blink of your pretty eyes? You have no idea how much money I can get if I sell that land to anybody interested?"

Ella was seething in anger. Was he threatening her or blackmailing her?

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"Fine. I would wear your partner's lingerie. But after doing it will you hand me the land?" she asked.

Danny was now laughing this time fully amused. "Ella, does the value of that land can be bought just by making you wear that red dress? Are you nuts?"

Ella sighed in frustrations. So, he wants more from her?

"What is it that you want?" she finally asked.

"Just change into that lingerie first," he commanded.

Fine! Ella walked towards the bathroom and change into the red lingerie. He was telling the truth about the fresh laundry, the garment indeed smells of fresh fabric conditioner. After donning the flimsy clothe she inspected her appearance in the mirror, damn! the lingerie was too sexy! Her body curves were showing in all the right places and the flimsy garment was not even enough to cover her nakedness. She sighed and get out of the door.

She walked towards the chair stool and sat on it. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Just sit there and looked at me. But don't give me that death glare stare, much better if you can give me an alluring smile, I can paint you better that way," he suggested. He returned his attention to his palette and began mixing colors.

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Ella's hard face suddenly soften obeying him.

Thirty minutes of staring at him and holding her temper down were too much for her.

He would occasionally look at her face for a minute then at her body and then switched his attention back to his canvas to paint her.

Finally, he was done with her portrait.

"You can change into your clothes and go home! Come back tomorrow for another painting session with me," he dismissed her, for a brief second he smiled at her.

Ella did not move at all. "So, tell me first, how long do I have to cater to your wants before you donate the land?"

Danny's brows knitted together. "That depends on how much you can offer me?"

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She's getting angrier every minute that passes by. But she has to remind herself that she was the one who is desperate to obtain the land and not him, so she has to be more patient and accommodating with his demands.

Ella walked towards the bathroom and change into her dress. She exited the door and went back to the studio room, she dumped the red lingerie in the chair and picked up her shoulder bag and hat about to go out.

"Can I see my portrait first?" she asked curiously.

Danny shook his head. "No. Just go home and don't be late tomorrow!" he reminded her.

Ella glared at him, he just looked at her amused. She began walking towards the door and when she steps into the outside, she did not notice that Danny was following her from behind holding the red lingerie in his hands.

When she was about to close the door...

Danny handed her the red lingerie. "This red lingerie is yours, it was never my late partner's size and I just bought this lingerie online the other day after a met you."

He closed the door on her face.

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Ella's reaction was priceless and Danny had seen it before he closed the door on her, a burst of deep rich laughter echoed inside the brick house that can also be heard from the outside.

She looked at the garment and feels a huge relief that she was not wearing a dead woman's clothing. But she was furious that Danny played a horrible prank on her. She put the garment in her shoulder bag and kicked the door hard, only to groaned in pain, damn! she must have broken her toes. Thankfully, after a few minutes of massaging her toes, the pain subsided.

She went to her vehicle and instructed the driver to take her home.


Inside the brick house...

Danny was pacing back and forth inside his studio, alternating his gaze between Ella's portrait wearing a cowboy attire and to the other portrait wearing sexy red lingerie.

A faint smile appeared on his lips. A willing woman entered his dwelling unannounced and created havoc in his mind and his solitude. What to do with her? That is something for him to ponder about in the coming days.

When his father discussed to him about Ella's intention to talk to him about donating the land to her charity causes he was not interested, to begin with. Maybe he can play with her for a little bit because she was amusing and fun to play a prank with. But he has to be careful because she's the daughter of his father's closest friend. It's been a while since he had close contact with a woman, something stirred between his legs when he was watching her wearing that sexy lingerie while he was making her portrait.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He was a man after all.

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