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~Thursday~ The Latte Cafe~

Sherry arrived early in the cafe. While waiting for her friend she ordered her favorite Ice Matcha Green Tea Latte.

The cafe was not crowded as of the moment.

A few minutes later...

Catherine entered the Cafe's main door and looked for Sherry, she found her friend sitting on the table for two on the corner, she walked eagerly to her side.

"Sherry!" Catherine smiled broadly at her friend.

"Catherine!" Sherry shrieked in delight upon seeing her friend again.

They hugged for a few seconds, then Catherine settled comfortably on the vacant chair.

"You want to order something?" Sherry asked.

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"I want Strawberry Creme Frappuccino," Catherine answered. "Wait, I will go to the cashier first and have my order," she stood up and paid her order in the counter. Then she went back to the table and starts chatting with her friend.

Sherry noticed something, "You're a little bit chubbier, Cath," she asked.

Catherine grinned from ear to ear. "I just give birth to my one-month-old son, then I also married his father just this week in a civil wedding ceremony, so yeah, I have not shed all my fats yet. But give me a few weeks and I will return to my old slim look," she confessed.

Sherry's eyes went saucer-like. "Huh? You got pregnant then got married and then give birth to a son? Wow, that's too fast! I mean it all started happening the moment you resigned from the hotel?"

Catherine nodded her head and sighed a bit. "Yes, so many things happened to me back then. It's a long story, so I'm just telling you the most important events in my life and that is giving birth to my son and getting married to John."

Sherry stared at her friends face for a few minutes, amazed with the news. "Well, are you happy with your married life?"

Catherine nodded her head, her eyes twinkling. "Of course I am happy, so far so good."

Sherry smiled feeling happy for her friend.

Catherine observes Sherry's countenance. "How about you? What happened to your love life with Mark? Are you guys not getting married yet?" she asked.

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Sherry's eyes sparkled. "We're planning to get married next year. Right now we are saving money for the wedding and everything. Since Mark already had a house, we will just focus on wedding planning and preparation."

Catherine giggled. "Wow! I'm so happy for you, my friend!"

"Did you guys have a church wedding?" asked Sherry.

Catherine shook her head. "It's just a civil wedding. We are planning for a church wedding once John's family come home from abroad, probably next year. I will invite you and Mark at the church wedding."

Sherry's eyes flickered with excitement. "Mark and I will attend your church wedding for sure. And I will also invite you to our wedding next year."

Catherine's eyes shined with gladness. "I'm looking forward to attending your wedding, Sherry. By the way, I want you to be the Godmother of my son on his baptism, we will have his baptism next week, Saturday. Are you willing?"

Sherry smiled. "Of course, I'm willing!" she answered quickly. "Let me see your baby! Do you have photos of your wedding and your son? Can I see them?" she said excitedly.

Catherine swipes at her mobile phone and began browsing on her photos sharing them with Sherry.

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In the next thirty minutes, Catherine and Sherry were looking at the photographs and videos of the wedding and photos of baby James.

After Sherry was done looking at the photos, Catherine placed her phone inside her shoulder bag.

Sherry's lips broke into a wide smile. "Baby James is so cute! I can't wait to meet my godson and hold him in my arms," she exclaimed.

"You will see him soon!" Catherine said.

They chatted merrily for a while.

"So, tell me what is this good news you mentioned to me before?" asked Catherine.

Sherry smiled broadly. She whispered something in Catherine's ears.

Catherine's face went white, her mouth fell open. "H-he is alive!? A-are you sure he is alive?"

Sherry nodded her head. "You have no idea how happy my boyfriend feels when he was contacted by his best friend after thinking he was already dead," she said in a low voice, careful that other people won't hear what she was saying. Although the next occupied table was a bit far from them, she was just being careful.

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Jerome is Alive! Catherine doesn't know if she will feel glad or not.

Sherry placed her chair beside Catherine so that they can talk in a low voice.

"Tell me more am so confuse," said Catherine.

"But you have to promise me, you can't tell it to other people, this is super confidential, okay? Let's not mentioned his name," said Sherry.

Catherine nodded her head. "I promised!"

Sherry began her narrative according to what Mark had told her...

"The headless body found in the lake was not him. He was able to witness how that man killed, but he pleaded for his life and promised the killers that he won't tell anyone. To make sure he won't tell, after killing and beheading that man, they strip Jerome's identity, his wallet, his motorcycle, and everything to make the headless man assumed his identity. Instead of killing him, they brought him to their hideout and he becomes their errand boy. After gaining their trust, he was converted into one of them. He is now one of the members of the biggest human smuggling syndicate in our country. But there's a twist, not only he become one of their members, he also becomes the cops assets, he was not alone, there were also other cops assets infiltrating the syndicate with a mission to bring down the biggest human smuggling illegal business in our country. The most dangerous thing is that his life is always hanging by a thread, he can be exposed anytime and he will surely be executed by other members if he will be exposed as cops assets. So, yeah, this information is super confidential. Hope you won't tell anyone what you know about him today, am I clear, Cath?"

Catherine sighed. "Don't worry, I will tell no one."

Sherry looked at her. "If he wishes to see you, would you willing to see him again, Cath?"

Catherine shook her head. "I think's better that we don't have communication with each other. He's now living a dangerous life, I don't want any part of it."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Sherry nods her head. "I understand your reasoning, friend. I can't blame you..."

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