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Ella was smiling, liking the way he applied the lotion on her back, he was applying gentle pressure on his hands, his massage was soothing and had a calming effect on her body.

"Come with me to my studio, Ella," he whispered.

"W-why?" she asked.

"I need to continue painting your portrait," he answered.

"No. I won't. What's the use of going back in there when you won't even donate the land to my charity project," she pouted.

He stopped applying lotion on her back.

She faced him.

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"I would only go back there if you will donate that land," she said.

He took off his sunglasses and stared into her pretty eyes. "What are you willing to exchange for that expensive land?" he asked.

Ella becomes silent for a while. What were the things she's willing to give to him? What she can offer to him? She has no idea. What about if she will just ask him instead. "What do you want from me? I mean what can I exchange for that land?"

Danny smiled at her. He then whispered something in her ears. "I want you, all of you, all that you can offer to me," he said seriously, his voice husky.

Ella blushed crimson red. "Y-you desire me?" she asked.

And the way he looks at her says it all. His piercing eyes were communicating with her on a much deeper level.

She was speechless.

"Be my woman, be my girlfriend for two years. If two years passed and we can't develop something meaningful in our relationship then we go our separate ways. If you agree to my arrangement and my offer, I will donate the land on your project. The moment you agreed to my offer I will start the process of donating the land. Take it or leave it. If you finally decided to take my offer, you know where to find me," he said.

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He walked away without waiting for her answer.

Ella was stunned with his offer. She stared at his retreating back until she can no longer see him.

What an outrageous offer indeed!

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But while he was saying those words to her, his face was serious.

Now the question is, would she accept his offer? How does it feel being his woman, his girlfriend? They were both single though. She can pretend for two years to be his woman and then dumped him, it's not that hard to do. On the other hand, he is not that bad looking, she finds him attractive. Is that enough to start a relationship?

If she's serious in wanting him to donate the land for her charity project then accepting his offer being his woman was the only way to go. Anyways, it's just for two years. But after her painful experienced with John, she promised to herself not to enter in a new relationship and just focus on her charity project.

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But to obtain that precious land, she will be entering a relationship with no love. She was having second thoughts about his offer. She will think about it for a few days. But if she will refuse his offer, her dream project will not come to fruition. It seemed Danny was now willing to hand her the key to the success of her special project, yet she was hesitating to take the key because it requires a huge sacrifice on her part. Right now at this point in her life, she doesn't want to be tied to a romantic relationship, she wants to be free to do anything she wants in her life.

She stared at the sparkling water of the pool for a long long time, feeling confused as hell.


~Fernandez Mansion~

Danny can't believe that he was finally out in the open for the first time in the last two years just because of one woman.

He was painfully waiting for Ella in the last 3 days...but she never comes.

His initial plan was just to make fun of her, but the more he kept staring at her portrait the more he craves her presence and her attention.

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He began missing her smile, her sweet voice, her smell, her cute pout every time she glared at him. He missed her everywhere. He finds himself thinking of her every minute every second.

Then just today, he wakes up early morning...he finally decided to shave his beard, cut his hair, go to a salon and have a proper haircut. He finally broke his self imposed solitude because of Ella. He finds her presence refreshing and invigorating no matter how hard he tried to not be affected by her beauty and charm. She can make him laugh. She came into his life like a blazing fire melting his frozen heart in just a few days of meeting her.

Earlier, when he saw her lying in the lounge chair in the pool, his heart's beating becomes erratic. He wanted to squeeze her gently and hug her tightly. A smirk appeared on his lips upon remembering how his hands were luxuriating in massaging her body, he truly enjoyed the experience, wish he can do more to her body.

He found himself falling so hard so fast this time for a woman named Ella...

He wanted her so much...

What can he do to make her his woman?

Right there and then...

He decided to give up one important link of his painful past just to grab that one chance of happiness to start a bright future with the woman who was brave enough to enter his dark world and freed him from the shackles of his painful past.

He was ready for her.

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