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Baby James baptism was held in St. Magdalene Parish Church, the happy parent John and Catherine were holding their son proudly, so much love and happiness shone in their eyes.

After the Priest had sprinkle holy water droplets on all the babies foreheads, a few minutes later, the baptism ceremony was over.

Round of pictures and videos were taken and everyone wants to have their pictures taken with the adorable tot near the church's altar.

The Godmother Sherry and Godfather Romeo took a turn each holding baby James in their arms and taking pictures with him.

A few moments later the guest boarded their respective vehicles to go to the venue for the baptism dinner party. The people, friends, and guest on the couples civil wedding reception were also the same people who attended the baptism and they went to the same venue to spend dinner with the proud parent and the baby.

Everyone was having a good time eating and drinking enjoying baby James baptism.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Catherine was holding her son sleeping in her arms, he was behaving nicely today, not crying aloud, in the church earlier he just opened his eyes wide and roamed his gaze on everyone that was showing him adoration. He was such a natural charmer.

Thelma took the sleeping baby from her daughter's arms. "How are you, my daughter? How's married life?"

Catherine smiled broadly. "I'm happy, Mother. John is taking good care of me and baby James. He's been a wonderful father to our son and a good husband to me, I could not ask for more. God has blessed me with a responsible and very loving husband," she replied.

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Thelma smiled feeling happy for her daughter. A mother's happiness is to see her daughter marry the right person that can make her happy and give her a good life. She was satisfied that Catherine was now in good hands, family-wise, her daughter is now living a worry and problem-free perfect married life that only a few lucky women can enjoy.

On the other hand...

John and Romeo were talking on the other side, drinking some nonalcoholic root beer.

"How's married life, bro?" asked Romeo.

A smile was plastered on John's face. "Very good so far, much better than I expected. My wife and I were having a blissful married life. We don't fight, we agree on everything and baby James make our little family complete. I'm very lucky to have a very good wife and son," he beamed.

Romeo patted his buddy's shoulder. "I'm glad to know that, bro. I'm happy for you. Let's cheers to good health, happy family and financial success for both of us bro!"

The best friends made a toast to each other and drink from their root beer at the same time.

In the left corner...

Minerva and Caroline were talking about the couple.

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"No trouble in paradise, Minerva?" Caroline asked the nurse, her question was meant for the couple.

Minerva shook her head. "None so far. They had an ideal marriage, your sister is a very good wife to John and a very hands-on mother to baby James. John is a responsible and very loving husband to Catherine and a doting father to their son. If they stay this way, they will have no problem later on. Such a perfect couple!"

Although Caroline is very much happy for her sister, she still can't avoid feeling envious towards her. She desired Catherine's life that she could never have. She can only look and watch the good fortune rolling in her sister's favor, she sighed, when does heaven will finally take pity on her and give her the same fortune?

"Are you still working in that department store, Caroline?" asked Minerva.

"Yes until this week only, my contract ends this week, so I will be jobless starting next week. I will be looking for work again. But I'm hoping that brother-in-law John will give me a job in one of his hotels. I'm excited to work in a hotel," Caroline said.

"You have to ask your sister Catherine about it. Do not go directly to John," advice Minerva.

"Okay, I will," Caroline saw that her mother already left her sister's side. Now is the perfect time to talk to her. "Excuse me, Minerva, I will go to my sister and starts inquiring her about any possible jobs that her husband can offer to me."

"Okay, go ahead and good luck!" Minerva said.

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Caroline walked to Catherine's side and sat on the chair beside her. "Sister, I will have no job anymore starting next week, is there any news about a job vacancy in brother-in-law's hotels?" she asked.

Catherine stared at her sister's face. She had forgotten about it. "I will ask him again later when we're home. I will text you if there is a vacancy, just wait okay?"

Caroline nodded her head. "Okay, I will wait for your text," she responded and took baby James from her sister's arms and starts playing with the tot. Baby James smiled at Caroline thinking she was his mother.

From afar...

Romeo stared at the identical twin sisters from where he was sitting with John. "Bro, look at that, your wife and her sister are too much alike!" he commented amazed of their likeness.

"Yes. The only way to identify them is through their voice, they have a different voice though. When it comes to the body built Caroline is slimmer while my wife is a bit chubbier," explained John while looking at the two women who are the subject of their conversation.

On the other table...

Sherry was stunned when the identical twin sisters were finally sitting together. They shared the same hair color, same height, same body built and the same face appearance. "Wow, it's my first time seeing an identical twin, it blows my mind away," she murmured.

Grace heard Sherry's comment on her cousins. "It happened all the time especially if a stranger saw them together, they would give the same commentary on how the twins look so alike physically. But in my case, I can easily distinguish who is who," she said.

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Sherry looked at Grace. "Really?"

"Yes, Caroline is tricky while Catherine is pure. Caroline is black while Catherine is white," Grace elaborated.

"What an Interesting description you had for the twins," Sherry said.

Grace smiled at the woman beside her and struck a friendly conversation with Sherry during the whole duration of the baptismal party.

It was exactly 9:00 in the evening when the party dispersed. The guest went home with a full stomach and a pleasant smile on their faces.

Ramon escorted Catherine's family along with Sherry back to Cavite City, while Catherine and John went home to Infinity Jade Tower.

It was such a nice baptismal party.

The couple was happy.

Everyone was happy for them.

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