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~Forbes Park~

Last two days ago, Ella together with Domingo distributed the grocery pack to the slum area assisted by the leader in that area. They were thankful for Ella's generosity. The smile on the women's faces was heavenly, for them receiving free rice, sardines and noodles were already a big help towards coping up with their meager food consumption. Ella was thinking of distributing school supplies for the children as well as new school bags, that will be her project for next month.

She feels happy seeing the bright smile of the women's faces after receiving the grocery gift. The wonderful 'thank you' she received from them warms her heart, giving her the motivation to do more for them. There was a big difference between the happiness she derives when buying expensive bags and shoes to cater to her whims, and the quality of happiness she received when she helps other people.

When they finished distributing all the grocery packs, she waved goodbye to them and Ella went home with a satisfied grin on her face.

She indeed comes a long way because of John.

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She shakes her head not wanting to remember him. For her, he was already a part of her past that meant to be forgotten.


The next day...

As usual, she was enjoying swimming in the outdoor pool at this time of the day when the sun was blazing hot. The rest of the day passed quickly with her mind occasionally drifting to Danny. He's been occupying her mind lately, maybe because of the land that she was trying to obtain for the charity project.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Getting bored with the pool, she stops swimming and went to her room, after showering she watched a few movies in her 50 inches flat-screen TV.

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Later that night...

Ella and her father were eating supper in their dining room.

"So, what is the update with Danny? Are you able to convince him to donate the land to your charity project?" Oscar asked.

Ella glanced at her father's face. "Hmm, I'm still in the process of convincing him, Dad. But as you can see, that piece of land was the location where Danny was supposed to construct their dream house together with his deceased live-in partner. So, it's not easy for him to give up that land," she explained. She chose not to reveal Danny's offer to her father. He might not like it. "When is the schedule for the next meeting with your friends, Dad?"

"We will be having a tea party at the end of this month, I already send out the invitation, everyone is coming, I will explain to them your great vision about the slum area," answered Oscar.

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"That's good, maybe there is somebody with a heart of gold that will donate their land so that we have more option just in case Danny will never agree to donate the land," her voice was hopeful so that she doesn't have to be Danny's woman.

"Your mother called me yesterday, asking if you are not planning to visit her and your sister in Canada?" asked Oscar.

Ella was having second thoughts about going on a vacation to Canada to join her mother and her sister who just recently give birth to her third child. But now that her father mentioned it, she suddenly wants to visit them. "Yes. I want to join them there. I will book a flight tonight. I will probably stay there for two weeks..."

"Okay, that's good," Oscar said. "You can now book your flight tonight," he said.

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Ella chewed on the pork steak slowly, her mind suddenly ventured to Danny. Should she visit him to inform him that she will decide after she comes back from Canada? Danny's offer will be the last option for her. "Dad, send me news right away if some of your friends are willing to donate the land, okay?"

Oscar nodded his head. "I will," he replied.

After finishing dinner, Ella went upstairs to her room and book a flight to Toronto Canada from her laptop, the schedule of her flight will be after two days. Tomorrow afternoon she will visit Danny at his house. It's been three days since the last time she saw him in the pool.

She set her laptop aside in the bed and went to her closets to start packing her things. She will be bringing at least two medium suitcases to accommodate all her clothes. She took the color brown suitcase and opened it and starts folding her clothes neatly inside it.

She had packed the first suitcase, she will pack the rest tomorrow. She swipes at her mobile phone and typed a message in her messenger informing her mother and sister that she will be joining them in Canada this Wednesday.

She did not wait for their reply, she placed her phone on the bedside table and continue watching the horror movie she was watching earlier, she left the lights open in her room.

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