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~Fernandez Mansion~

Danny was lying in his bed, unable to sleep. Usually every night at 10:00 he already falls sleep soundly. It's been three nights that he can't sleep early, his mind kept thinking of Ella.

It's been three days that he was waiting for his muse that never comes.

Didn't she like his offer?

He was kind of hoping that after hearing his offer she will come running to his house the following day. But he was wrong...

Even her shadow was a no show in his house.

He was thinking, maybe she's not interested anymore and already gives up her intention for the land.

Or maybe he wasn't her type?

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Could be...

He does like Ella a lot, he was physically attracted to her and he was developing tender feelings for her. In short, he was smitten by her charm, her beauty, and her kind heart.

Too bad, it looks like she is not interested in having him as her boyfriend.

Well, if that is the case, his life will still go on even if Ella doesn't like him.

He finally decided to venture outside and start living among the living, he was finally done with his mourning for his deceased family. It's about time to live again. He might go back to the US and continue living his life there.

With those positive thoughts in mind, two hours later, he finally succumbs to a peaceful slumber.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The next day...

Danny was cleaning the living room the whole morning with the help of the housemaid. The new sofa he just bought finally arrived and it was now settled nicely in the living room. All the clutter has been removed, the portraits of his late partner and his son were stored safely in the storage area to protect them from the dust. The only portraits remaining in the living room was that of Ella.

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Noontime comes...

While he was eating his lunch, Ella's face floated in his mind.

After eating he rested in the living room, sitting on the newly arrived sofa.

The more he stares at Ella's portrait the more he misses her.

Damn that woman! Where is she?

Speaking of the devil

At exactly 3:00 in the afternoon, while he was watching TV in the living room, he heard a knock and her sweet voice rhyme in his ears like a song.

"Danny...I'm here! Open the door, please," said Ella.

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Danny immediately sprung from the sofa and opened the door wide for her to enter.

"Hi Dan, miss me?" she said jokingly. She entered the studio and her eyes widened. The living room was now clean and free from clutter, only a few canvases can be seen, and when she looked closely, it's all her portrait. The rest of the portrait was gone. Then there is a new sofa.

"Like what you see?" Danny asked her.

She smiled. "Yes. Your living room looks nicer and tidier compared before," she murmured.

"Sit down," he said, motioning her towards the sofa.

Ella sat down on the sofa facing him.

"Are you here to tell me that you will finally accept my offer," he asked eagerly.

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She shook her head. "I will be going to Canada for a two weeks vacation. After I will come back, you will know my decision," she explained.

Danny's face grows a bit sadder. She will be gone for two weeks, and what if she meets someone new there? No! He had to make his move right now. "I need to know your decision right now, you have to decide today! I can no longer wait for next week," he said.

Ella's forehead creased. She squeezed her eyes shut in deep thoughts. This is not what she expected when she comes here. "Danny please...," she groaned, biting her lower lip. She can't decide right now.

"You have to decide now, Ella. If you don't accept my offer am planning to go back to the States and live there, I will find a buyer and sell the land, we both know that many buyers are willing to buy it, " he said with finality in his voice.

Ella sighed deeply. If she turns down his offer right now and no one will donate land for her great vision then her dream project will crumble in her own hands. As of this moment, Danny was her only choice. She had to think faster! She can accept his offer, for the time being, then if one of his father's friend will donate a land she will break up with Danny right away.

Wow, such a brilliant idea!

Her eyes brightened up, " Yes I will accept your offer!" with a great smile she accepted his offer without batting an eyelash.

Danny was mesmerized upon seeing how her face lighted up when accepting his offer. "A-are you sure?" he wants to be sure that he was not dreaming this entire episode.

"Yes!" she continues smiling at him.

"Come here, sit on my lap, since you finally accepted my offer from this moment onward, you are already my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend. We are now officially in a relationship, okay?" he asked for her confirmation.

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