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She nodded her head, she was hesitant to sit on his lap. But he was waiting for her to move, so she obeyed his command. She walked to his side, she sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his hands encircled her waist pressing her body to his.

"Give me a kiss on my cheek as a sign that you finally accepted me as your boyfriend," he commanded.

She rolled her eyes and kissed him instantly on his cheek just to humor him. "Can I go home now?" she said.

Danny's eyebrows rose. "Huh? We just got into a relationship and you are now rushing to get away from me? Isn't that odd?" he asked.

Ella fights the urge to lash on him. She showered him a sweet smile instead. "So, what shall we do?"

"I am in the mood to paint you, wait here, I want you to wear something!" he put her gently on the sofa.

Danny entered one of the bedrooms and exited with a garment in his hand, it's black lingerie this time as sexy as the previous red one.

"Wear that," he instructed her.

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She rolled her eyes again and walked towards the bathroom to change into the lingerie.

Fifteen minutes later...she was lying lazily in the sofa while Danny was making her portrait. While he was busy sketching her, she was also busy looking at his face, oh boy! she had an instant boyfriend today, life indeed is full of surprises.

She was staring at his face...

Their eyes were glued to each other


His full attention was now on her, captivated by her sultry looks, admiring how beautiful and seductive she looks in her black lingerie, she looks so tempting! He groaned.

Danny placed the canvas and the brush in the table and walked towards the kitchen, he washed clean his hands on the sink. Then he went back to the living room and stared at his instant girlfriend, he picked her up easily like a child and carry her in his arms.

Her eyes signal worries and alarmed. "W-where are you taking me? Put me down!" she protested.

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"Shhh, calmed down. I'm not going to molest you," he grinned. He pushed open the door to his bedroom and deposited Ella gently in his bed. Then he discarded his clothes leaving his underwear still attached to his lower body, he climbs on the bed and lay down beside her.

She was speechless! Her eyes were getting bigger. Are they going to have sex?

Danny saw the restlessness and worry in her eyes. "Relax babe, we're not going to have sex today. I think it's too early for that," he whispered in her ears. "I just love to cuddle with you and want to get to know you better," he murmured.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He can't resist her irresistible body, he sneaked his hands in her waist. After noticing that she was not protesting against his touch, he began caressing her belly up and down. He can feel her body shuddering under his touch. He shifted on top of her, his lips and breathe lingered right on top of her lips. After staring into her eyes for a few minutes sending her a clear message wanting to let her know that he desperately wanted to kiss her soft lips, he meets no resistance from her whatsoever, so he zeroed down on her mouth, he began nibbling her lips, he was delighted when her mouth opened wide for his tongue to enter.

He devoured her mouth hungrily.

They were sharing a torrid kiss so hot and so consuming that their body was engulfed in a fire of desire.

A few moments later...

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"I'm sorry, I got carried away," he apologizes to her.

Ella just stared at him, amazed. She was blown away how her body eagerly responded to his touch and body heat. He was such a good kisser!

"A-are you angry, babe?" he was getting worried because she was not replying. He gently caresses her cheeks with his thumb.

Ella smiled sweetly at him. "I'm not angry. Let's kiss again," she wanted to know if she will feel again that earth-shattering feeling she experienced earlier when they kissed.

Danny was smirking loving the way how she spoke those cute little words wanting to be kissed again by him. He began kissing her again on the lips, this time slow and sweet.

Their passionate kiss was so nice! He suddenly grows a boner between his legs. He groaned. When their kiss was about to go deeper, he slowly tore his mouth away from her.

"Let's get this slow, babe," he murmured. He embraced her tightly.

They were silent for a few minutes, both trying to process the degree of physical attraction they had for each other.

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"You okay?" he asked her worriedly because she was acting so quiet.

She nodded her head. "I'm okay, don't worry about me. I'm not a virgin anymore," she said jokingly.

Danny hugged her tightly loving her softness colliding deliciously with the hardness of his body.

"It feels so good holding you like this," he murmured in her ears.

Danny wrapped the blanket around their body. He continues to hug her from behind.

They rested for a while savoring their newfound closeness.

That night before Ella go home, they exchange phone numbers, and she added him in all her social media accounts, Danny did not let her go home until she agreed that he will accompany her into the airport on the day of her flight to Canada.

Ella went home that night surprisingly feeling good with herself.

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