The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 398: 398

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John's hands were busy caressing his wife's thighs, they were in the middle of making out fondling each other when baby James started crying and they had to stop because she needs to breastfeed their son.

While baby James mouth busy sucking milk from his mother's breast, his eyes also keep dropping until his mouth was no longer moving, he fell asleep.

John and Catherine looked at each other's face and grinned. Finally! they can continue where they left off.

She immediately put baby James into his crib and climbs back into the bed in the waiting arms of her husband.

John discarded his wife's clothing and he also took off his shirt, shorts, and underwear. They were both naked now and the fire of carnal desire was shining in their eyes and surging in their body devouring their entire senses with an adrenaline rush.

He lowered his head, his lips began showering Catherine's neck, he nibbled on her earlobes, and his mouth clamped down on her nipple, sucking them hungrily, after done pleasuring her twin peaks, his mouth went lower down to her belly trailing hot kisses on her skin, then his mouth went further lower hovering at her mound and without a warning he plunged his tongue inside her wet core, eating her.

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Catherine's eyes open and shut, a moan escapes her mouth, sounds of pleasure dripping from her lips..."Aahhhhhhhh..." She buried her fingers on his hair, as he keeps exploring her silky fold with his tongue, she was already floating in delirious euphoria, her toes were clenching in ecstasy.

A few minutes later, John tore his lips away from her center and seeks her mouth for a mind-blowing kiss. They shared a heated kiss. Catherine pulls away from John and she pushed him down into the bed playfully. She palmed his erection stroking it several times to his delight. Then her mouth trailed hot kisses on his neck and she nibbled on his earlobes, John loves his wife's antics in bed. Then her mouth continues pleasuring him and teasing him, she began sucking his nipple for a while, giving him a sensual look now and then. Her tongue was busy licking his six-pack abs and sucking on them, then her mouth went lower... bypassing his abdomen until she paused in front of his hard arousal...Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She looked into his eyes, John swallowed his saliva down his throat in anticipation.

Catherine began licking the tip of his steel rod like a lollipop, to give her husband extreme pleasure she began devouring his manhood, her lips and tongue continue giving his erection pleasurable stroking inside her mouth.

John groaned in pleasure luxuriating in the intense sensation that his wife's lovely mouth was producing around his rod, it's so fucking pleasurable...

After a few minutes of mind-blowing sucking on his erection, Catherine released his manhood and smiled seductively at John. "Let's do the doggy position, hubby!" she grinned.

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Catherine was kneeling all fours in the bed, her palms firmly planted on the bed. John grinned from ear to ear. He excitedly grabs her hips and positioned himself behind her bottom. He playfully slaps and kneaded her soft rear, then he positioned his steel rod at the entrance of her wet core, he was drooling ...he plunged his rod slowly into her entrance savoring the tightness of her moist crotch, ahhhh, its so pleasurableee...then he began pummeling her with slow but penetrative thrust...they were both electrified by the most intense sexual pleasure they experienced at that moment...saliva's were drifting from their mouth...

Catherine moaned. "....aaaahhhhhhh..."

"...ummm....ahhhhhh...," John panted and grunted.

The couple was moaning and panting deliriously in pleasure, their mouth produces lewd noises that echoed inside the room.

John speeds up his thrust inside her vaginal walls, every thrust creating mind-blowing pleasure after pleasure, he thrust inside her in back and forth motion, their breathing speeds up, their heart rate increases as John's hard thrust went deeper inside her reaching her G-spot five times and they began ascending into the highest peak of their pleasurable sexual intercourse, their mind was being pumped with the delirious rush of orgasm resonating in every part of their body. John ejaculated emptying his seeds inside her wife's silky wall.

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They were suspended in that pleasurable orgasm for a few seconds...

Then their labored breathing slowly returns to normal. They both slumped into the bed due to physical tiredness.

Catherine lay her head on his arms and shuts off her eyes, savoring the last remnants of their explosive lovemaking. She will rest for a few minutes, then continue again later, her lips curved into a seductress smile.

Twenty minutes passed by...

She was already wide awake and fully rested. Her hands move down and cupped his manhood in her palm, she starts kneading and stroking his rod bringing it back to life, within a few minutes of pleasurable rubbing and kneading his manhood was already getting hard as steel, success! she grinned.

John was enjoying his wife's pleasurable stroking on his thick pulsating member. "You enjoyed playing your favorite toy, eh, wife?" he asked, teasing her.

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She nodded her head shyly, biting her lower lip while staring into his eyes.

"Wow! You are getting horny again, am such a lucky guy!" he chuckled, while his right hand was busy running up and down on her naked back.

"Yes, this time I want to ride you cowgirl style," she grinned. Ever since she became a married woman she realized that sex is one of the main ingredients in a successful married life that can make the husband and wife grow closer together. It's an intimate romantic bond between couples that should be nurtured and not be neglected.

"Okay, bring it on cowgirl!" he said, he loves his wife's enthusiasm and energy when it comes to pleasing him, she makes all his fantasy comes alive in the bedroom.

Catherine raised her body and slowly sat down on his hard erection, burying his steel rod inside her soft moist core, then she began grinding on him, her mouth closes and open, her eyes were filled with wanton desire spreading on her face and all over her body.

John was mesmerized with her grinding as her whole body was gyrating energetically her perky breast were also bouncing up and down and it's tempting and erotic to look at, his hands move up reaching for the soft mounds, he can't resist his carnal urge and began fondling them while his wife was enjoying grinding on his erection. Soon enough he brought his mouth to start sucking on them alternately.

Catherine arched her back immersing in the surge of pleasure assaulting her body. With his mouth locked on her breast and his hard erection inside her silky wall, they were floating on cloud 9. 

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