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Catherine speed up her grinding as she felt her orgasm starts to build up, "ahhhhhh..." a pleasurable moan escapes her mouth, she felt intense pleasure originating from her genital gripping her entire senses with intoxicating euphoric rush, her body shuddered in extreme pleasure, she opened her eyes and stared straight into her husbands eyes as they both experiences the same mind-shattering orgasm at the same time.

She slumped into his muscled chest face down, a smile of satisfaction plastered on her face. "Wow, that was so...amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed it!" she murmured.

John was chuckling. "I'm glad you enjoyed our lovemaking, wife!" he nuzzled her ears.

He buries his fingers on her silky hair. "You still want more?" he whispered in her ears.

She shook her head. "No, we're done for tonight. It was satisfying but tiring at the same time! We will do it again next time," she replied and ran her hands up and down on his amazing abs.

John claimed his wife's lips and they shared a passionate kiss to end their wonderful lovemaking that night.


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Two Weeks Later...

Minerva just arrived in the flat, she took something from her shoulder bag and gave it to Catherine. It's a pregnancy kit.

"Please hold baby James for me," Catherine said.

Minerva took the wide awake tot into her arms, she smiled broadly at the infant. "Hello, baby James..."

Catherine walked towards the master's bedroom and entered the bathroom to pee. When she's about to finish urinating, she directly put the kit down catching some of her urine's droplets into the pregnancy test.

She waited a few minutes for the result.

She had missed her period one week ago, so she decided to do a test maybe she's pregnant again.

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When she checked the pregnancy kit, there appeared two red lines! confirming her guess, indeed, she is pregnant with her second child! A bright smile appeared on her lips.

She immediately went outside the bathroom and swipes at her phone calling John to inform him of the good news. He was currently out of town on a 3 days trip visiting the ongoing construction of Hacienda Catherine.

"Hello my loves...," he greeted her.

"John, I took a pregnancy test today and guess what---?" there was much excitement in her voice.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You're pregnant?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes! You guessed correctly! I'm pregnant with our second child!" she exclaimed in glee. They had been discussing baby number two ever since baby James come out. She was not expecting she will get pregnant too early, yet it's all possible because she wasn't maintaining any contraceptives pills and so was John.

"Wow! That's awesome, Cath! Let's celebrate tomorrow after I come home!" he said.

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"Yes! See you tomorrow, husband!" she said in a merry voice.

"Okay, see you tomorrow my beautiful wife, I love you!" he said.

"I love you too!" she replied.

Done talking to her husband, Catherine put her phone back in the bedside table.

She planned to go to the market or in the mall to buy groceries and buy fresh vegetable because she wants to cook delicious dishes for John's homecoming tomorrow and also as a way of celebration for the arrival of their second child.

Since Allan was in a two days vacation leave, she will just ride a taxi to the public market. She made a mental list of the ingredients she wanted to buy.

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She gets out of the room and checked on baby James, he was already wide awake smiling in the arms of Minerva. "I will go out later, Minerva, I will buy groceries," she said.

"Why don't you just make a list then I will buy them for you," Minerva volunteered.

Catherine shook her head. "Nah. I will personally go to the market today to buy some fresh fish and vegetables. You take care of baby James for me, okay? I will come back quickly," she said. She took baby James in her arms and brought him to the bedroom.

Thirty minutes later baby James started crying, she breastfeeds him, after feeding, she began kissing his face, arms, and feet adoringly and played with him for a while.

She brought baby James outside the bedroom and deposited him in the arms of Minerva. She went back inside the room to change into her skinny jeans and a black blouse. She put her phone in her shoulder bag. After fixing her hair in a ponytail she's ready to go.

She went to the living room and planted a kiss on baby James chubby cheek. "Bye son, see you later. I'm going out now, Minerva. I will be back in two hours," she said.

"Okay, take care!" Minerva responded.

When Catherine exited the flat, the time on the wall clock in the living room was registered at 4:00 PM. It was just her usual trip to the market which she does all the time. The wet market is one place she enjoyed going to. She loves buying varieties of fresh vegetables, herbs, spices, seafood's, poultry meat and all ingredients for her cooking. Now that she had lots of money she can afford to buy everything she wanted and she enjoyed it very much.

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