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He started the engine of the car and speeds his way out of the perimeter of the gasoline station. He traveled non stop away from the city exiting Metro Manila heading to the province but stayed on the right speed limit careful not to alert the authorities. He only made a quick stop somewhere down the road away from the residences and texted his leader with one simple word..."Fail!"

He received a reply from him. "You know what to do!"

He started the engine again and proceed to this isolated hideout away from the residences. It's a warehouse that he rented with his other aliases. Once inside the warehouse, he started working right away, he picked up the woman's bags filled with vegetables from the compartment of the car and began digging and burying all the items, three feet under.

Next, he took his tools and discarded the fake vehicle plate number from the car.

He began covering the window and tires of the car with an old newspaper and then wrapped it with cellophane, after securing the edges with duct tape, he took his spray gun and began painting the car with color blue paint for a few hours.

He rested at midnight in his bed inside the warehouse. While lighting a cigarette, his mind wondered back to the woman he abducted a few hours ago...

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Who took her away from the taxi?

He was sure the car was locked when he goes to the toilet to pee.

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It's also locked when he opens it after he returns from the toilet.

Was it really locked?

Now he was doubting his self...

How could she escape?

The substance in the bottle once inhaled was strong enough to knock out anyone for a few hours. It's already been proven and tested many times.

How did she do it?

How she was able to get away from the car while unconscious?

He got so many questions swirling in his mind but there's no ready answer.

He had difficulty sleeping the whole night thinking of the mysterious disappearance of the woman that he abducted. Now that he failed, he has to go somewhere far and will only resurface later after two years to hunt for another victim again.

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The next day...

The man burns his clothing he wore last night during the abduction, along with his shoes, wig, fake beard, contact lenses, eyeglass, sim card and all that can implicate him on the crime. After done burning all the stuff, he began digging again in the ground, he buried the ashes as well along with the fake vehicles plate number and his old phone below the ground of the warehouse. Then he began the process of mixing cement and poured wet cement generously on the surface where he buried everything.

Satisfied that everything was already covered and taken care of...

His next course of action is to sell the car in a faraway city and buy a new one, then he would buy another mobile phone and new sim card.

And make himself disappear, living like a hermit keeping his distance away from everybody.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

Minerva has been calling Catherine's phone a hundred times but she isn't answering all her calls, she also texted her a dozen times still no reply from her. It's already 9:00 in the evening, she still hasn't returned, so out of character of her. Catherine always rushes home because of baby James, the longest time she was away from her son was a maximum of two to three hours only. She's been gone for five hours already. The fact that she can't contact her worried her so much.

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The erratic beating of her heart tells her something is going wrong!

She finally called John...

"Sir John..."

"Minerva, where is Catherine? I have been calling her in the last fifteen minutes," he said.

"I'm also calling her for the last two hours, but she is not responding. I think her phone was turned off. She's gone to the public market to buy some vegetables since 4:00 this afternoon," explained Minerva.

"This is not good! She won't be acting like this unless something happens. Just take care of the baby and I will start traveling back home in a few minutes. Keep the TV open for any news and call me right away if something comes up, okay?" said John, a tremor of fear and worry wracked his mind and body.

"Okay, Sir!" Minerva answered. She put the phone in the center table and power on the TV.

She looked at the sleeping baby, wondering where is his mother right now? Why she's not coming home yet?

Minerva began silently praying for Catherine's safe return.

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~Hacienda Catherine~

"Ramon, ready the car! Catherine is not home, yet, if she doesn't show up in the next 7 hours, I will declare her missing and report to the police!" John's face was calm but deep inside his heart was like being squeezed hard a thousand times. He already starts fearing for her life and safety.

Ramon immediately stuffed all their things in his backpack and John's belongings in the traveling bag and went to the parking area to ready the car.

Fifteen minutes later, Ramon was driving the car beyond the speed limit in the deserted highway. They need to cut the travel time to arrive in the city as soon as possible.

John starts calling Grace asking if Catherine suddenly shows up in their place, her answer was negative.

He called Minerva again, his fear intensifies when the nurse responded negative as well.

During the duration of the travel, John spends his time calling Catherine's phone every minute every second, with each unanswered call he died a thousand times.

His nightmare has just begun.

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