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~Infinity Jade Tower~

John and Ramon arrived in Jade Tower at 5:00 in the morning. He immediately checked their bedroom and turn on the TV for any news. Catherine's old phones, the pregnancy kit inside the bathroom, her clothes were all intact. He checked again on his laptop the current location of her phone, unfortunately, the last tracking was in the public market, then the tracking system can no longer locate the phone's whereabouts. It's probably turned off already.

John was starting to feel immense dread...Catherine won't ever turn off her phone and she won't spend the night away from him and baby James. Unless she was held captive and detained against her free will.

Part of him already died, part of him wants to stay alive for his son and for the hope of finding his wife again.

He was not able to sleep, he can't sleep, he needs to be in the police station as soon 8:00 come. He needs to file a missing person report.

His pregnant wife is missing!

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It's impossible that she runs away, she has no reason to, they were a happily married couple.

She has been into the wet market a lot of times and able to come back safe and sound, yesterday was the first time she was not able to go home.

John shuts off his eyes fighting the urge to cry. He began praying silently that God would protect his pregnant wife from evil and bad people. He begged to God to let his wife come back home safely.

He sat down on the edge of the bed tormented and worried to date thinking where is Catherine right now? What was she doing? What happened to her? He doesn't want to entertain the idea that she was being kidnaped, although he knew that it's a big possibility, human trafficking is sickeningly real!

The TV was already turned on and no breaking news whatsoever.

He let baby James sleep beside Minerva in the guestroom. He needs to concentrate on finding Catherine's whereabouts, where could she be at this hour?

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He reached for his phone and began calling his wife again, as usual, no answer.

His instinct already told him that if within 48 hours Catherine won't come home, she's already in grave danger!

One hour to go before 8:00 AM. With lack of sleep and sick to death of worrying about his wife, John went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.

Ramon was already in the living room waiting for his Boss' command.

John went back to the bedroom and splash water on his face in the bathroom and then change into new clothes. He brought some recent photos of Catherine with him.

"Minerva, what was the clothing Catherine wore yesterday before going to the wet market?" he asked.

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"She was wearing blue skinny jeans and black blouse," answered Minerva.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Please take care of my son Minerva, I will be very busy finding my wife," John said.

"Yes, Sir! Don't worry about baby James, I will take care of him," replied Minerva.

John only managed to plant a kiss on his son's sleeping face and then they exited the flat in a hurry towards the nearest police station.

They arrived at the police station and filed a police blotter. An investigator has been assigned to handle the disappearance case of Catherine.

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Police Investigator Morales has been assigned to interview John.

"When did your wife went missing, John? And where are you on the time when she went missing?" asked Morales.

John cleared his throat.

"Minerva, my wife's companion told me that Catherine went to the wet market and get out of our residence at exactly 4:00 in the afternoon yesterday. I was in the province during her disappearance together with my driver and bodyguard to check the ongoing building construction in my properties there. I went home in a hurry after I learned that my wife has not come home since yesterday which was unusual of her. She always goes home early because our son still needs breastfeeding. I tried to contact her phone every minute and every second yet her phone was no longer in service," John explained.

Morales looked John in the eyes. "I have to be very honest with you Mr. Roxas, it's estimated that around 35,000 person goes missing in our country every year, it's equivalent to one person disappearing every fifteen minutes. The reason varies, can be due to human smuggling, trafficking, rape, murder, kidnapping and a lot of many reasons. A large percentage of these cases remained unsolved to this day. If a woman goes missing, can mean so many things, one of the worst-case scenario was that they were abducted by human traffickers and brought outside the country for prostitution or sexual slavery cases. Once they were taken outside our country's jurisdiction it will be impossible to trace them. Let's just hope it's not the case with your wife," said Morales with a very grim expression on his face.

"I'm very worried about her condition because she is pregnant with our second child. "What I'm gonna do now, Sir?" John asked misty-eyed, his voice was breaking with profound sorrow.

"I can advise you some ways how to find your wife, but it's not a bulletproof solution, sometimes they work and sometimes not," Morales said. "We will add your wife's information and photo in our missing person's database and I would alert all our branches regarding her disappearance. We will notify you if we can gather some information about her," Morales said. 

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