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John handed to the investigator his wife's recent photo and personal information.

Police Investigator Morales gave John a piece of paper containing the 'to-do list' on what he can do to speed up finding the whereabouts of his wife.

"First, you have to run a missing person ad in the leading TV station, radio station, magazines, newspapers, social media and also post missing person ads on sidewalks, stores or public places. Then you can also offer big rewards to anyone who can bring you information about your wife's whereabouts. You can also hire a private detective to focus and investigate her disappearance, the more people trying to find her the better. Post in social media as well. Then call hospitals all over the country to monitor if there is a woman taken or admitted in the hospital recently. Although it's a lot of work and requires money, these things will be useful to find your wife faster," advised Morales.

"Thank you, Sir," John said.

"Rest assured that I will inform you if I have reports of your wife in our branches in provinces, cities, and municipalities. Just in case she finally returns to your home, inform me so that I can erase her record from our missing person database," said the investigator.

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A few minutes later...

Done with the interview, John and Ramon left the police station.

John went home to the infinity Jade Tower with a slumped shoulder. It's only been day one of Catherine's disappearance and yet he feels like he was already a walking dead due to extreme worry and fear for her safety.

John holds baby James and carry him in his arms inside the bedroom and locked the door. Minerva together with Ramon went out of the flat to buy baby formula for baby James in the nearest grocery store since the infant can no longer rely on breastfeeding due to the sudden disappearance of Catherine.

Inside the bedroom...

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John turned on the TV in higher volume and starts crying inside the room.

The longer Catherine stays outside, danger awaits her, the worst thing may happen to her. It's a terrible feeling not knowing where she is right now. He was desperate to know the whereabouts of the woman he loves so much.

The agony he felt inside was torturing him every second every minute.

The feeling of anguish was making him physically and mentally weak. Why does it have to happen to her? Why does it have to happen to them? Of all people, why his wife?

'Cath, where are you!?'

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'Please come back to us!'

He was trying to establish telepathy with her. But he was not sure if she can hear the anguish of his voice right now.

In a few minutes, he will go now to the TV stations, radio stations, and leading newspapers. He wants to find her as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if he will have to spend a lot of money as long he can see her again.

It's been a nerve-wracking experience when someone you love disappears out of the blue and you have no idea where to find that person and that's what he's been experiencing right now, he felt so lost inside.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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There's a loud knock on the door he heard Minerva's voice. "Sir John... I would like to inform you that Grace, Romeo, and Allan are already here..."

John opened the door and Minerva took baby James into her arms and bring the infant into the guest room. Grace followed Minerva inside to gather information on what happened to her cousin before she disappeared yesterday.

John, Ramon, Allan, and Romeo gathered in the living room to discuss the unfortunate shocking event that surrounded Catherine's mysterious disappearance.

"I think Catherine was randomly, forcibly abducted, Boss. That's my theory, as to who kidnaps her is a difficult question to answer at this moment 'coz we have no lead and witnesses," said Ramon. Based on what he had observed in the past few days, the couple were very much happy and very much in love and they just got married and they were raising their firstborn. It would be out of character if Catherine would just disappear on her own accord without any real reason why she has to run away.

Romeo was in deep thoughts as well. Since Catherine has a bad habit of running away, previously, it would be much easier to say that she might be playing her childish games again, but during the wedding and the baptism, as he was observing Catherine's countenance, he had observed that she's very happy and her loving gaze was always directed to her husband and her son. She was a happy woman when she got married, everyone can see that, so there's no reason to run away during the happiest stage of her life. Right now, in his mind, the worst already happened, Catherine was kidnapped by force and already brought somewhere far away but he just can't tell it to his best friends face, he doesn't want to dampen his already suffering spirit. "Sad to say, I agreed to Ramon's theory," he said, that's all he can say. He will lend his support to his buddy the best way he can.

"I will go to the wet market and bring Catherine's photo with me and investigate if someone was able to see her before she disappeared. Then I will also start calling hospitals just in case she landed in any of them," Allan volunteered.

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