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John was being silent the whole time listening to the comment and opinion of the people around him. All he knows he can't waste his time doing nothing. He can't depend on the police assistance alone, he needs to do something!

"Thank you guys for the support and help," he looked at Romeo. "Bro, please take care of the business for me. Just leave all the important papers that need my approval and my signature in my desk. I will check them later. Allan, you can go now to the public market and investigate. Ramon, we will go to the leading TV network and radio stations to run an ad and I will be offering rewards to anyone who has information about my wife. Let's keep moving, guys!"

They all scrambled to their feet...

Romeo and Allan exited the flat to go on their separate ways. John went to the bedroom and picked up Catherine's old phone the one he had given her in the hacienda. If they will run an ad, they need a cell phone number that people can send their information to, and from there they can start screening potential legit information to investigate. He will buy a new sim card on the way to TV stations. He was planning to hire a private investigator tomorrow.

He went back to the living room ready to leave...

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Grace approached John in the living room. "Auntie Thelma was crying non-stop upon hearing the news of her daughter's appearance. That is why I'm here to know what happened," she said, tears shimmered in her eyes, there was a deep worry etched in her forehead. She still had a hard time accepting the terrifying news that her beloved cousin was missing and she was more horrified to learn from Minerva that Catherine was also pregnant with her second child.

John released a troubled sigh. He was fighting back tears from falling. He refused to be defeated by weakness and hopelessness that is beginning to consumed his senses, his wife needs him, he needs to be strong for all of them.

"Grace, I am also blind to what happened to my wife. I am in the province attending to Hacienda Catherine's ongoing construction when she disappeared. I'm trying my best to find her. We're going to TV and Radio station right now to run and ads and offer rewards for a speedy attempt to locate her. See you later Grace," said John in a hurried voice.

Before Grace can even react John and Ramon have already exited the flat.

Minerva sat beside Grace. "Just wait for them to comeback Grace. John is going to be very busy to find her wife. I know it's very hard for a mother to know that one of her daughters was missing. You just have to tell Catherine's mother that her husband was trying his best to find her."

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Grace sighed deeply. "I want to contribute something to help find my cousin. I will post a missing person ad at our place and in my social media accounts, I will do that as soon I'm back home."

"By the way, is Caroline already working?" asked Minerva. She was thinking of suggesting to John to hire another nanny to watch and take care of baby James. She can only take care of baby James during day time but during night time it would be impossible for her to work 24 hours without a rest. It's better to hire a relative as a nanny than hire a stranger to take care of the baby.

"She's still applying to other establishments near our home. She already had two interviews and she's still waiting for the result if she got accepted by the jobs she was applying for," Grace explained. "Why-?" she asked.

"Because now that Catherine was missing, I need an extra hand to take care of baby James. I can't do it all alone. I also have a family and my son to take care," Minerva said.

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Grace understand what the nurse has been trying to say. "Okay, I will call her right now." She reached for her phone inside her shoulder bag and called Caroline.

"Cousin Grace! How's my sister Catherine? Was she already home? Mother is still crying until now and we're worried to death here waiting for the news," Caroline said in a worried tone.

Grace sighed again. "Your sister hasn't come home yet, she's still missing! John went to TV and radio stations to try to spread the information of your missing twin. Right now, Minerva needs extra help to take care of baby James, she wants to find a temporary nanny for baby James until such time Catherine will come back. Would you like to apply for the job?" she asked.

"Yes! Of course, I'm willing to help in any way I can. I'm willing to be a nanny for my nephew, when shall I start?" answered Caroline.

Grace gave Minerva a thumbs-up sign.

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Minerva was feeling a bit relieved that Caroline was willing to be a temporary nanny. "Grace, please tell her, I will ask Sir John permission first, I will inform her tomorrow if he will agree on hiring a temporary nanny for baby James," she said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Minerva said that she will inform you tomorrow if John agreed, so wait for tomorrow," said Grace to her cousin.

"Okay. When are you coming back here, cousin?" asked Caroline.

"I will go home after I talked to John, later in the afternoon," Grace answered. "Bye, see you later..."

Grace put her phone back in her shoulder bag. She took baby James in her arms. "I will take care of baby James for a while Minerva, you can start doing the things you want to do while I take care of the baby," she said.

"Thanks, Grace, I will wash clean baby James clothes first, then I will do some errands," said Minerva.

Grace was left alone in the living room holding baby James in her arms while grieving for the sudden disappearance of her beloved cousin.

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