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One week later...

Minerva has been trying her best to pacify baby James to no avail, he's been crying all day. It's been one week already since Catherine's disappearance and the tot starting to manifest separation anxiety from being separated from his mother, he's been crying all day craving for his mother's presence. Although baby James accepted the infant formula as breastfeed replacement that she's been feeding him there without any problem, yet, there's no such thing as a substitute for a mother's presence, warmth and nurturing love.

Baby James was missing his mother...

Minerva put baby James in his crib and reached for her phone intending to call John. He's been away most of the day trying to find his wife.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John answered Minerva's call right away. "Hello Minerva, is baby James okay?"

"He's been crying a lot, he probably was craving for his mother's presence. Sir John, I think we need to hire and additional nanny, I can't do it alone taking good care of baby James 24/7," Minerva explained.

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"Okay I understand, so, what is your suggestion?" John asked.

"We should hire a new nanny starting today," she said.

"Yeah, I was thinking of that too, I will start the process of hiring a nanny from an agency," John responded.

"No need Sir John. If you agree we can hire Caroline your wife's very own identical twin. She has no job right now. She has the same appearance of your wife maybe baby James will feel at home with her presence, besides she is a relative, we can trust her in taking good care of your son because she is your wife's sister. We can make it a trial for one week, let see if baby James will warm up to Caroline's presence nicely, if she can pacify your son then you have to hire her. If Catherine already returns you can terminate Caroline's employment anytime as baby James's nanny and then you can assist her finding work in one of your hotels. For now, we need to try if Caroline can be a good nanny to help me take care of baby James," Minerva suggested.

"Okay. I agreed to it," John said.

"Thank you, Sir John. I added Caroline's phone number in my contact, I will call her right now to inform her that she can start working beginning today as baby James nanny," said Minerva.

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"Thank you for taking good care of my son Minerva, you're such a big help to us, father and son," said John.

"No need to thank me, Sir, it's my duty and responsibility to take care of baby James and I will make sure he will remain healthy and safe during the entire duration of his mother's disappearance until Catherine can be found again. By the way, Sir, any good news about Catherine?"

"Nothing so far. It seemed she disappeared without a trace in a busy market place. The ads on TV, radio stations and newspapers have been rolling in. So far we have not received any clear and legit information of her whereabouts," answered John.

"Stay strong Sir, you will surely find your wife one of these days. We all prayed for her safe return," said Minerva.

They were talking for awhile, their conversation was specifically centered regarding baby James condition.

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A few minutes later, John and Minerva's conversation finally indeed.

Baby James wailing echoed inside the walls of the guestroom. Minerva had finished feeding him with the infant formula milk twenty minutes earlier, he can't possibly be hungry again, unless he wants his mother's presence. Minerva gently put a pacifier in the infant's mouth, he was silent for a while. She swipes at her phone again and called Caroline.

Caroline answered Minerva's call right away as if she has been waiting for her call for ages. "Hello Minerva," she said in a cheerful voice.

"Caroline, just want you to know that Sir John approve you as a new nanny of baby James," said Minerva.

"OMG! That's good news, I would love to be the nanny of my nephew, can I start today?" asked Caroline in an ecstatic voice.

"Yes, of course. I would appreciate it very much if you can start working today. I will start teaching you everything on how to take care of baby James. Can you report to work today?" asked Minerva.

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"Yes. I love to. I will pack my things now and I will arrive there in a few hours from now. Bye Minerva, see you," Caroline said.

Their conversation ended. Minerva felt relieved that starting today there's an additional nanny to take care of baby James. Her body was screaming for rest. It's been a one hellish week for her and especially for John and for everyone who worries and concerned about Catherine's disappearance.

Three hours later...

Caroline arrived in the Infinity Jade Tower to a crying baby James, bringing with her some of her personal belongings, Minerva welcomes her, and after settling all her clothes inside the cabinet in the guest room, she immediately took baby James from the nurse arms and focused her attention to the infant. "Minerva, you can take a nap and rest, looks like you haven't had a decent sleep for a few days. I will take care of baby James for now. All you need to do is rest, okay?" there was compassion in her voice.

"Thank you, Caroline, I badly needed a good rest and sleep," Minerva immediately lies down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Caroline smiled brightly at baby James. "Don't worry baby James, mommy is here now, you will never be alone again, I will never leave you," she murmured.

Baby James stops crying and looked at the woman and smiled, they smiled at each other. Caroline kissed her nephew's tiny cute feet, they have a good start.

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