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Caroline was happy when her nephew finally stops crying. She put her nephew in the bassinet and brought him to the swimming pool area. She pressed the remote control and the curtains parted in the middle of the glass wall presenting her the marvelous sight of the Makati Skyline.

A bright smiled appeared on her lips. She's back! Here she is at last, able to see and enjoy her favorite place in John's flat again. She took her nephew from the bassinet and holds him in her arms and talk to him. "Hi baby, mommy's here, I will take care of you from now on," she murmured over and over again.

Baby James coos and wriggled his chubby arms and legs and his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Good boy baby James," she showered his cute arms and feet with kisses.

The infant likes it, he smiled at the face of the woman he thought was his mother.

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And their bonding started at that moment onward. In baby James eyes his mother has come back that's why he feels good again.


John arrived that night and saw Caroline holding baby James in her arms in the living room. She looked exactly like his missing wife. And he was pleased to know that baby James warmed up to his Aunt right away. He went straight to the master's bedroom, he changed his clothes and lies down on the bed for a quick nap, he plans to wake up after three hours to start finding his wife again. It's been tiring and emotionally draining finding Catherine all over the city, with no definite leads and witnesses it's like they were trying to find a needle in a haystack. The grueling hours of stress, fear, worry and forcing his brain to think hard on how to find Catherine was too much for his health and mental state to carry on a daily basis.

That night John was not able to wake up, instead, he falls asleep soundly through the night.

The next day, he woke up early in the morning at 7:00. After splashing water on his face, he shaves the beard that was starting to grow on his face. He had neglected his physical appearance in the past few days due to the stress of finding Catherine. Sometimes he was afraid in closing his eyes, fearing that he will dream of bad dreams regarding his wife. As the days pass by and he failed to locate the whereabouts of his wife his heart was getting heavier with guilt because he was powerless to find her, he felt useless as a husband. Even his money can't help him find his missing wife.

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He was hoping and praying that Catherine was safe wherever she was right now together with their second child that she was carrying in her womb, his excitement and happiness after knowing that his wife was pregnant was replaced with a terrible loss, fear, grief, torment, and sadness when she suddenly vanished into thin air without a trace.

Done with his activities in the bathroom, he exited the bedroom and went to the kitchen to make his coffee. He found Caroline holding a mug and sipping her coffee.

"Good morning brother John!" she greeted him cheerfully.

"Hi Caroline," he responded.

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She stood up quickly. "Do you want coffee, brother John? I can make one for you!" she offered.

He shook his head. "No thanks. I can make my coffee," he declined her offer. After making his coffee, he brought his mug in the table and sat opposite her sister-in-law. "How's baby James?"

Caroline's face brightened up. "We're good. I mean he already stops crying the moment he saw my face. He must have mistaken me as his mother, I don't mind at all. I love my nephew so much, rest assured I will take care of him the best way possible just like how my sister take care of him."

John was feeling relieved that he doesn't have to worry about his son's condition anymore so that he can concentrate on finding his missing wife. "Thank you, sister-in-law. We will discuss your salary tomorrow," he began sipping his coffee. Then he starts reading the newspaper scanning for the news hoping there's something in there that can help him find his wife.

A heavy silence descended in the kitchen.

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While John's eyes were glued to the newspaper...

Caroline was looking at John's countenance. A gleam appeared on her face. She can get used to this situation, seeing John's face every morning sipping his coffee, and she will be taking good care of his son for him. This will only be a temporary set up because her twin was missing. Once her sister will come back, she will be back on applying for a new job again. She might as well enjoy this situation while it lasted.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"By the way Brother John, how's the update of my missing sister? Are there any leads or witnesses? Nobody had seen her in the market before she went missing?" asked Caroline. A genuine concern for her sister's well being was etched on her face.

John released a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry until now we can't find anything that can help us find my wife which is also your twin sister. But am still running ads on TV, radio, and newspapers. My offer still stands for anyone who can give me a tiny hope to locate her. Finding your sister is my top priority right now," he replied.

John's haggard look was clear evidence that his wife's sudden disappearance hit him real hard.

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