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"Thank you, brother John, for doing all the effort just to find my missing sister. And rest assured that taking good care of my nephew is also my priority right now. You don't have to worry about your son, baby James is in good hands. I will take care of him, I promised you that," Caroline said.

John smiled a bit at Caroline, seeing her is like seeing her wife. The pain somehow lessened while he was watching Caroline's face, it gives him hope to see his wife again one day. He stood up and put his mug in the sink. Then he exited the kitchen area, he went to the living room and took baby James from Minerva.

"How's baby James adopting to Caroline?" he asked the nurse.

"So far so good. Baby James no longer cried a lot, he like seeing his mother's face on Caroline's face. So, yeah, Caroline being here is a good thing for baby James," Minerva responded.

"That's good. I have to rely on both of you to take care of baby James. I will still be very busy in the comings days to find my wife and I won't have much time for my son," John said. He brought his son inside the master's bedroom and played with him for a while.

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Thirty minutes later, John was done spending some quality times with baby James, he brought his son back into the living room and placed him in his crib while Minerva was folding the baby's clothes nearby.

John went back to the master's bedroom and took a quick shower. Then he changed into his casual clothes, he gets ready for his daily schedule and activities.

After kissing his son's cheeks, he exited the flat and went down to his office in the 13th floor to check on the status of his businesses, then after doing office works, he and Ramon will roam around the city trying to locate his missing wife, then back in his office again, then go out again. This has been his daily routine for the entire week since Catherine's disappearance, he has to balance his time and managed everything while grieving for his missing wife, sometimes it already takes a toll on him both physically, mentally and emotionally. But he just can't give up finding his wife, he will persevere no matter how bleak the situation he was facing right now.

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Minerva looked at Caroline and baby James bonding together in the living room like mother and son. It was surreal seeing Catherine in Caroline's personality. The degree of how Caroline dotes on her nephew was so motherly, like that of her sister Catherine. She showered baby James with maternal affection, that is why the infant was at peace with himself thinking the one doting on him was his mother.

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It's actually good...

On the other hand, if Catherine won't ever come back and something bad already happened to her, Caroline can easily take over Catherine's place in the father and son's lives. She can play Catherine's role very well 'coz she looks exactly like her twin, the spitting image of her missing sister Catherine.

One thing she noticed though, Caroline isn't the grieving sister type, her face was serene and calm, no ounce of pain can be seen from her face, she was supposed to act with sadness due to her sister's disappearance but she wasn't acting like one. Whenever it's Caroline's turn to watch over baby James her face brightened up with happiness as if she has no relatives that had been missing all these while. Maybe she was hurting inside, she just hides her pain with her smile. But Minerva remembered once during her conversation with Catherine that she and her twin weren't that super close as a sister.

Was Catherine already died and her soul entered her twin sister's body?

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She made a sign of the cross quickly asking God's forgiveness for her dark thoughts.

But where is Catherine right now?

Where is she?

God please protect baby James's mother from harm, prayed Minerva silently.

Caroline glanced at Minerva that was staring at her. "What's wrong Minerva?" she asked.

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"Nothing," replied the nurse.

"No news about my sister, yet?" Caroline asked.

"Still negative, if there's good news about your twin, Sir John will inform us right away. We need to keep praying earnestly so that she can come back to us safe and sound together with the baby she was carrying in her womb," said Minerva.

Caroline looked at the window and beyond, there's a gloomy emotion appearing in her eyes. Catherine, where are you? she was trying to reach her sister's mind wherever she is right now. Although she and her twin sister were never close and sometimes they clashed due to the difference of their attitude and outlook in life but she wants her twin sister back alive without a scratch. She released a deep sigh. She knew about those bad people who are human traffickers that abducted women all over the country, she heard the news about them through the years. Could they be the culprit of her sister's disappearance? But she also knew that once those women were held captive and brought to the foreign land they are good as dead. She was hoping that her sister wasn't one of them.

"Minerva, I will prepare baby James bath," Caroline said and left the living room.

Minerva realized with gladness that in a few hours from now she can finally go home and have a long rest and then see her son again because baby James already had a new nanny that looks exactly like his mother.

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