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Ten minutes later, they were already getting out of the vicinity of the city's morgue and were heading back to the Infinity Jade Tower.

John changed his mind at the last minute.

"Let's stop at the nearest restaurant, Ramon. We have to eat our breakfast. Then next, we will visit Police Investigator Morales to inquire about their investigation of my wife's disappearance," John said.

Ramon parked the car in a fast-food restaurant along the highway. They exited the vehicle and entered the restaurant and began ordering their breakfast.

While waiting for their order, John called Minerva.

"Hello, Sir..."

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"Minerva, confirmed, it's negative. Tell Caroline that the woman in the morgue was not my wife," John said.

"Thank God! We've been dying here waiting for the result. We are glad it's not Catherine, thank you Sir John for taking the time to inform us," Minerva's voice brightened a little bit.

"Where is baby James?" he asked.

"Caroline was feeding your son with his milk as of this moment," answered Minerva.

"Okay. Call me if Catherine will suddenly come back home," John said in a wishful voice.

"Yes Sir, I will," replied Minerva.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When the foods were already delivered by the waiter to their table John ended the call and placed his phone back in the pocket of his jacket.

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They started eating their breakfast.

Twenty minutes later, they were already heading to the police station.

They arrived just in time before Police Investigator Morales was about to leave the premises to carry out his duty outside the police precinct.

"Mr. Roxas, please sit down," he motioned the vacant chair to John and his companion.

"Sir, I'm here to follow up regarding my wife's disappearance, is there any development in your investigation?" John asked.

Morales shook his head. "Unfortunately we don't have any leads so far. I have been to the public market where your wife has last seen. Unfortunately, there is not much CCTV visibility in that area. If she was able to ride a vehicle or a taxi and got abducted that way, chances are those who kidnap her was using fake vehicle plate number and already hides the car somewhere which is not easy to spot, worst they already changed the paint of the car a few minutes after the successful abduction, that's just my theory if she was indeed being kidnap. But if she was missing for some other reason beside kidnapping then we can only formulate another theory."

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John shuts his eyes. If the police who are understaffed was powerless to locate a missing person's then it's gonna be hard finding his missing wife.

"By the way, let me ask you again. Does your wife has not any admirer or stalker that you know? You told me that you and your wife just recently married and you were not having any major quarrel or misunderstanding, to begin with, it's a happy and loving union, therefore there is no reason for her to run away. Usually, if the wife was gone missing, the husband is one of the prime suspects, but since you were in the construction site in the province which already proven true by our investigation unit then you are no longer a man in question. Therefore, your wife's disappearance can only be attributed to some factors, the culprit can be somebody that has taken a fancy of her and abducted her, or he can be an admirer or stalker. Or she was kidnaped by human traffickers and already out of the country as of this moment. We also discovered that on the same day that your wife was gone missing, four women also disappeared without a trace that night in a different city. A total of five women missing on that specific day, your wife included. As to what happened to that missing women was still a big mystery as of this moment," explained Morales.

"My wife has no stalker, Sir. But she had a male friend who's name is Mike. I wonder if we can ask statement from this Mike asking his whereabouts on the day my wife has gone missing," John suggested.

"Yes, we can. Do you have his phone number?" asked Morales.

John wrote Mike's number in a piece of paper and gave it to the police investigator.

Morales looked at the written number and tried calling it, a male voice comes on the line.

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"Is this Mike? Catherine's friend?" asked Morales.

"Yes. Have you known of Catherine's disappearance?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm very worried about her. By the way, who is this?" asked Mike.

"I'm a Police Investigator assigned to Catherine's disappearance case. I would like to formally invite you here to our police station to give your statement. We are currently gathering evidence and information to locate her whereabouts. Your cooperation is very much welcome and needed to help speed up her case. Can you come here?"

"Yes, of course. I'm willing to give my testimony. I will drop by at the station at 3:00 PM this afternoon," said Mike.

"Okay, good. Thanks for your willingness to undergo in the investigation, Mike. I will be waiting for you this afternoon in my office, please come as early as possible," Morales said and gave the police station's address to Mike.

"Yes, Sir... I will," responded Mike.

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