The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 410: 410

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The call between Mike and Police Investigator Morales has ended.

Morales looked at John. "Your wife's friend is very cooperative. Let's see what we can find out about him this afternoon," he said.

"Thank you, Sir, we will come back this afternoon. Can we have a chance to hear his testimony?" asked John.

"Yes, I will allow you to hear his testimony since the investigation will be conducted in a room with a two-way glass, you can see him but he can't see you, and you will also hear his testimonial outside the room," explained Morales.

"Thank you again, Sir," said John.

He then exited the office and left the police station.


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Inside the moving vehicle...

John was in deep thoughts. He will press for a lie detector test after Mike's testimony. He just wants to make sure Mike wasn't involved in his wife's disappearance. Aside from Mike he can't think of anybody else who would hurt or kidnap Catherine.

They went back to the Infinity Jade Tower 'coz John needs to do some business-related stuff in his office.

Then at 3:00 in the afternoon they were already back in the police station to listen to Mike's interrogation.

Mike was very cooperative and answered all the questions thrown at him by Morales while John was listening outside the interrogation room.

"How are you related to the missing person Mrs. Catherine Roxaz?" asked Morales.

"I became her admirer way back when she's still single. But she never agreed to go on a date with me because she already had a boyfriend during that time, then later on that guy become her husband," answered Mike.

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"You and Catherine were regularly communicating with each other?"

"Yes, but not every day. Sometimes we talk on the phone 3 times a week. Then, when I learned that she's getting married I stop contacting her as my way of respect to her husband," explained Mike.

"When was the last time you had seen Catherine?"

"Hmm, that was I think two weeks before she got married. We accidentally bumped into each other in the ground floor of the condominium building that she was staying with her soon to be husband and their son. That was the last time I saw her," Mike answered.

"Where were you on the day of her disappearance?" asked Morales.

"I was in Phuket Thailand for a three days vacation. I brought with me my plane ticket and also my passport so that you can see my point of entry and exit from our country and you can also check the hotel where I stayed during my vacation there," said Mike.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Morales picked up the plane ticket and passport and gave it to his subordinates to check if he indeed was out of the country during the day Catherine went missing.

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"Mike, who is Catherine to you? Was she your friend or a lover?" asked Morales.

"She is my friend, we never had a romantic relationship ever, she didn't give me a chance even if I asked her many times in the past. Although I offered her marriage proposal a few times yet she keeps turning down my offer. When I learned of her incoming wedding to her boyfriend that was also the time I finally accepted that there was no room for me in her life. I always have a soft spot for Catherine in my heart. I wish with all my heart that she can return to her family soon safe and sound," said Mike, there was a good amount of sincerity in his face and voice.

"If I will ask you to undergo a lie detector test, would you agree to it?" asked Morales.

"Yes. I'm willing to undergo lie detector test anytime so that I can prove to you guys that everything I said today was true. I got nothing to hide," Mike said.

"That's good. You will undergo a lie detector test in a few minutes. Thank you for your cooperation, Mike," Morales said.

"I will do anything to help in the investigation process and extend my support in any possible ways and means to find Catherine as soon as possible," declared Mike. He was truly devastated and felt saddened when he learned from the TV news that Catherine was missing for more than two weeks already. When the police ask him for his presence in the police station for the investigation process he did not hesitate to come. He has a guilt-free conscience. The only thing he wanted right now was for Catherine's safe return to her grieving family as soon as possible.

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A few minutes later...

The lie detector test has started in the adjoining room.

Mike answered all the questions thrown to him by the polygraph examiner. He answered all the question without hesitation in a clear voice.

One hour later the polygraph test ended and the result follows after a few minutes.

The polygraph examiner told Morales that Mike passes the lie detector test in flying colors.


John went home that night still not fully convinced that Mike was innocent.

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