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Three Weeks Later...

Baby James has been sleeping in his crib peacefully. Minerva will be off duty one hour after. As usual, she and baby James will be left alone because John would often come home late at night trying to find her sister all over the city. She admired her brother-in-law's dedication in trying to find his missing wife even if there were no clear leads or witnesses to pinpoint the exact location of her sister Catherine he still keeps on moving forward tirelessly. She admired him the more, she finds his dedication and devotion to his missing wife beyond compare.

Caroline released a deep sigh, it's very hard when one of her family members was missing and still can't be found up to this day, and it's indeed a nightmare!

She's been swimming in the pool daily to expel stress from her system, it's her coping mechanism in dealing with the sudden disappearance of her sister, and she asked Minerva to watch the baby for a while.

She brought her phone with her into the pool area, she placed the phone in the table beside the lounge chair and pressed the remote control wanting to see the Makati skyline at this early time of the night. After stripping her clothes and changing into her swimsuit, she dived right into the deepest part of the pool.

She swims from end to end enjoying the sparkling water and admiring the view of the city from the 15th story building.

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It's pretty clear to her that if her twin sister was not missing she won't be able to enjoy this kind of luxury. She enjoyed taking good care of her nephew, she got a salary while doing the work she loves, she got free board and lodging and able to eat delicious foods without using her own money, she can swim in the pool every day and enjoy the panoramic view of the city anytime she wanted to. Her life now was next to perfect as of this moment.

Her phone's sudden ringing broke her reverie alerting her of an incoming call...

She gets out of the pool, picked up her phone and sits down on one of the lounge chairs.

"Hello, cousin," said Caroline.

"Caroline, is there new update of your missing sister?" asked Grace in a worried tone.

Caroline shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "No fresh update yet. Brother-in-law John was always meet with a dead end. He goes out early and go home late trying to find his wife all over the city but he always comes home empty-handed, it's always a negative result each and every time. John was trying his best to find my twin, unfortunately, my sister is very hard to find," she explained.

"Poor John. It must be very hard for him," commented Grace. "It's been hard for all of us. Please, talk to your mother for a moment, she's been crying every day, she's worried sick of your twin sister's disappearance," said Grace.

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"Okay, I will talk to her. We just talked yesterday, anyways... never mind. Cousin, please hand the phone to my mother," Caroline said.

Her mother's sobbing can be heard at the other end.

"Mother, are you crying again?" she asked gently.

"Caroline, your sister has not come home yet? John still unable to find her?" asked the grieving Thelma.

"Yes, mother. Until now, there has been no good news yet regarding my sister's disappearance. Don't worry, as soon there is good news from Brother John, I will call you guys right away. Please stop crying, Mother. Please take care of your health, even if my sister was missing Jacob and Lily still needs your attention. So please, stay strong for all of us. Let's just keep praying to God that he will protect my sister from bad things and bad people. Let's continue hoping that she will resurface and grace us with her presence once again. Let's hope for the best mother and prepare for the worst," Caroline said.

She heard her mother sighing on the other end.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"I will contribute my part to find your sister!" said Thelma.

"No, Mother! You have your illness to worry about and there's also Jacob and Lily that needs your care, it's not good for you to go out there trying to find Catherine. You will only get sick and we will have more problems in our hands to deal with. Rest assured that Brother John was trying his best to find my sister," Caroline elaborated further.

"I am deeply worried about what is going to happen to Catherine especially that she is pregnant!" Thelma wailed.

Caroline released a deep sigh. "I know mother. I'm also worried about my sister's delicate situation. Unfortunately, we can't find her yet. The only thing we can do is pray to God every day for her safe return," she said.

"Why it's happening to your sister? There are so many bad people out there, why it has to be your sister?" Thelma lamented.

"I dunno, Mother. I don't know. I will call you tomorrow if there's good news. I will finish taking a bath first because Minerva will go home soon and I need to take care and watch over baby James," she said.

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"Okay, don't forget to call me again tomorrow, Caroline," Thelma said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, I will. Bye, Mother," she replied.

Caroline placed the phone on the chair and resumed swimming in the inviting water. She continues bathing in the pool in the next twenty minutes.

Done swimming, she took a quick shower in the bathroom and change into her dry clothes. She exited the pool area and went to the guestroom, her little bundle of joy was already awake.

"Wow, my cute baby James is already awake!" squealed Caroline. She enjoyed taking good care of her little nephew. She thoroughly enjoyed being his nanny.

"Are you done with everything, Caroline? I will go home now," Minerva said.

"Okay, go ahead. See you tomorrow, Minerva," Caroline responded in a merry voice.

Minerva placed her phone inside her shoulder bag and exited the bedroom heading towards the door, looking forward to going home.

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