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John sets the television on high volume.

He was still sitting on the swivel chair in his office staring at the city's skyline, the darkness of the night already brought explosions of thousands of lights illuminating the entire city. It will be another sad night in his life. Three weeks passed too quickly and finding his missing wife was always been a mentally exhausting activity for him.

His anguish and torment have no ending, he can only rest in peace if he can see her wife's body, dead or alive, he needs to find her at all cost! Hope it will be soon because the torture was getting too much for him to handle.

Every morning when he wakes up alone in his bed, he realized that a big chunk of his heart has been taken away by his wife's disappearance. It's hard to function and live normally every day when his wife was still missing and probably suffering alone somewhere and he can't even help her. He felt so utterly useless, no matter how hard he tried to find her still no favorable result gained from all his efforts.

The door to his office opened...

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Romeo entered the door bringing with him a bottle of wine.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Let's drink some wine to numb the pain, bro," he began pouring the content of the bottle in the glass and gave it to his buddy.

John gladly accepted the glass filled with wine and drinks from it.

Romeo sits down in the chair facing the table. "Still no news of Catherine's whereabouts, bro?" he asked.

John shook his head, his eyes filled with sorrow and sadness. "Nothing so far. I don't know what to do anymore, I tried everything but I still can't find her," the anguish that was emanating from his eyes was so heartbreaking to see.

Romeo took pity of his best friend. Every time he goes home he browses online about missing person cases and it's horrifying to know that the majority of missing women always ended dead, murdered, raped, tortured, sold to prostitution's and become sex slaves. He had to stop browsing online because the result was too horrible to comprehend. Too much evil happening all over the world and worst it could happen to anyone or anybody without any warning.

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"Bro, could your wife's sudden disappearance has some connection with Dahlia's death? Remember that the culprit has not been caught until today. He remained at large. Could it be that the guy who killed Dahlia could also be the same suspect of your wife's disappearance?" asked Romeo.

John's eyes glistened. "I dunno bro. Hope not. Besides, why would that person target my wife after how many years? Why would he resurface and create havoc in my life again? Besides, I haven't made an enemy in my lifetime. I think there's no connection whatsoever," he said firmly.

Romeo sighed deeply. John was his best friend and he knew full well that he was a peace-loving person, he was the type of person who just sat in the corner and does his thing trying not to attract attention. Four years in college, they been through everything like kindred brother doing all the same stuff together and he never saw John quarreling with anyone. John wasn't the friendly type, he was just an aloof harmless type of person.

"I think you are right, bro, there is no connection indeed. Maybe what happened to Catherine was that she was just unlucky to encounter some bad luck at the wrong time. If she meets with some accident or something out there, we should already have located her by now. I had this foreboding that she was being abducted for some reason we don't know yet," said Romeo.

John was fighting back tears. Although he was trying to stay positive, he can't help feeling distraught, Catherine has been missing for three weeks and anything bad can happen to her or already happen to her. He slowly prepared himself mentally for the worst. There were times he was feeling angry and resentful asking his destiny why it has to be his wife? He was never a bad person in this lifetime and he did not commit any bad sin all his life, why does he have to suffer this kind of pain? Why he was being punished and mentally tortured like this? He just can't understand what was the purpose in all of these?

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When will his suffering end?

His suffering will only end after he will see his wife again.

They have been drinking the wine accompanied by the deep silence that hung heavily in the air surrounding them.

The first bottle of wine was already empty. Romeo went to his office and brought another bottle into John's office and they continue drinking wine until midnight.

A few minutes later...

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"I will go home now, bro," Romeo said.

"Okay. Take care and be careful when driving," said John.

"Don't worry bro, I'm not drunk yet, I will be going now and you should sleep as well," he rose to his feet and left the room.

John exited his office and ride the elevator up to the 15th floor. When he entered the flat it's already empty and awfully quiet. Caroline and baby James must have been sleeping already.

He wanted to see his son right now.

He tried to open the doorknob of the guestroom and thankfully it opened up when he pushes it. The light in the room was open, it seemed Caroline can't sleep without the light on, her body was covered entirely with the blanket. He entered the room without closing the door. He walked towards baby James's crib beside the bed. His son was sleeping soundly. His gaze lingered back to Caroline's sleeping form. She looks exactly like Catherine, his beloved wife! But he knew she isn't Catherine. John shakes his head trying to clear his foggy mind. He planted a quick kiss on his son's forehead and exited the door quietly so as not to disturb Caroline and his sleeping son.

He entered the master's bedroom and sleep alone in the bed thinking of his beloved missing wife.

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