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John pulls out George from the Hacienda Catherine because he had an important task assigned for him. He needs more people to find Catherine. He will go crazy if he can't find his wife soon! He was feeling restless and feeling angry inside blaming himself that he failed to protect his wife. The more she was out there somewhere the more danger she was exposed to.

His mind was filled with negative thoughts and no matter how hard he tried to stay optimistic it's just won't work anymore. His wife's mysterious disappearance was killing him inside.

Inside his office, he briefed George on what to do. He put Mike's photo on the table in front of George. "Follow this man's daily activity, follow him wherever he goes unless he will go out of the country. Find everything suspicious about him, although he already passes the lie detector test, still, he might be hiding something. Hope he has nothing to do about the disappearance of my wife. We can only trail him without his knowledge."

"Yes Boss," George responded, he took the photo and placed it inside his sling bag.

"You can go now, George, call me if you find something suspicious about him," John said. "You can ask Allan some details about Mike, he knew a few details about him."

"Okay Boss, I'll go ahead," George said and exited the room.

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John was left alone again inside his office. He was entertaining the idea of having someone trailing Ella's activities as well, although she would be an unlikely suspect still there's no harm in trying to check everyone's activities, her name was included on his suspect list.

He called Allan from his phone.

"Yes, Boss?" Allan answered right away.

"You remember Ella, right?" asked John.

"Yes Boss," Allan replied.

"I want you to follow her for at least one month. From now on, Ramon will handle the calls and text from the people who might give us information about Catherine's whereabouts," John said.

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"Okay Boss, I will go now," Allan said.

Five hours later...

Ramon entered the office.

"Do we have a lead today, Ramon?" asked John.

"I received a text message informing us about a dirty woman wearing dirty clothes found in a sidewalk salvaging foods in the garbage can outside The Crown Mall. It might be another false alarm, what do you think, Boss?" asked Ramon.

John sighed. "It doesn't matter if it's a false alarm, let's see that woman first, we can't let a small chance pass by. Let's go to that mall right now and see that woman."

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A few minutes later, they were already heading their way to The Crown Mall.

They have been going back and forth outside the mall trying to find the woman who was supposed to be rummaging the garbage can outside the mall but they haven's seen anyone doing just that at this moment.

Ramon parked the car in the parking area and asked some of the guards on duty if they had seen a dirty woman rummaging foods in the garbage can. The guard told him that the woman was taken away by the City's mobile van to be brought in the home for people with mental illness, it's a home funded by the government to take care of women and men wandering in the streets who are no longer in their right frame of mind. From there they will undergo a thorough physical check-up and staff can run a background check on their identity. Their overall mental and emotional well being will be evaluated as well to gauge the severity of their mental illness, and to check also if they need extensive medical assistance.

Ramon and John traveled again on the way to the home for the mentally challenged individuals.

They finally arrived at the place, it was a two-story old building...Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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They saw different types of people inside the building's perimeter with blank stares on their faces, some were old, some were young. Women were being kept on the other side while the men were housed on the other side. They just kind of wander around the place aimlessly like they already lose their purpose in life. It's a heartbreaking and suffocating scenario for an outsider like them to witness.

They asked the assistance of one of the staff, stating their intention to talk to the Officer In Charge of the home.

They were brought to her office.

John and Ramon sat down on the chair facing the middle-aged woman.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am," John greeted the OIC.

The woman gave them a courteous smile. "What can I do for you, gentlemen?"

John picked up Catherine's photo from his wallet and held it in his hand for the woman to see. "Ma'am, this is my wife Catherine, she disappeared three weeks ago and I'd been trying to find her everywhere, unfortunately, we still haven't found her. We received a text message today informing us that the texter saw a dirty woman rummaging foods in the garbage can outside the mall so we try to check that woman's identity, she could be my missing wife," he explained.

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