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The woman shook her head. "The recent addition to our family, that woman you are talking about doesn't look like your wife, but if you are interested you can see her right now inside the clinic where we are currently conducting some physical check up on her. Follow me," said the woman, she stood up and exited her office and walked along the hallway followed by John and Ramon.

They entered the room with 'Clinic' written on the outside. 

Inside they saw the woman sitting on the chair with a serious face, she looks clean now, probably fresh from her bath. A nurse was on standby mode writing something in her report sheet.

John looked at the woman. It was clear as the daylight that she was not his beloved Catherine.

"Ma'am, I apologize for disturbing you. Can I leave my wife's photo here just in case another woman will arrive that will look exactly like my wife? You can reach me on my phone number at the back of the photo," John said.

The Officer-In-Charge accepted the photo. "Okay, I will contact you if some of my staff had seen the woman in the photo." She passed the photo to the nurse who was attending to the mentally ill woman.

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While the nurse was looking at Catherine's photo...

The mentally ill woman was looking at the photo as well.

Then the mentally ill woman exclaimed all of a sudden. "I saw that woman in the photo!"

Everyone stared at the serious face of the mentally challenged woman.

John sprung into action, he quickly walked towards the woman's side and showed her Catherine's photo. "This is my missing wife, have you seen her, Miss?"

The woman blinked twice. "Yes, I've seen her. We were both locked inside a room with no window's, it's very dark... monsters wearing black mask surrounded us all the time... they have guns and will scare us all the time... in another room, there are few women always crying, sometimes they don't give us foods, only water, then one day they took some of the women and dumped them in a vehicle like vegetables... I can still hear women screaming and crying at the top of their lungs then I hear total silence then another screaming again, then gunshot explosion... then that woman who was in the same cell as me was always silent...she never talk, never cry...always looking at the window above... then her hands would massage her stomach then tears will spill from her eyes..."

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"D-do you know her name?" asked John, fear, and pain were both, squeezing his heart at the same time.

The woman shook her head. "No. She would not answer my questions, she stays silent most of the time... "

"D-did those monsters hurt that woman?" John continues asking the woman.

The woman shook her head again. "No... the monster did not hurt me and the girl beside me, they said we are dirty and yuckky...they will feed us to the crocodile if no one will get interested to buy us..."

The horrified faces of the staff, Ramon and John can be seen hanging at every word that came out of the woman's mouth.

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"Please continue...," John coaxed her.

"One day...the monsters come back and bring with them other women...three women...then me and that woman beside me was taken out of the cell...we took a bath in a shower then change into dry clothes... they shoved us into the backseat of the car... we travel for many hours then the car stopped... the monsters get out of the car and took a pee on the side of the road... the woman beside me open the door and run away as fast as she can into the woods...then the monsters run after her... I also runaway on the opposite direction to escape... then I heard sounds of guns being fired nonstop then a woman's blood-curling scream echoed in the air... that woman must have been hit by the bullet... I continue to run as fast as I can and I come into the highway... a car stop to help me... then they take me away from the forest and they come into the city and I was left on my own from then on..."

"Miss, can you still remember the forest where the monsters had taken you and that woman for a stopover?" asked John.

The woman shook her head and then laughed maniacally. "Give me money first, I will tell you," she began playing with her shoulder-length hair, twirling the locks around her fingers.

John took some bills from his wallet and give it to the woman. "Miss, please tell me, that woman could be my wife," he pleaded.

The woman continues twirling her curly hair laughing like a madwoman. "Hahaha, I'm just joking, it all happens in my dreams..."

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Holy Guacamole!

John groaned.

John shuts his eyes and gritted his teeth due to despair and disappointment. He should have known that the woman was mentally challenged, why did he even believe her in the first place. He was just desperate for information that's all.

He looked at the people around him they were all trying to contain their laughter, they were all fooled by how well the mentally challenged woman narrated her story, they were all thinking she was telling a real story!


Such a bummer!

A few moments later, John and Ramon bid goodbye to the staff.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

It's another mentally exhausting and draining episode in finding Catherine's whereabouts and John was now on the breaking point.

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