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One Month Later...

~Cavite City~

Sherry contacted Grace asking the latest update of Catherine's disappearance. They were having a serious conversation inside a cafe.

"Everyone of us in the family circle has this theory that Catherine was kidnap," explained Grace.

Sherry's body trembled a bit. "Who could be the kidnapper? Could be someone that Catherine know or it was just a random person taking a liking on her?"

Grace sighed. "We have no idea, my cousin's disappearance is a big mystery to us. She just vanished out of thin air, leaving no traces behind."

Sherry was misty-eyed. "I'm so sorry for Catherine's family and her husband and their infant son. We are kept in the dark, it's too much to comprehend, every time I heard in the radio about Catherine's missing ad, it filled my heart with dread," Sherry said. "How I wish I could do something to help find Catherine, but I'm pretty much useless, all I can do is keep praying to God for her safe return." Her cell phone starts ringing, she fished it out from her shoulder bag and answered the call that comes from Mark, her boyfriend. "Hello, hon..."

"Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm inside a cafe talking to Grace, Catherine's cousin," she answered.

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"Okay, good. Asked Grace if you can have the cell phone number of Catherine's husband and send it to me after you two are done talking," Mark said.

"What for?" asked Sherry, her brows knitted together.

"We need her husband's number just in case we can gather information about Catherine, we can directly contact her husband. You want to help find your missing friend, right?" Mark said.

"Yes of course," Sherry replied.

"Just do as I say," Mark insisted.

"Okay, I will," she said. Sherry glanced at the woman in front of her. "Can I have John's number, please? I need his number just in case me and my boyfriend can gather information about Catherine's whereabouts we can directly contact John and inform him about it," she explained.

"No problem," Grace replied and wrote John's number on the piece of paper. "That's John's private number."

Sherry added the number to her contacts. "Thank you, Grace," she said. "By the way, how's my godchild? Who take cares of baby James now that his mother was still missing?" there was a huge amount of worry in her voice.

"Don't worry about baby James, he got two nannies that take good care of him 24/7, my other cousin who is Catherine's sister Caroline and the nurse Minerva, you have seen them during the baptism, do you still remember them?" said Grace.

"Ah yes, I do remember them both. Good to know that John has lots of support when it comes to taking care of his infant son. It would be hard for him to find his missing wife and then there was also a baby to worry about," Sherry commented.

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Grace agreed. "Yes. John was doing everything to find his wife, it's not an easy life to handle after the tragic event happening to his family right now. They just recently married and now this...?" her face was marred with sadness.

Sherry and Grace continue having a friendly conversation until 5:00 PM. When they run out of topic to discuss they bid farewell to each other and go on their separate ways.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

7:00 PM

John and Ramon just arrived into the building, done with their aimless wandering around the city looking for Catherine.

John went to his office and sat on his swivel chair. He scanned his eyes over the panoramic view of the city's skyline. The city lights that used to dazzle him, have gradually lost their charm. Everywhere he focuses his eyes with, everything was dull. As if the meaning of everything reduced to nothing. He was simply surviving every day for others...

The spark of life was starting to fade away from his eyes...

Catherine has been missing one month already. There is no 'body' as evidence to prove that she's already dead or still alive.

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He thinks every cell of his brain was dying...

He already stops overthinking too much...

It's either she comes back alive or dead, that's all he wanted to know right now.

The ringing of his phone suddenly hurled him back to painful reality. He picked up his cell phone and inspected the caller, it's an unknown number, he used to ignore numbers that were not added in his contacts. But right now something tells him that he should answer the caller.


"Hello, John!" A deep masculine voice greeted him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Who is this, please?" John asked.

"Guess who?" said the voice.

"I'm not playing games here. Tell me who you are or I will end this call," he warned.

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"It's been a long time. You already forgotten my voice or probably forgotten me already. How about I tell you that I just rose from the dead and now talking to you," the voice continues.

"Huh?" John's eyes narrowed. Risen from the dead? Is this man talking about riddles?

"Still can't guess, eh? How could you so easily have forgotten about me?"

John shuts his eyes in frustrations. He was ready to end the call, he doesn't want to play mind games with a random stranger right now. "Find someone to play with your games, I'm just not up for it right now..."

"Okay, you easily give up, huh? Would you easily give up finding your wife?" asked the voice.

The moment John heard the stranger mentioned his missing wife, he suddenly got interested in the identity of the man on the other line. "W-who is this, please? D-do you know where my wife is?"

"No. But I want to help. To think that we both love the same woman in the past, too bad, you fail to protect her! You're such a useless man!" said the voice in an angry tone.

John felt a chill running up in his spine. "Who are you?! Stop playing games with me!"

The voice continues...

"Fine. I will give you a clue. Do you remember the warehouse where you and your bodyguards tied me to a post while you let me watch your live show with Catherine? Did you still remember what happened that night? Can you remember me now?"

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