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John read his father's long message over and over again. There was something enlightening about his message.

They chatted for two hours discussing the progress of his brother's drug rehabilitation, then about the family business and things in general. They discussed more of Catherine's disappearance.

A moment later...

John and his father Hector finally ended their chat.

John turned off his laptop. There's nothing left to do in the office.

The thick silence vibrating around the walls of his office was suffocating, closing in on him.

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Time to go!

He picked up his phone and exited the office, he brought with him his laptop. He pressed the button #15 inside the elevator. The elevator's door opened at 15th floor, John exited the door and entered his dwelling.

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He found Caroline washing plates on the sink, her back facing him. Baby James was lying in his crib wide awake. He walked to the crib and took his son in his arms. He buried his face into his son's chubby arms.

Caroline looks at his brother-in-law. "Brother John, do you want to eat something? I can prepare something for you," she offered.

John shook his head. "No thanks. I had already eaten dinner. I will play with my son for a while," he replied while carrying his son in his arms. He walked towards the master's bedroom, entered the door and closed it behind him.

He placed baby James in the bed and played with him. He loves watching his son's reaction every time he began tickling his feet, baby James face would light up in an angelic smile, he showered his son's chubby arms and legs with kisses. In moments like this, he finds solace luxuriating in the wonderful presence of his son, his smiles somehow lessened the agony and terrible sadness he felt inside.

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In the next two hours, he spends quality times bonding with his son.

When baby James finally starts crying, it's already time for his feeding.

John brought his son into the living room and put him down in his crib. He intentionally brought four cribs that were strategically placed in the master's bedroom, guestroom, kitchen and living room so that there's no hassle when the nanny needs to do something she can always put the baby inside the crib and continue doing her other chores.

Before he leaves the living room to go back to the master's bedroom, he looked at his sister-in-law. "Are you okay staying with us here, Caroline? I mean, you are okay with everything? Tell me if there is something that you don't like or you have any suggestion regarding your living condition here," he said. He just wants to make sure that his wife's sister was living comfortably in his house. It's his duty and responsibility to make his sister-in-law feel at home.

Caroline smiled sweetly at John. "I'm perfectly alright, brother John. I feel at home here in your place. I enjoyed taking good care of my nephew. I'm all good, please don't worry about me," she responded. In her mind, she was feeling ecstatic that John has taken the time to ask her how she feels living with them. He was just being thoughtful and it made her truly happy to the point of her face blushing crimson red.

John smiled back at her. "That's good. If you encounter any problem, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?"

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"Yes, I will," Caroline nodded her head shyly, then she took baby James in her arms and began feeding her nephew with the bottled milk.

John retraces his steps back to the master's bedroom. He entered the room and closed the door behind him.

He went inside the bathroom for a quick shower before going to bed.

Thirty minutes later, he was already lying in the bed, his stare was fixed on the ceiling. His gaze landed down to the wedding photo and the baptismal photo framed on the wall. They were looking happy in the photo, the three of them; him, Catherine and their son. His wife's beautiful smile was directed at him as if telling him that everything will turn out fine in the end. He misses his wife's presence in his life, he feels incomplete without her by his side, there were times he thinks he would go nuts, the severity of loneliness and sadness that he dealt with every day was getting too much to bear.

He released a deep sigh and buried his face on the pillow, his tears were already flowing freely from his eyes.

Catherine where are you?

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Please come home soon!

I miss you so much!

I love you so much!

Baby James and I need you so much!

Please come back home now!

Those were the words that spilled out from his mouth, muffled by the pillow. He wished that Catherine can hear his intense calling and the deep longing of his heart. No matter how long he will wait for her return, he can only wait, he can never quit and surrender in finding her. He will never forget his wife, even if years will come and go and still no sight of her, he will still wait for her.

A few minutes later...

He slowly rose from the bed and stared at the wall, he pressed the remote control and the curtain parted, the glass wall comes into view revealing the magnificent panoramic sight of the city's skyline. He stared at the spectacular view for a long time, feeling tired and emotionally drained... slowly his eyelids began dropping and he drifted into slumber.

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