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John was being called to the police precinct by Morales because they were able to capture one of the members of small-time human traffickers. When they showed the guy several photos of the missing women including Catherine, he positively identified Catherine, as well the other three women they abducted on the same night Catherine went missing.

John was facing Police Investigator Morales in his office, he was feeling excited about the breakthrough at the same time dreading the news. "Can I listen to the interrogation, Sir?"

"Yes, of course, follow me," Morales said.

They went to the interrogation room. A police officer and a guy in his early forties can be seen facing each other on the table inside the room. John positioned himself outside the room facing the glass wall.

Morales went inside the room and told his comrades that it's now his turn to interrogate the captured human trafficker. The police exited the room and Morales sat down facing the guy. He showed the guy several photos of women and just as Morales had said earlier the guy positively pointed the women, Catherine included, are the ones they abducted on that specific night.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"We only able to see the women faces for a brief time," said the guy.

"You see the women for a brief time, could it be that you are not quite certain if they look exactly like the photos here?" Morales pointed his fingers on the photos.

The guys seem to hesitate a bit and nodded.

"Continue..," urged Morales. "Where did you bring the women?" he asked.

"... they got taken away by another vehicle, they were round up inside a delivery van and to be taken in a hideout somewhere far away which I no longer know. We are just their temporary escort, the people who guarded the delivery van wore a black mask, even us wore the same mask. So we can't see each other's faces," the guy explained.

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"How many years you are doing this kind of kidnapping activity?" Morales asked.

"Just this year and this is my second time and I was also caught," said the guy wearing a forlorn expression on his face.

"Who recruited you in joining the group?"

"I don't know that person. I only had seen his face once. We are given cell phone as our means of communication," replied the guy.

"I can grant you anonymity and put you under witness protection program if you are willing to testify against your comrades," said Morales. They need to hurry or else those girls already been disposed of somewhere that is hard to locate.

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The guy went silent for a while as if pondering the next words to say. "The problem is, there's no one I can point to as my comrades 'coz we haven't seen each other's face. When we arrive at our meeting place all of us are already wearing a black mask. No one was allowed to reveal himself to others. We are a stranger to each other," explained the guy.

Morales was impressed with the brilliant mind behind this small-time human traffickers. He knew the logic behind the mask when one member is caught, it will prevent the captured criminal to identify his other comrades, looks like a dead-end pursuit, Morales thought to himself.

Maybe there's still a way to capture the others...

"Where did you originally came from? Where is your birthplace?" Morales asked.

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"I come from one of the far-flung provinces in Mindanao. My parents and siblings live there, I only come here in Metro Manila to find work."

"Do you have a wife or children?"

"I have no one. I'm single, I can't give my future family a decent life so why bother to marry? It's better that I live alone on my own, no one will suffer if I'm gone, no one will be implicated if I made a mistake. My life is my own to do as I please," the guy elaborated.

The police investigator was staring at the captured guy's face for a long time. With no family to feed and go home to, this guy is a goner. Why does he have a feeling that no matter how many times they will interrogate or subject this guy to psychological and physical torture they can't press him for any additional information to add to his statement?

Morales rose to his feet and left the room. He would leave the rest of the interrogation to his colleague, he will formulate a plan first on how to capture the other member of the group.

John met Morales outside the door. "Did he positively pointed my wife as one of the women they abducted, Sir?"

Morales nodded his head. "Yes, but we can't be sure 100% unless we see the girls again with our own eyes. And you were also able to hear from his mouth that he has no idea who are the other members of their group because they wore a mask all the time while they were together performing their illegal activity and interacting with each other," explained Morales. "But I will try to formulate a plan on how to lure those bastards out and see if that guy inside was just bluffing, we shall find out tomorrow," he said.

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