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"I don't know if I will feel happy or sad based on what I have heard from that guy today. If we have to wait longer those women along with my wife may already suffer worst in their hands. I can't feel at ease thinking that we already had a lead yet still unable to use that lead to locate the missing women's whereabouts. Every minute and every second is crucial to the successful rescue of the girls, we need to move quickly, Sir!" John said.

Morales patted John's shoulder. "I understand your sentiment, John. Rest assured me and my colleagues won't sleep tonight unless we can come up with an effective plan on how to rescue the women they abducted, ASAP. You can go home, for now, I will contact you tomorrow if we already had a solid plan," he said.

John knew he was already being dismissed, no need to linger longer in the police station because he might only hinder the investigation. "Thank you, Sir, for giving me a chance to witness the interrogation process, I will go now." He turned around heading for the main door of the station.

"Call me tomorrow, John," that's all Morales can say to him.

John nodded his head, with a slumped shoulders he turned around and walked towards the main entrance of the police station. Although nothing is certain for now, the captured guy inside the interrogation room gave him a little bit of hope of seeing his wife again.

Morales watched John's retreating form with a grim expression on his face. Those women have been missing for one month already. Within one month, a lot of things may already have happened with the girls. The horizon still looks dark for the grieving husband and the families of those missing women.


The following day...

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John woke up early in the morning after sipping his coffee, he planned to go back to the police station for a follow-up, he called Morales right away to seek update regarding the captured guy.

"Good morning, Sir," John greeted him.

"Good morning, John," Morales returned the greetings.

"I would like to ask if the captured guy already spilled the beans?" John asked.

"No, sad to say that the guy we interrogated yesterday died of a heart attack last night during his sleep, our investigation grounded to a halt with his sudden passing, I'm sorry John we're back to zero," Morales narrated.

John was shocked. He closed his eyes unable to say anything.

"John I will call you again if we have an update of our investigation regarding your wife's disappearance," Morales said and ended the call.

John had a hard time dealing with the sudden blow of the investigation. Just when there was a tiny flash of hope, it faded away too soon.


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Another dead end!

John gritted his teeth in despair and frustrations. His hands curve into a fist and he punched his pillow as many times as he could. This is getting too much already if he will continue facing more of these kinds of frustrating scenario he will surely go mad.


~Forbes Park~

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Ella just arrived back into their mansion fresh from her recent vacation in Canada. She left the international airport straight home. She had extended her vacation up to one month because she enjoyed spending time with her mother, her sister, and her new super cute niece.

While she was on vacation her father informed her that one of the members of the elite businessmen group has decided to donate a piece of his land. She was ecstatic to know about it, meaning she doesn't need to continue going into a relationship with Danny for two years.


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She texted Danny informing him that she will visit him in his residence tonight. She will have a conversation with telling him that she will end their relationship because she isn't ready to have a romantic relationship with someone at this point in her life.

Danny isn't that bad, just that she doesn't want to enter a romantic relationship with anyone right now.

She was lying in the bed listening to an FM radio while reading her favorite women's magazine, then an ad appeared mentioning of a missing woman named Mrs. Catherine Roxas, a cell phone number was given along with the ad for anyone who can give information to the whereabouts of Mrs. Catherine.

If she was not mistaken...

That missing woman could be... John's wife?

Maybe not, maybe just some other woman. She ignored the missing persons advertisement and continues reading the magazine.

Two hours from now, she will join her father in the dining room for dinner. She's excited to discuss her father about the land that will be donated for her ambitious charity project.

She gets up from the bed and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

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Two hours later...

The housemaid knocked on her bedroom's door informing her that her father was already waiting for her in the dining room.

Ella exited her room and went downstairs.

"Daddy, I'm back!" she squealed and planted a kiss on his father's cheek. "How are you, Dad?"

Oscar smiled at his daughter with fondness. "I'm fine, how's your vacation? Did you enjoy it? How's your mother and your sister in Canada?"

A bright smile appeared on Ella's face. "I truly enjoyed my vacation there. Sister's family is doing good especially your new granddaughter who looks exactly like me," she giggled. "Mother was enjoying her vacation there as well," she added.

"That's good!" Oscar commented.

"Dad, tell me when that friend of yours start the process of donating the land to my foundation?" asked Ella excitedly.

"He will start processing the transfer next week," Oscar replied.

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