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"Wow, that's wonderful! How about the others, are they willing to support the project?" inquired Ella.

"Yes, the majority wanted to donate something that can be anything, they are willing to support the project. We will need construction materials, salary for people who will work on the building project and a lot more. It's not a child's play my dear daughter, your ambitious project is one of a kind, so yeah... expect the road to get a little bit rough in the following months," warned Oscar.

Ella was pondering for a moment. "Dad, everything is possible with money, right?"

"Yeah, everything is possible with money in this world, the only thing money can't do is bringing the dead back to life. Why you asked?" Oscar said.

"You said it yourself, money is the only problem that is standing between success and my ambitious project, so I will focus on the money. As long I have your backing and your friends backing and the support of the people out there who got generous heart then there is nothing impossible, we can make it. As long we can start erecting the foundation of the building, I am sure the funds will soon start rolling in because people will feel motivated to help and donate money to make the relocation project a successful endeavor. They just need to see the beginning, see for themselves that it's possible and be inspired to help and donate funds, and I will make sure I will work hard to start the ambitious project as soon as possible. The spark needs to happen first...," she beamed with excitement in her eyes.

Oscar smiled at his daughter. He wants to know how far can his daughter carry on with her Samaritan transformation. He wants to know if she can truly achieve something that only a few people has attempted to do and succeeded.

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It would be interesting and fascinating if his daughter can achieve something that would be beneficial for others. Because even if he, himself, failed to create, think and mold that divine vision, his very own daughter will attempt to help others on a grander scale without expecting anything in return, there will be a setback for sure, how his daughter will navigate around those setbacks is worth to watch. An amused smile appeared on his lips.

"Dad, why are you smiling ?" Ella's eyebrows raised.

Oscar shook his head. "Nothing my child, let's continue eating."

They resumed eating their sumptuous dinner.

At 7:30 in the evening, Ella told his dad that she will visit Danny for a few hours because she will have something important to tell him.


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~Fernandez Mansion~

Ella arrives at Fernandez mansion at exactly 8:00 in the evening. She directly went to the brick house to look for Danny, she found him watching international news on television in his living room.

"Hi, Danny!"

"Babe! Wow! You're back! You told me that you will arrive next week, how come you're back right now?" he said. He went to her side and planted a quick kiss on her cheeks. Then he carries her back to the sofa and deposited her on his lap. "Miss me?" he began nuzzling her neck. "Because I miss you so much!" he said in a husky voice.

Ella wriggled from his hold but he was too much stronger. "Put me down first, please?" she said.

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"Why? I miss you so much, I'm just trying to have some little tender moments with you," he pouted.

Ella bit her lip. How to start telling him that she was going to break up with him tonight? She can see the thick emotion of longing flooding his face, he did truly miss her.

"Do you know that I'd been counting the days and weeks of your arrival because I wanted to see you again?" Danny said.

Ella stared at his serious face. Could he be developing real feelings for her?

"Are you getting serious?" she asked.

"Huh? What kind of question is that? Of course, I have serious intention towards you. I'm not playing games here, I honestly like you. I think I'm falling so hard for you," he confesses, he was looking at Ella with full adoration in his eyes.

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He continues to nuzzle the exposed skin on her neck.

Ella just allowed his lips to shower kisses on her neck for the time being. She will find the right timing to tell him about the sudden change of her mind. When Danny carried her into the bedroom, she allowed him without protesting.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Danny lowered Ella's body in the bed gently without breaking eye contact with her. His eyes were burning with passion and desire. He continues roaming his gaze up and down on Ella's body.

Ella recognized that look, the intensity of his gaze meant that he was lusting for her body.

He slowly shifted on top of her, his lips and breathe lingered right on top of her lips. When Danny's lips touch her mouth she opened it wide, he devoured her mouth hungrily.

Then he runs sweet kisses down her neck and nibbled on her earlobe, then his mouth went down to her chest when he attempted to discard her blouse he didn't hear a protest from her, he took her clothes off and began showering hot kisses on her breast with her bra on.

Danny was inspired and motivated with her silent permission, his mouth went lower and his hands fumbled on her jeans, he began unzipping her jeans and discarded it as well.

Now that Ella was left with only her bra and flimsy underwear that was covering her modesty, Danny has to stop what he was doing and directly stared into her eyes. "D-do I have to continue? You can say no, I will respect your decision, babe," he said.

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