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Minerva was washing dishes in the kitchen sink, out of the corner of her eyes she saw Caroline getting out of the master bedroom that was occupied by the couple. Normally she doesn't mind because she was Catherine's sister but when she saw that Caroline was holding a piece of clothing which she recognizes as Catherine's, her eyebrows rose together.

She halted her washing and faced the younger woman. "Is that your sister's clothes?" Minerva asked.

Caroline looked at the clothing, it's just a lingerie and sexy shorts. "Yes, it is."

Minerva looked at the younger woman's face. "Are you gonna start wearing your missing sister's clothing?" she asked.

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Caroline nodded her head. "I'm just going to borrow it for a while, I will return it tomorrow," she said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

A frown appeared on Minerva's head. "Huh? Why would you need to borrow your sister's clothes? And why are you wearing lingerie and sexy shorts inside the house? Are you planning to seduce someone?"

Caroline's face darken. "It's none of your business!" she pouted.

Minerva sighed. "Don't be angry Caroline. You should have asked John's permission first if you are allowed to use your sister's clothing. Don't just go inside the couple's room taking out and using things without permission as if they were your own. Besides that sexy lingerie is only fit for a woman with a husband, since you are single and don't even have a boyfriend so I'm puzzled why you even have to wear sexy lingerie unless you are trying to attract a guy and wanted to look sexy for that special someone."

Caroline stared at the older woman. Sometimes she hated Minerva's guts as if she was perfect and can't do any wrong. If this nurse kept meddling in my affairs then I will ask brother John to fire her, she thought to herself.

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Minerva saw the fire of anger flashing brightly on Caroline's face. "Return your sister's clothing right now, Caroline, before John sees you holding it. I'm sure he wouldn't approve of you wearing his wife's clothing," she commanded her.

Caroline's eyes darken. She's getting pissed now! But she had to calm her rising temper. "Alright your highness, Minerva, I will follow your command," she curtsied in front of the nurse making fun of her. Then she turned around heading for the master's bedroom to return the piece of clothing she had taken from her sister's closet.

Once inside the master's bedroom, she folded the clothes and returned them neatly in the closet. Not yet ready to go, she starts opening the drawer, there was a drawer for neckties, a drawer for face towel, for men's shorts and briefs, then ladies bra and undies that belongs to her sister. She re-opened back the drawer where John's underwear was folded neatly. She runs her hands on the men's underwear, then a naughty idea pops up in her mind.

She was sure Minerva was waiting for her to come outside...

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Caroline immediately discarded her shorts and took one of John's black briefs jockey and donned it up her legs, then she wore her shorts over it to conceal it.

She smiled at herself in front of the mirror.

Then she went out of the room, Minerva was indeed waiting for her outside, the old hag was eyeing her up and down. She opened up her palms for the older woman to see. "Nothing to see, right? I returned the clothing as per your instruction," she said.

Minerva sighed. "Caroline, if you are planning to take over you missing sister's little family, wait after five years, meaning Catherine most likely won't return alive. You are getting too restless and excited wanting to occupy your sister's place too soon. Have respect on your sister's memory!"

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Caroline shoots the nurse an angry look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid, I caught you many times looking at your brother-in-law's back with that look of wishfulness on your face many times. Those kinds of look, I can very well say that you are having a crush on your sister's husband. Don't you dare attempt to seduce your sister's husband, it's immoral!"

Caroline's eyes widen. So, the old hag has discovered her secret feelings towards John? Damn! This old hag needs to be eliminated one day. "How dare you to accuse me something like that!?" she gritted her teeth in anger.

Minerva snorted. "Don't deny and lie, Caroline, your face show's it all!" she gave the younger woman a look of disdain, took baby James from the crib and carry the infant in her arms into the living room.

Caroline went inside the guest room and locked the door from the inside. She immediately took off her shorts and John's underwear that she had stolen and hid the garment below her clothing. She smiled triumphantly, now she already had a piece of her brother-in-law's clothing with her! How exciting! she starts giggling feeling happy all of a sudden.

She had noticed for several nights that John would secretly open the guestroom and enter the room to check on his son. And she likes it very much! Sometimes she would catch him looking at her for a brief second but still, those split-second gazes no matter how brief means a lot to her. 

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