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She had this insane feeling that maybe if she wears sexy clothing or sexy lingerie John would shower her more attention, now that her sister was still missing, why not? She can flirt a little with her brother-in-law just for fun and see how far his never-ending devotion to her missing sister will last.

She needs to go out and visit the nearest mall to buy sexy lingerie with her own money. This way Minerva no longer have any more reason to scold her.

Caroline wore her jeans and blouse, then she picked up her shoulder bag and put her wallet inside it. She slid her feet into a pair of brown sandal and get ready to go out.

She exited the room.

She found Minerva changing baby James diaper clothing in the living room. "I will go out 'coz I need to buy some personal stuff in the mall. I will come back quick!" she said.

Caroline walked briskly towards the door even before Minerva can even say a thing.

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Minerva can only stare at Caroline's departing form until the door closes on the younger woman's back.

She waited for fifteen minutes...

Then Minerva carried baby James in her arms and brought the infant inside the guest room and put him in the crib. She then locked the door just to make sure no one can enter the room.

She walked to the closets where Caroline's put her clothes. She was slowly checking out the younger woman's clothing piece by piece... looking for nothing in particular.

Then her hands and eyes caught something, a men's black underwear! There's only one guy in this flat and that's the owner of the flat himself, John! Looks like Caroline was sexually fantasizing on her brother-in-law!

It's now confirmed!

Crazy child, Minerva murmured to herself. She returned the underwear and arranged everything in the right order so that the younger woman won't notice that she already discovered her madness.

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She exited the room and brought baby James back into the living room to wait for Caroline's comeback. She turns on the television to hear about local and world news.

Three hours later...

Caroline was back, bringing along with her three shopping bags. A happy smile was plastered on her face. She put her purchases on the sofa and checked the clothing one by one in front of the nurse.

"These looks sexy, right?" Caroline said.

Minerva looked at the five pairs of matching sexy shorts and blouses but did not say anything.

Then Caroline holds the sexy black lingerie that leaves a little to the imagination. "How about this? What do you think, Minerva?" she paraded the lingerie in front of the nurse that was pretending not to feel interested.

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Minerva rolled her eyes.

Caroline opened another shopping bag and took out two more sexy lingerie with different color and designs. With the same process, she rubbed it on the nurse face. "Lovely and sexy isn't it, Minerva? And it's mine, I bought it with my own money, it's not my sister clothing," she said.

Still, the older woman refused to get taunted by the younger woman's innuendo.

Caroline smirked. "Now you can't say anything to me anymore. I will wear these clothes whenever I like, none of your business anymore!" She put all the clothing back in the shopping bag and left the living room.

Minerva shook her head and released a deep sigh. Catherine where are you? Come back soon! she said over and over again. She realized that Caroline can make her moves towards John anytime if she wanted to.

Whenever she goes home after 5:00 or 6:00 PM, it will only be John, Caroline and baby James alone in the flat. Now that John was at his most vulnerable state, Caroline can easily seduce him, especially that she looked exactly like his wife.

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She sighed in apprehension. She can't warn John either since she was an outsider. Besides if Caroline will finally decide to go after John then all she can do is watch the events unfolds before her very eyes. She's powerless to stop a future deranged, obsessed woman like Caroline who won't even listen to her advice. Now she regretted why she even endorsed Caroline to John as baby James nanny in the first place. It's all her fault, although Caroline was doing an excellent job in taking good care of her nephew, there's something ugly about Caroline's character that she only witnessed today.

Caroline re-appeared in the living room, she placed money in Minerva's lap. "You are going home thirty minutes from now, right? Can you please buy me ten pieces of a condom on your way home and bring it tomorrow when you return for work?" she said, grinning from ear to ear when she saw the older woman's face turn blanched. "Strawberry flavor please," then she laughed maniacally upon seeing Minerva's reaction.

Minerva quickly made a sign of the cross. Jesus Christ! This woman was now morphing into a slutty and deranged woman! she thought to herself.

Caroline took the money back. "Ah, I've changed my mind, Minerva. No need to buy a condom for brother John. I will be willing to carry his child on behalf of my missing sister. I bet my sister dearest will thank me for taking good care of her husband and her son, right Minerva?" she continues grinning from ear to ear completely amused and entertained by the nurse's look of trepidation.

Minerva can no longer control her tongue. "You...a...are...crazy!" she said in a serious tone.

Caroline's laughter echoed around the living room. "Lol, I'm just kidding, you are so easy to provoke," she said and left the living room.

Minerva released a deep sigh. Caroline's true color was now beginning to unravel, hope the unsuspecting John won't fall for his sister-in-law's scheming.

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