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Romeo arrived into the flat bringing with him two bottles of Chivas Regal whiskey. He and John were planning to go swimming tonight in the infinity pool.

He saw Caroline holding baby James in her arms in the living room. Dang! She looks exactly like Catherine! He had to blink twice, the resemblance was too uncanny! As if Catherine was not missing at all!

Romeo went to the younger woman's side wanting to carry baby James in his arms.

He played with his godson for a few minutes enjoying the infant's angelic smile and cute cooing.

Caroline was looking at Romeo playing with her nephew.

When John appeared in the living room, Romeo put the baby back in Caroline's arms. "Later's baby James, your father and I will swim in the pool first," he said and pinched the baby's chubby thighs playfully.

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John and Romeo went to the pool area and changed into their swimming trunks.

They sat down on the lounge chair, drinking whiskey while admiring the city's skyline through the transparent glass wall.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Romeo looked sympathetically at his buddy. "Still no breakthrough with Catherine's disappearance, bro?" he asked.

John shook his head and released a deep sigh, his face was filled with sadness. "Nothing so far. Sometimes I have this feeling that I may never able to find her again. It's kinda depressing that I was lucky to finally marry the woman I love so much yet I also lose her."

Romeo pitied his best friend.

"What if you will never find her? What if you will never see her again? What if she's already dead? What is your plan in the future? Will you fall in love with another woman and marry again?" Romeo asked.

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John shook his head vigorously. "I will never fall in love with another woman again, bro," he said.

Romeo glanced at his buddy's serious face. "You said the same thing to me when Dahlia died, seven years later after her passing, you meet Catherine and you fell in love with her. There is a big chance you will fall in love with another woman again after Catherine..."

John indeed remembered that he told his best friend that he will never fall in love again after Dahlia died. But he swallowed his own words after he met Catherine. "As of this moment, I'm not entertaining that idea bro, my main focus right now is how to find my missing wife. I want Catherine back!" he said.

Romeo sighed for a moment. Like Dahlia, Catherine was also gone too soon out of John's life. There seemed to be an odd pattern here. "Bro, why is it that your women don't stay longer by your side? Are you cursed or something?" he joked a bit to brighten the somber atmosphere around them.

John sighed again. "If you are right bro, with your statement that I am indeed cursed then I shouldn't marry again. Worst come to worst if I can't find Catherine again in this lifetime, I should construct a castle and live there alone with my son for the rest of my life."

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Romeo chuckled a bit. "I'm just kidding bro. Maybe, both women have run into bad luck, but right now I can see that you will live into your ripe old age," he said. "I'm just wondering bro, would you fall for the woman who looks exactly like your missing wife?" he asked all of a sudden.

John's eyebrow's knitted together. "What are you talking about?"

Romeo let out a long, low whistle.

"I'm talking of the woman who is the spitting image of your missing wife, Catherine's identical twin sister, Caroline!" Romeo said.

"No way bro!" John answered right away. "Catherine won't let me rest in peace if I will have bad intention towards her twin."

Romeo shakes his head. "The temptation is right inside your doorsteps, bro! You seemed to be blind for now. But when your longing for you missing wife gets intense and too much to bear, it would be hard to resist the desirable fresh meat right inside your home," he commented nonchalantly.

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"That will never happen, bro, I will never lead myself astray," John responded, ignoring his buddy's statement.

Romeo observed John's face keenly, his buddy wore the same serious face when he told him that he will never fall in love with another woman again after Dahlia died, no difference at all.

"Just to make sure that you won't get tempted, why don't you removed Caroline's as your son's nanny? Just hire another nanny that doesn't look like your missing wife," Romeo suggested.

"Huh?" John gave his best friend a quizzical look.

"You heard me right. The worst thing can happen if Catherine will come back one day to find his husband in the arms of her very own sister! Just think about it for a second, that would be a huge disaster, right?" Romeo said.

John's mouth twisted, a bit annoyed.

"That will never happen, bro! I will never betray Catherine with her sister, it's just too absurd!" John denied vehemently. It never once appeared in his mind that he and Caroline will become an item one day. Now that Romeo brought the weird subject up, he still finds it odd that his buddy would think of something as outrageous as--- him falling for Caroline, wtf? He would like to smack his best friend's head right now but decided to go against it on the last minute, after all, what they were doing right now was just having a healthy discussion, no reason to go mad at all. He's not even guilty... so why bother to react?

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