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Romeo poured another small amount of whiskey on their glasses.

"Just think about it, during night time, it's only you, Caroline and baby James in this flat. The temptation is too great knowing that the woman sleeping in the other room looks exactly like your missing wife, I'm just stating the obvious, bro, please don't get mad at me," Romeo said.

John released a deep sigh. "I'm not mad at you, bro, but please stop having bad thoughts about me and Caroline, we're not gonna do it!" he said.

Romeo nodded his head. "Okay, I will stop talking about the obvious, but if everything I said today about you and Caroline will come true in the future, don't say I did not warn you," he said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John turns silent for a while. His thoughts went to Caroline, he never had any romantic notion towards his sister-in-law even if she was the spitting image of his wife. He does admit to himself that every time he saw Caroline's face he felt light-headed maybe because Caroline reminded him so much of his missing wife. But he knows that Caroline is not Catherine, therefore he will never do the mistake of forging any kind of relationship with Caroline.

As the night progresses...

John and Romeo were already discussing business-related topic regarding the company's growth and the overall condition of the chain of hotels owned by John's family all over the country.

Although John was busy finding his missing wife when it comes to business matters he was still a hands-on CEO. He was able to manage and divide his time efficiently between personal problems and business matters, he found it hard to manage things perfectly at first but eventually, he got used to his daily grind. If he was in his office he will devote his time to his businesses but if he was outside, he will give his 100% best to find his wife.

They continue drinking their whiskey in moderation avoiding to get drunk too soon and too fast, they went swimming in the pool until 11:00 in the evening.

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Then Romeo finally bid goodbye to John, time to go home.


Inside the guest room...

Caroline has been immobile, wearing her sexy black lingerie and pretending she was sound asleep, she intentionally set aside the blanket and just lay down in the bed with just the flimsy clothing covering her body.

She was feeling excited, anticipating what will be her brother-in-law's reaction after seeing her sexy body, how would he feel? Would he get tempted and blinded by lust and finally touch her? With that wicked thoughts in mind, she's ready for John.

Worst come to worst, if her sister wouldn't be able to come back alive to her family and will be gone missing for a long time, she would do her best to seduce John, her sister would feel better knowing that her husband would ultimately fall for her twin sister and not on other random women out there. It's a better arrangement for all of them.

What makes John her ideal man? He got everything she wanted in life, he can offer her everything.

John is easy to love.

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And the best thing about her was that she got her twin sister's likeness that John has fallen in love with. It would be easy to fit her missing sister's shoes and she's more than willing to fill that huge void in John and baby James's life.

It all started on that one night that she discovered that John entered the room to check his son, on that day forward she no longer locked the door so that John has easy access to see her and his son anytime.


Right now, Caroline was waiting for John to come inside the room, she was getting impatient...

What took him so long...?

She knew Romeo already gone home fifteen minutes earlier...

Then she heard the doorknob turning open...

She immediately lies still not moving...

She heard the door slowly opened. Then heard his footsteps come inside the room...then total silence ensued, he must have been staring at her almost naked body right now, salivating, drooling, too bad she can't open her eyes!

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She waited and waited for him to come to bed...

But he didn't...

Instead, she heard his footsteps going back to the door and then John was gone from the room.

Caroline finally opened her eyes...

Damn! She failed to seduce him!

John wasn't tempted with her sexy black lingerie attire.

She was wondering what could tempt him?

Well, she can always think of a better plan in the coming days. She smiled a little, disappointment gone. She's getting excited again just thinking about it.

Caroline closed her eyes and prepare to sleep.

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While in the master's bedroom...

John strips his clothes and goes commando lying in the bed.

Earlier, when he entered the guest room to see his son, he wasn't prepared for what he was about to see...Caroline was sleeping soundly in the bed wearing black sexy lingerie, he swallowed his saliva down his throat, he was drooling upon seeing her near-naked desirable body. Instantly his body was burning with intense lust and sexual desire, it's been a while since he had sex with his missing wife and he was just a man with his own needs. Immediately he grows a boner between his legs, it grows so hard that for a second he doesn't know what to do with it... what he saw lying on the bed was no longer Caroline....he saw his wife, Catherine! Dammit! He was almost tempted to climb into the bed... and just be done with it.

But although his lust and arousal come so strong gripping his entire senses, his mind was still able to differentiate what is wrong and what is right, he retreated his steps and get out of the room quickly before he can do something to Caroline that he will regret later.

Yet, inside his room, his body was still burning with sexual desire...


He needs a quick-release...

He lowered his hand down his groin, cupped his swollen manhood and starts masturbating hard and fast, Catherine's sultry face and her orgasmic moaning occupied his mind, he only stops pleasuring himself until he felt sexually sated.

Thankfully he survived the night with his own effort.

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