The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 428: 428

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~Forbes Park~

Ella realized that instead of buying foods directly from the fast-food restaurant she can save a lot of money if she will just cook the foods at home together with the housemaids.

She enjoyed the whole process of cutting chicken and fish, chopping herbs, spices and vegetable, and making Calamansi juice and putting them in a bottle. It was such a nice fun experience, it feels like she and the maid were preparing foods for a big party!

When all the foods have been cooked, they lined up all the Styrofoam in the table and began filling them with fried chicken, a small portion of rice, vegetables and fish fillet, and then sealed them.

Wow, they made a total of 500 packed meal, there will be enough foods for everyone in the slum!

It was such a wonderful experience for Ella! The smile on her face was blinding.

She carried that smile to the slum area.

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They delivered and distributed the packed meal which contained servings of the foods they prepared earlier to the street children and elderly people in the slum. It's free food for all. The happiness and delight of everyone that we're able to eat the delicious free food are priceless. They all shouted they're thank you to Ella for her generosity and kind heart.

After done with their Samaritan efforts. Ella and her driver went home to the mansion with a satisfied expression on their faces. It's always nice to give something a little to the less privileged people without expecting in return. The precious smile of those people who received the packed meals can warm anybody's soul. She knows that feeding them is not the long term solution to their pitiful flight, it would be impossible to feed them free foods every day, it's acceptable if it only happens once in a while, free-feeding is nice. That's why she was pushing for a much greater change in their lives on a grander scale.

Those people who live in the slum area needs to help themselves, but, they need help first.

For a change, she wants to see those people live in a clean environment with clean bathrooms and comfortable dwellings and stable jobs to sustain their family day by day. For her it's not even spoon-feeding, she calls it leading the way, all they need is a gentle push to the right direction so that they can regain their footing and start a brand new phase of their lives with a renewed enthusiasm to uplift their lives for the better. It would be an interesting case on how poverty-stricken people would react to changes and how they will be able to perform and grow in a different environment away from the suffocating chains of poverty.

Would they become empowered and reached for greater success and helped themselves?

Or become lazy?

Only time can tell.

It will be interesting to see the result for sure.

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With a genuine heart to help those people, and good backing from her father's influential friends, what else could go wrong with her ambitious project?

None so far.

Everything is good.

Every piece was falling in the right places like a Jigsaw puzzle.

After all the cooking and preparation she feels a little bit tired.

She was resting comfortably on her bed listening to the mellow music coming from the FM radio. 

A gentle knocking outside the door made her rose to her feet.

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The housemaid told her that she was needed in her father's study.

She exited her room and walked excitedly to the study room eager to know why her beloved father was asking for her presence all of a sudden.

When she entered the room, her father already wore a grim expression on his face which alerted her that something was wrong...

"Dad? Is everything okay? Why you have that somber look on your face?" she asked.

"Sit down first, daughter," Oscar said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Ella sat down on the chair facing the study table, she looked closely at her father's eyes. "What is it, Dad?"

Oscar looked at her daughter's face sympathetically. "I'm sorry to inform you that my friend who promised to donate his piece of land for the relocation project called me a while ago informing me that he can no longer donate that piece of land because his children will not agree. It caused an epic fight between his family members, so to stop the quarrel and bickering among his children he no longer wants to donate the land. This is your first setback, my dear daughter," he said.

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Oh No!

Ella gasped, heavy disappointment marred her beautiful face.

No more land for the relocation site!

This won't do!

Then she remembered Danny!

My God, this is a huge nightmare! She already turned down and discarded Danny like a piece of toy way back then.

Now he becomes her only hope, he was willing to donate the land for her sake back then. Yet, what had she done the last time she saw him? She hurt and dumped him, thrashing his feelings.

It's all her fault! She can only blame herself.

"Dad, I need to go somewhere!" she immediately left the study room with one thought in mind, to find Danny.

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