The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 429: 429

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Two Months Later.

Friday, the time was 3:00 in the afternoon.

Inside John's office...

John, Romeo, and Sandra were discussing using another medium to locate Catherine.

"John, let's try going to our province. There's a well-known woman in my hometown that is both a healer, a witch doctor, and a soothsayer. She is well known far and wide that can predict things to happen and can help give clue to a missing person's condition. She can also heal people who are posses by evil spirits, dwarfs, fairies and other supernatural beings. It's worth a try I think," suggested Sandra with a serious face.

John looked at her with a raised eyebrows. He never believed anything about supernatural phenomenon.

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Romeo doesn't believe those things either but during this time of great difficulty, anything that can help them find Catherine is worth exploring. "I don't believe about witch doctor either, let's just try it for once. We have nothing to lose," he agreed with his wife. They were trying to persuade his best friend to seek other alternatives.

John examined the couple's faces, in his mind, he was thinking they were going crazy. He was not going to entertain their suggestion and wanting to dismiss them, but a small voice whispered in his mind telling him to give it a try. Romeo was right, he already spends a fortune running a missing person's ads on television, magazines and radio stations still no valid information about his missing wife's whereabouts, so far, nothing!

Why not try another medium to locate Catherine?

John released a deep sigh. "Okay, let's give it a try!" he said, suddenly feeling energized just thinking about it.

Sandra elaborated further about the witch doctor's location.

"In recent years, many people from all over the country visited our village to seek the witch doctor's help to alleviate unexplained problems that they were facing in their lives. She helps to relieve people from their unexplained sickness that no ordinary medicine can heal, locating a missing person, warding off evil spirits that possess an ordinary person and a lot more. This woman becomes famous for her extraordinary abilities. I have contacted my cousin who is still residing ing in our province. She told me that the woman was already living far away from our village and seems to be in retirement mode, she was now living in a faraway mountain, it's a five hours travel by foot from our village. To seek her help, we need to pass six rivers, don't worry the rivers were only knee-deep, there were mountains and forest trees as well surrounding the area leading to the current residence of the soothsayer. Since we don't know the place well, we can hire a guide to bring us to her place," explained Sandra.

John breathed deeply and shuts off his eyes, frustrations shimmering in his handsome face. Two months already passed, and still not a single breakthrough that could lead him to Catherine. Jerome has not contacted him yet. Besides TV, Magazines, newspapers and radio ads, he also hired people to post missing ads post in sidewalks, walls, stores and anywhere that a paper is allowed to be posted.

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Still nothing!

He was getting frustrated every single day.

As if Catherine just vanished without a trace, no dead body to even put closure on.

Was she still alive or already dead?

Was she abducted by aliens? Abducted by evil spirits? Kidnap and brought to foreign lands? Was she dead already and buried ten feet under? Or her body was dumped somewhere? Or she was still alive and kept hidden? Those were the thoughts that kept tormenting him day and night and it's not easy to continue living normally with those torturous thoughts assaulting one's mind every minute every second. He wants this mental torture to come to an end as soon as possible!

John looked at Sandra. "Let's go there now! By the way, what are the details you had revealed to your cousin?" he asked.

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"Only two things, that you are a grieving husband looking for your missing wife for two months already, that's all I said to them," answered Sandra.

"That's good!" he murmured. He wants to let the soothsayer find other details about his missing wife on her own if she was truly gifted with extraordinary capabilities as others claimed her to be.

Sandra shook her head. "My suggestion is, let's go there tomorrow since it's Saturday and no office work to worry about. We will start traveling as early as 4:00 in the morning. It will be a total of six hours of travel from the city to our province. I estimate that we will arrive in our province at noon. Then we will have a stopover for lunch and stay in a lodging house, but we can't go there to the witch lady's place right away because it will be another 5 hours travel by foot and we will arrive at her place at night and the going back home is tricky because it's already dark and too many dangerous animals might ambush us in the dark forest, so, we shall have an overnight stay in the lodge and the next day we shall start traveling at 5:00 in the morning so that we can arrive at her place at around 10 or 11 in the morning. We just have to bring our foods for our lunch so that we don't have to bother them for our meals. Then after seeing the healer, we can return to the lodging house before the darkness comes..."

John agreed to Sandra's itinerary. "That's good! We're already set for tomorrow, then?"

Sandra and Romeo nodded their head.

"Let's go home now wife and starts packing our things for the journey," said Romeo.

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"Okay," responded Sandra.

"Guys, you can ride with me on the car," John suggested.

"No need bro, we will bring our car," replied Romeo. "See you tomorrow, bro!"

Then the couple exited the office.

John called Ramon on his phone. "Ramon, ready the car for a long travel tomorrow. Check the brake, the oil, battery, gas, air filter, windshields, lights, wipers, wheel and tires, spare wheels and so on..."

After giving instructions to his driver, he ended the call.

He will pack his things tonight and sleep early. He was not expecting much on this travel because he doesn't believe in witchcraft or anything related to the supernatural beings. He never encountered something unexplained in his whole adult life that's why he always believe in what he sees with his own two eyes.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He finished all his office works and stared absentmindedly at the Makati City's skyline for the remainder of his hours in the office.

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