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Caroline had little sleep, staring at the timer on her cell phone. She had been doing a lot of thinking the whole night. She was feeling anxious about bringing with her the infant. The baby requires milk, diaper, baby foods, and 24/7 care, and how can she find work if no one will take care of baby James? She needs a job to earn a living to sustain her and the infant's daily needs.

The more she thinks about it the more her situation was getting problematic.

While if she goes away on her own without bringing the baby with her she will have 6 months advance salary as per John's promised. She can start fresh all over again.

Even if she goes back to Cavite City and bring the baby with her, her cousin Grace and her mother would still insist to return the baby to his father. Going back to the province and raising a baby there alone was even more difficult.

Worst, her brother-in-law will have her thrown to jail for child kidnapping.

Isn't this all wasting her life for nothing? Being thrown to jail for kidnapping her nephew? What a shameful reason to get thrown to jail.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Is this how her life supposed to be?

It doesn't make sense to her at all.

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Why she's so desperate to do something so bad like stringing along with her the baby just because of anger?

Besides the baby was innocent, how could she bring the infant along with her and suffer with her?

Slowly the guilt was sinking in her consciousness and she's beginning to see things in a whole different light.

Although she has no regrets having immoral feelings for her brother-in-law, thinking about kidnapping her nephew was so absurd! Last night her anger towards John's blatant refusal of her seduction resulted in that stupid idea and right now that decision was no longer appealing.

She released a deep sigh and nuzzled baby James chubby thighs. She's going to miss baby James more than his snobby father.

"Alright, I will no longer bring you with me baby James. Be a good boy always, okay? Do not follow my footsteps," she said, then she started crying because she doesn't want to stay far away from the father and son that she both come to love.

She rose from the bed and entered the bathroom to relieve herself.

After she exited the bathroom, there's nothing to do because she had already packed all her belongings in her traveling bag. She opened the bag and returned all the infants clothing in the closet before Minerva arrive.

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She carries the sleeping baby James in her arms and exited the room to boil water and have a coffee in the kitchen.

She put baby James in the crib and filled the electric kettle with water and plug it. While waiting for the water to boil, she mixed coffee powder, sugar, and milk in the mug.

The water was already boiling, she adds hot water to the mug and stirred her coffee.

While she was sipping coffee, she realized that she was accustomed already to her way of life besides John and baby James. Fantasizing romantically about John and filling up the shoes of her missing sister in their lives become her 'new normal.'

She got used to that kind of life too soon, to the point of angering John and now she will have to stay away from them and that was even more painful.

Done sipping her coffee. She picked up baby James and brought him back to the room. She will wait there until John will call for her presence to give her salary and she will be gone in their lives for good.


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Minerva arrived at 8:00 in the morning.

She saw John reading newspaper in the living room while sipping his coffee. "Good morning, Sir John!" she conveyed her greeting.

"Good morning, Minerva," replied John.

Minerva sat down on the sofa facing John. "Sir, I have something important to tell you..."

"What is it?" he asked and put down the newspaper in the center table.

"My agency called me early this morning to tell me that a client in Australia wants to hire a private nurse for their elderly parents. I was chosen by them as one of the two private nurses that will take care of their parents. I have to resign from my work starting tomorrow, Sir. I need to process my papers as soon as possible," she explained.

John released a deep sigh, what a wrong timing! Just when he finally decided to fire Caroline, now Minerva was resigning. He needs to hire a nanny ASAP!

"Okay, I will prepare your salary and separation fee this afternoon, Minerva, and thank you for serving my family well," that's all John can say to the nurse.

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"Thank you too, Sir, for being a good employer to me. Even if am already out of the country I will continue praying to God for Catherine's safety," she said.

"Thanks, Minerva," John murmured. He stood up and left the living room going back to his bedroom. He needs to do some thinking about Caroline and hiring a new nanny.


Minerva entered the guest room and saw Caroline sitting on the bed holding her cell phone. "Hi Caroline!" she greeted the younger woman.

"Hi, Minerva!" Caroline replied without looking at the nurse.

"This is my last day here, 'coz I'm going abroad to fulfill my lifelong dream!" Minerva shared the good news.

"Huh? Really?" Caroline eyebrows knitted together, and then she smiled broadly when the realization hit her. Minerva was resigning effective tomorrow? She's such a lucky woman! Maybe there's still a tiny chance her brother-in-law will change his mind now that Minerva was resigning all of a sudden.

"Yes! I will process my papers starting tomorrow!" excitement was bubbling in Minerva's voice.

"I'm happy for you, Minerva, and good luck!" she said, genuinely happy for the nurse's good opportunity. 

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