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Minerva holds the wide awake baby James in her arms and nuzzled the infant's chubby arms. "I'm going to miss baby James so much!" she played with the baby for a few minutes then exited the room to prepare baby James milk.

Minerva returns and feeds the infant with the milk, she noticed that Caroline has a gauze wrapped around her middle finger. "What happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself with the knife in the kitchen?" she asked.

Caroline inspected her middle finger. "Ah, this one? Hmm... me and brother in law had rough sex last night, he likes nibbling at my fingers and he got carried away and bitten my finger," she said grinning.

Minerva quickly made a sign of the cross, appealed by what she just heard from the younger woman. "My God! How shameless you can be, Caroline!?"

Caroline laughed so hard upon seeing the horrified expression on the nurse's face. "Lol, I'm just kidding, Minerva!" then she continues laughing.

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Minerva walked towards Caroline wearing a serious face, she sat down beside her. "Caroline, I'm going far away, we may never see each other again. Please listen to me for once, I know that you had a crush on John. Please stop it before it will become your downfall, this is just my sisterly advice for you. Once your sister finally comes back, get out from this house, get away from them, do not disturb their peace of mind. Carved and follow your destiny. Stop dreaming and fantasizing of someone that is already owned by others. Trust me, that feeling of yours if you are not going to cut it short, it will flourish and will give you bad luck in the end," she explained.

Caroline's face turned sad, then fresh tears sprung from her eyes. "Brother John fired me last night! He said he will hire a new nanny for baby James. Today is my last day as well," she confesses, her eyes flooded with tears.

Minerva was stunned! How come baby James will have no more nanny starting tomorrow? "Tell me what happened last night, why did he fire you?" she asked, alarmed.

"Because I attempted to seduce him and he refused and I persisted and he finally got angry at me. So, he fired me out of anger," explained Caroline.

Minerva sighed deeply. "You are such a stupid fool! Your sister was still missing until now and you are shamelessly seducing your brother-in-law behind her back? How low and cheap can you get?" she barked at the younger woman, very much disappointed by her slutty behavior.

The shame and guilt finally drilled a hole into Caroline's heart and she was now crying a river. "I'm ashamed of what I have done! I am, and I regretted everything," she said.

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Minerva shook her head. It's clear now that by tomorrow, baby James has no more nanny left, this is sad. She walked to the baby's crib and stared at the infant. Poor baby James!

Caroline was still crying. "Minerva, can you please help me convince brother John, that I'm willing to train the new nanny for at least one month before I will go away. I just want to do this for my nephew, please?" she begged.

Minerva looked at Caroline. "Okay. I will try to convince Sir John to give you a second chance even for one month only, but I can't guarantee you that he will agree, so don't raise your hope high," she said and left the room.

"Thank you, Minerva!" Caroline murmured while wiping the tears from her face.


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A few minutes later...

Minerva returned. "Sir John is waiting for you in the living room to talk to you, you can convince him yourself," she said.

Caroline brought with her a face towel just in case she will cry again in front of John.

She went to the living room and sat across John avoiding his eyes.

John was staring at Caroline, but her gaze was fixed on the floor. "If you want a second chance, what can you promise to me, Caroline?" he started the awkward conversation between them.

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Caroline wipes the fresh tears that were emerging from her eyes. "I promise not to wear sexy clothes anymore. I promise not to seduce brother John ever again. I promise to focus on being a nanny to baby James only," she said. "Don't worry Brother John, after I finished training the new nanny, you can fire me," she added.

John released a deep sigh. After a few minutes of internal debate, he finally decided to allow Caroline to train the new nanny for one month then send her away after the training was completed. It's for the best interest of all parties. "Okay, I will allow you to stay here for one month and train the new nanny," he said.

"Thank you brother, John!" she said enthusiastically.

"You can go now," John said.

Caroline stood up and left the living room immediately.

John was left alone in the sofa shutting his eyes for a few seconds and massaging his temple. Looks like it's raining problem in his life right now. He groaned in frustration.

He rose to his feet to start his day in the office then find his missing wife all over the city for the rest of the day.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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