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~Fernandez Mansion~

Ella was inside Romano's study room asking for Danny's whereabouts.

Romano stared at Ella's face. "First, let me thank you, Ella, for delivering my son out from the darkness and despair. Ever since he met you he feels alive again and returns to the land of the living. I'm so grateful that you were able to save him from his depression. I don't want to intrude on what happened between you and my son since both of you are adults already. Just that, he told me before he goes away that I should never reveal to you where is his location right now," he sighed. "Look's like my son never wanted to see you again," he explained.

Ella dropped her eyes, this is humiliating, she told herself.

"Uncle, please tell me where he is, I will apologize to him personally, please," she pleaded.

Romano was still hesitating to give the address to the woman. "Can you promise me that you won't break his heart again?" said the older man.

Ella breathed deeply and bit her lip. "Yes, I promised, I won't," she grimaced a bit.

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Romano is not yet convince. "My son was recuperating from heartbreak and you seemed to be the reason of his pain," he stated. "I don't think it's a good idea that you will continue seeing each other again," he said with finality in his voice.

Ella winced. "Uncle, please, I need to see Danny 'coz I miss him!" she begged this time. "If for some reason he can't forgive me, I will not disturb him again in this lifetime. Just give me a second chance, please?"

Romano examined Ella's serious face if she was faking an emotion, she seemed serious. He picked up a piece of paper in his table and wrote his son's address on it and give it to Ella.

"He is vacationing in our rest house in Tagaytay City. I won't tell him that you will be coming to see him but I will inform the caretaker of your arrival. All I'm asking from you is please don't break my son's heart again, he just recuperated from a major loss of his family two years ago and now you broke his heart. I want you to know that my son falls in love easily and hard, but once he does, he is a very loyal partner, he is a one-man woman," he elaborated further.

Ella nodded her head. "Yes Uncle, I promised I won't hurt him this time," she said.

"Good luck!" Romano said.

"Thank you, Uncle," Ella said beaming and left the room in a hurry.

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She exited the main door of the mansion and entered the waiting vehicle full of energy. She gave the address to her driver.

Fifteen minutes later they were back in the major highway heading to Tagaytay City which is two hours and thirty minutes drive from the city.

The journey was smooth and pleasant. The countryside was dotted with lush greenery that was soothing to the eyes.

Two hours and thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at the Fernandez rest house, a two-hectare land filled with coconut trees, mango trees, bananas, and other types of vegetation.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am, I'm Rosie," the smiling caretaker greeted them at the entrance of the rest house and lead them to the living room of the 2-story contemporary modern house. "Please have a seat, Sir and Ma'am," she said, pointing to the sofa.

"Thank you, Rosie, where is Danny?" asked Ella excitedly.

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"He's sleeping in his room, Ma'am. I will go upstairs to tell him that he had a visitor," said the woman in her early fifties.

"I will go with you. I will surprise him," said the excited Ella.

They went upstairs while Domingo the driver remained seated in the living room.

When they arrived to the first room near the stairway which was Danny's room, Ella instructed the caretaker to leave.

Ella pushed the door open, thankfully it's not locked. When she took a peek inside the room there was no one around. Where could Danny be? Then she heard the splashing of water somewhere, he must be taking a bath.

A naughty smile appeared on her lips, she entered the room and closed the door behind her careful not to cause a sound. Then she discarded her clothing except for her black bra and lacy underwear. Then she climbs into the bed giggling. She didn't bother to cover her naked body with the blanket, she wants to surprise Danny with her irresistible body hoping to minimize his fury the moment he saw her inside his room.

A moment later, the door to the bathroom opened and Danny come out wearing nothing just his birthday suit, completely naked, his flaccid dong dangling between his legs, he was holding a towel above his head drying his hair blocking his vision, oblivious to Ella's presence in his room.

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"Hello Danny!" she purred like a kitten.

To his utter surprise, Danny accidentally dropped the towel upon hearing someone calling his name and when he looked in the direction of the bed, there she is, Ella!

He groaned because she was only wearing her undies and she was lying in the bed, looking sexy as hell and alluringly beautiful and he instantly got a hard-on watching her captivating sight.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I miss you, Danny! Come here in the bed with me, don't bother to wear clothing, I like to see you naked and ready," she smiled naughtily at him licking her lips.

Danny sighed. He went to the closet and picked up a t-shirt and shorts and quickly donned the garments on his body.

He walked to the side of the bed and scooped Ella's clothing and flung it at her, the garments landed on her creamy flat tummy.

"Put your clothes on and get out! You are not welcome here!" Danny said angrily.

"Please let's talk Dan, I want to apologize for my previous mistake. I'm so sorry! I'm here to make it up to you," Ella said seriously, she looked at him with pleading eyes.

Upon seeing that she has no plan on leaving his room, annoyed, he left instead.

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